Sunday, May 13, 2018


THE SUN FLARE OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS revisited (from May, 25, 2017)  


 Note:  This dream occurred in the time between 11pm and Midnight May 25, 2017.

I was finding myself a spot for the show that we had come to see.  My husband and my youngest daughter were with me even though I did not see them.   I hurried to the center of the room where a lady was looking at a couch that looked like it could hold 4 people.  I quickly sat to the right side of the couch, and she sat to the left of me.
   I turned to her as I squished towards the middle in hopes to at least save a seat for my daughter.  I noticed there was not much space to the right of me to fit her in.   I realized the lady was doing the same, and we were like gloves next to each other.  I asked her if she was saving seats for anyone else, and she said yes.   I acknowledged that only one would be able to sit with me since the lady needed space for one too.   I accepted the idea that my daughter would sit with me, and my husband would have to sit somewhere else.
   Next thing I knew, as the show was starting up, it came to a sudden halt as we could not hear any talking anymore.  Everyone around me seemed to be quiet in anticipation to find out why this was happening or whether it would come back on, and we would continue.  It wasn't long before we were told that all the communication systems had been affected, and it wasn't just this place.   We were told that something happened to cause all telecommunication systems to shut down and we were not the only place hit....they did not seem to know why.  The understanding that it was THIS Friday night (May 26th, 2017) at 11pm came upon my heart.
    This is when I suddenly remembered what was suppose to happen at that time of the night!  I spoke out loud - projecting my voice over all the people in front of me that a sun flare had erupted on Monday and was due to hit between 11pm and midnight this very night.  This began to stir people up and upset them.   I, however, felt glad that it had not affected the electrical grid because it would have made the plane I was in crash.  At that moment, I realized I was in a plane!
    Suddenly, the plane lurched and acted oddly.  The front of the plane began to tilt forward, and then it took a drastic dive downward, and began take a nose dive, angling to the left as it began it's decent towards Earth!  I remember feeling fear, the feeling of falling was so dramatic, the pressure against me.  It felt so real!
     I just tried to talk myself into enduring it knowing my end would be fast when the plane hit the ground, and I would not feel pain, but be in Heaven!  I did not scream.  I was enduring the feeling of falling, and trying to focus on the truth that I would be with Jesus very soon.  It went on far too long (even though it was just a few seconds!) .... it just got too much to bear, so I woke up with my body breathing in a hyper-ventilating mode!   It took some moments to gain my composure because it was SO REAL!

   I was given understanding by a Christian brother that the 11th hour, and the plane going down meant that something was about to end.

What does it mean to be in the 11th hour?
The Eleventh Hour is a phrase meaning at the last moment, taken from a passage in the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard in the King James Bible.

What's Next....Are You Ready?


Posted Jan. 13, 2018

We all must be ready to not only be bound, but even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus!

     First of all, you need to know that I am a Registered Nurse.  I keep my license active, so I can function in the capacity of nurse at any moments call.
    Three things came together to bring me before the Lord for understanding of how He wanted me to move...

      First, in Nov. 2016, I had a vision of being taken away from my family via some type of vehicle...likely a helicopter (as I was high up looking down).   My husband was running below me along side the helicopter, but became distanced and then just stood looking... like they show in movies.  Next visual scene, I was standing in front of a woman in a room with a rough rock type wall behind her.  She had white wire cords wrapped around her neck, and tension was being applied from the left and right.  I did not look to see who or what was doing it.  I just looked up close to her neck to see if she was choking, but I realized she was not, but they were snug and she was terrified!   Compassion flooded over me, and I reached out to put my fingers under the cords around her neck to loosen them...but before I could, the dream ended.

      Second, I received a letter dated Dec. 8th, 2016 from the Board of Registered Nursing that claimed new laws had been passed.  In this letter, they literally threatened a fine or to be brought before the Attorney General if I did not get my finger prints done by LifeScan within two months of the date posted on the letter.  For some reason, this frightened me.

        Third, I was listening to someone I trust on Youtube who gets entail from those high up, and he stated that we needed to pray for nurses...then he added doctors a moment after...but he said that an agenda is being planned against nurses and doctors to force us to comply to their requests, and if we don't they will take us out.  He said those high up don't like compassion...etc.

        I told my husband, before I got my fingers printed, I needed to see how the Lord wanted me to move.   I asked a few times over a period of days....'Lord, do you want me to get my finger prints taken?'   Then I took one evening where I fervently cried out to Him for an answer.  All of a sudden I stopped as I saw upon my heart the understanding of the prophet that came to Paul, and took Paul's belt and tied his own hands and feet stating that the one owning this belt was going to be bound, and taken captive.... So I looked up this story on the internet and came to Acts 21:11-13

    "And coming to us, he took Paul's belt and bound his own feet and hands, and said, "This is what the Holy Spirit says: 'In this way the Jews at Jerusalem will bind the man who owns this belt and deliver him into the hands of the Gentiles.
And when we had heard this, we as well as the local residents began begging him not to go up to Jerusalem.
Then Paul answered, "What are you doing, weeping and breaking my heart? For I am ready not only to be bound, but even to die at Jerusalem for the name of the Lord Jesus."
     I believe in the midst of revival is persecution.  Let's just say that I followed the Lord's clear direction, and got my fingerprints done.   We all must be ready to not only be bound, but even to die for the name of the Lord Jesus!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Are We About To Receive New Names?


   I was given 3 ORPHAN children...2 girls and one boy.  Each had a name, but they were without middle names and had other issues.   I was looking at the names, and the boy's name was very unusual... I was given understanding that they were to be given new names.   The first girls name was, Sarah.  The meaning of Sarah is Princess!   Sarah in the Bible first had the name Sarai (means  quarrelsome)...then she was given the name, Sarah (Princess!)

   Are we about to go before the King and receive new names?  Those who have been abused, or had characters that used to be bad are to now receive new names from the Lord!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

I AM COMING! - Jesus


  I had many dreams last night, but one vision given still stands out in my spirit right now!  I was viewing a scene... looking into the sky above some mountains, and I saw and heard..."I am coming!"  I heard it more than I saw it, but the next two things were clear in my exclamation mark and the word, Jesus.
   The exclamation mark seemed to be like a big crowd going up into the sky... it looked like birds, but that was just my guess...I tend to believe people in white robes could look like birds from a distance, so if you want it to fit with the understanding of what is being said, then it was the picture of the rapture happening!  It was an odd sight to see, but just after the exclamation mark was the word...Jesus.   Like He signed His name in the sky for me.
  All the other dreams I had last night just seems to support that Jesus is very imminent, and all that is happening upon this earth is being formed or forced by the hand of God.  This upcoming war is not a mistake that is happening by chance, but being orchestrated by the Hand of God Almighty to fulfill His Word!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Rapture confirmation of going home to our Mansion in Heaven

A few days ago, I dreamed of a guy I knew back in high school days.  I knew him through my Youth group at church.  It was as if he had come to say good-bye to me.  When I woke, I heard "He died!"  I have no evidence this is true of this friend of mine, and hopefully it is not!


Very early this morning, I had a dream that me and my family materialized (beam me up Scotty!) into a beautiful apartment or home that I did not recognize.  We were in a room, and as I walked from the room into the hallway, two men had just entered from the front, and were beginning to come down the hallway.  I heard one of them say, "You aren't suppose to be here! How did you get in?"   I told them, "We just materialized into the place!"
One of the guys came up to me, and I saw that it was my guy friend from my church youth group!  I felt prompted in my heart that I should hug him to greet him instead of just say 'hi,' and at first he seemed awkward about it, but then he relaxed and was comfortable about putting his arms around me.  There was nothing sensual or lustful about the hug.   It was a beautiful connection with a friend, and I said, "You've gotten taller."
Next thing I knew, I was being shown towards another room down the hallway.  I peeked in and it was a bathroom, and at first it looked like a normal size jacuzi was in it, but when I went over to it, it was more like half the room was a pool formed by real rocks...very beautiful.

My understanding...

   Rapture (star trek style), mansion (in Heaven?) that is exquisite and then meeting someone who had died earlier and was changed in appearance...