Thursday, February 23, 2023

"The Tribulation MUST start on Feast of Trumpet, or We Must Go Another 7 Years."

   The Lord led me to the Enoch calendar as this is God's calendar (Freemasons took it over/Satanic).  Satan has misled the church by creating the Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew calendar.

  Thus, the end of March (Nissan 1) begins the Shemitah year and the Jubilee year.  God brought my attention to Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai ministries over the last two years to take notice of what he said about the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the start of the Tribulation. The key being that "the Tribulation MUST start on Feast of Trumpet, or we must go another 7 years."

  The key error was that Mark did not follow the TRUE CALENDAR...the Enoch calendar!!!  
  Thus, the literal coming back of Christ is likely the same time as when Jesus died and rose again...Nissan 14-16,/April 6-9 (thank you, Gill Broussard, for sharing this pearl of truth.  To follow the literal words that Jesus will come in the same manner as you have seen Him leave), AND the fulfillment of Feast of Trumpets is the START of the Tribulation!

   If you really see the Bible literally as Jesus coming the second time in the same way, His body (the church) will be being persecuted as He was beat and even put to death, then He will change them in the twinkling of an eye like Jesus was and caught up to Heaven...Do you see the similarities that could take place?

   I heard a Christian guy... didn't get his name...who said all the Fall feasts must be fulfilled in regards to Israel.  
   Whoa!  The rapture ends the church age...the start of Tribulation begins the 7 years of Tribulation for the Jews!!!

    MFATW said a revealing of likely the Fallen Angels to occur in June/July...the Peace Treaty to occur then???

    RAMADAN BEGINS MARCH 22/23.  Hmmm... will the rise of the caliphate become stronger over the world or in America during this bloody America? Has it already started???! (PROPHETIC revelation given where the Lord said, "Here is the translation" and the revelation dream repeated a second time with interpretation given).  It was given in Nov 2015 after fasting 3 days.  
       Then, on Dec 13, 2015,  I got a rapture revelation at midnight (12 midnight!) of how we change in the twinkling of an eye and wait to be caught up! It was my last revelation vision in 2015, after fasting 3 days and speaking out loud with strong belief to my husband's listening ears (lol) before I went to sleep that "I believe God can speak through visions, dreams, and revelations."  The Lord made sure my heart was ready to receive it! 

   Boy, did this activate God to answer my question about the rapture!!!!!   

  God has spoken to me so much in 2019, too!

 ....the Lord said on March 22, 2019 (equinox) "I am coming and My reward is with Me"  
 ....on April 6th, I, and a couple of my friends, had health issues; major satanic attack, so I looked into my heart every day that following week and asked the Lord, "What happened on April 6, 2019?" ( knowing Barbara of Godshealer7 had been given this date... but not for a rapture date... made me even more sure God had an answer for me).
.....on April 13, 2019, after looking into my heart while driving to Costco and asking the question, He said, "Season of My return.  Satan knows his time is short." While in Costco, He said, "Satan has come down." I said, "Lord, that is the same verse!"  I went home and searched.  It was Revelation 12:12.

   This time frame fits Passover this year, 2023!!!!! April 5/6 to April 12/13!!! Is this a coincidence? I think not!
   The Lord is speaking to His servants before He does something!!!!!

    As war escalates,  MFATW believes the caliphate will take over Russia.  He believes it will be the caliphate that shoots the atomic bombs! ( I just now got translation  from the Lord of the opening to my Dec 13, 2015 revelation! It opens with me sitting at tables where caliphate men are speaking and I am listening in....they are planning to do what Mike said!  Oh wow!  I never understood this till now!)

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