Friday, September 25, 2015


Published 9/25/15, 8:32 am PDT


     Please do not be discouraged!  Don't throw in the towel and think that all the hub-bub over what was coming on 9-23-15 was a big bunch of hooey!  I believe the Lord made it clear to me, and I am sure to other Believers who are close to Jesus, that "the day of vengeance of our God" has surely begun! 

  God has revealed to me that every action taken by God in His Word has a purpose!  Here is why I believe 'the day of vengeance of our God' has started....

     Jesus enters the synagogue in Luke 4:18-21 and reads from Isaiah 61:1-2.  However, He only reads up to 'to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor' and then stops reading and closes the scroll.  Jesus then states, "Today this scripture is fulfilled in your hearing."

    Take a look at what Jesus did not read that comes after: 

Isaiah 61: 1-2b
The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me,
    because the Lord has anointed me
    to proclaim good news to the poor.
He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted,
    to proclaim freedom for the captives
    and release from darkness for the prisoners,[a]
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor
    and the day of vengeance of our God,

I believe with all my heart that on 9-23-15, God confirmed to me that He moved ahead with the final stages of this prophecy!

  !The Day of Vengeance of our God!


   QUICK NOTE: Never have I searched for prophetic words from Believers of end time prophecies until the Lord spoke clear to me in a night vision/dream in the early hours of Sept. 3, 2015 confirming to me that He was going to bring to my attention many 'words,' and I was to come to a final conclusion.  That very morning upon rising and going to the computer, He brought Efrain Rodriguez's vision to my attention.  Suddenly, the Lord flooded me with the Word of God that spoke to what is to come upon the earth.*


     As the month of September moved ahead, God led me across many Believers over who felt God was confirming to them that something big was to happen on Sept 23rd.  The Lord began to impress upon my heart to fast 3 days (something I had never done before).  He was making me feel like I could avoid eating for more than just one day, so I finally said 'yes.'  It wasn't until I decided to start the fast on Sunday, 9/20/15, that I realized that the days I chose were exactly the 3 days before Wednesday, 9/23/15!  The day the Pope and Obama were planning to meet...

  That very morning of 0/23/15, I was given a vision that included a blue beam of  light coming down from above.  I have had one other vision with this blue beam, and I will share this vision also.   I believe the blue beam represents a revelation being given by God.

Here are the visions:

     VISION in SPRING 2013...

     Some time in the Spring of 2013, when I was reading the Word of God, I began to grapple with the truth that we need to pray for God to bless Israel.  In my younger days, God never grappled with me over this truth, nor did I accept it, yet at this moment,  I finally accepted it!  My heart broke with compassion for the Israeli people!
     Right at that moment, I received an open vision!  A large blue beam of light flashed down from above and a dome formed, not allowing the beam to hit Israel (God impressed upon me that Israel was being protected).  Then, I saw billows of something unknown roll off into the hills away from Israel!  I felt impressed that this related to the Word of God in regards to God's protection over Israel in the end times.

     VISION on SEPTEMBER 23, 2015....
     On Sept. 23, 2015 at 5am, the Lord made it clear to me that He wanted me to spend an hour with Him (see Mark 14:37-38).  Due to having fasted for 3 days, I had the strength to overcome my flesh and the Enemy, and I was ready to spend that hour with Jesus.
     I grabbed my Bible and side desk light, and got ready to read.  I asked the Holy Spirit what He wanted me to read.  He led me to the book of Numbers by having me search for the passage about the menorah.  I came to the third prayer of Balaam, and began reading, but stopped and went to the point where the Angel of the Lord addresses Balaam, so I could review the whole story.
     As I came to the third prayer of blessing again (Numbers 24), the Holy Spirit impressed upon my spirit very strongly to read it out loud!  After reading the third blessing over Israel by Balaam out loud, I turned out the light,  laid my head on my pillow and began praying for the protection of His people along with other things that the Holy Spirit led me to pray.  I then began to praised God.  I am not sure if  I was awake or asleep when the Lord placed upon my heart that it was 9am (I do not recollect having fallen asleep).   This is where the vision started.  My vision was zoomed into a close proximity of two people, and as I got closer, I noticed it was Obama and the Pope standing facing each other.  
    I only saw the sides of their bodies and faces (about 4-6 feet from them).  After acknowledging who the men were, a Bible came into view - right between the men!  It was very dominant - black in color with distinct writing in white that stood out which said, "Holy Bible."  Immediately, a large beam of blue light flashed down from above onto it like a gavel hitting hard, and then the blue light burst out from the edges around the whole Bible.  Then it was over.  My alarm went off letting me know it was 6am PST (9am EST).


      Well, as we all know, everything that occurs in the physical realm has a beginning in the spiritual realm.  For example - sin.  We fail first in the spiritual realm (our hearts/minds), and then, if we don't seek repentance to stop the progression, we begin to act it out physically which ultimately leads to death .


       I believe events mentioned in Revelation are going to move very rapidly from this point on (Rev. 3).  Each seal in Rev. 6 says that 'He' (the Lord) moves to open them, and I believe the Lord confirmed to me that the 6th seal has just been opened, and will begin to strengthen and become more apparent as time moves on - ultimately to peak at some point at the end of the Great Tribulation.
       The Lord impressed upon me that each of the 7 seals found in Revelations chapters 6 start out with minor events, and gradually build till they peak at the Tribulation.  Thanks to a pastor who stated back in January 2013 that we were 'in the shadow of the Tribulation,'  I was able to confirm this understanding of the seals and even other biblical prophecies such as Joel 2:28-32 and Isaiah 61:2b!

   Jesus said, when we see these things, look up for our redemption draweth nigh!  Be encouraged!

 An extended note:

     Here is the third prayer of Balaam.  I sensed the power of the Holy Spirit flowing as I spoke it out, and how fitting the prayer was for our time in regards to Israel!

“The prophecy of Balaam son of Beor,
    the prophecy of one whose eye sees clearly,
the prophecy of one who hears the words of God,
    who sees a vision from the Almighty,[a]
    who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened:
How beautiful are your tents, Jacob,
    your dwelling places, Israel!
“Like valleys they spread out,
    like gardens beside a river,
like aloes planted by the Lord,
    like cedars beside the waters.
Water will flow from their buckets;
    their seed will have abundant water.
“Their king will be greater than Agag;
    their kingdom will be exalted.
“God brought them out of Egypt;
    they have the strength of a wild ox.
They devour hostile nations
    and break their bones in pieces;
    with their arrows they pierce them.
Like a lion they crouch and lie down,
    like a lioness—who dares to rouse them?
“May those who bless you be blessed
  and those who curse you be cursed!

*Ezekiel 38:17-24; Joel 2:30-32; and Rev 6 & 7 (the 6th seal)

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Speed of Revelation and the 6th seal

   Efrain Rodriguez's Vision - Asteroid, 12.0 Earthquake and Tsunami

   Can God intervene and change this man's vision of future events?

    We must remember that visions are warnings of what could happen or of coming fulfillment of prophecy mentioned in the Word of God.  If we as the church of God cry out to Him, He will intervene, and the devastation will be thwarted.  However, if it stands upon the Word of God as biblical prophecy, then it cannot be changed.  We must prepare wisely, and lean upon the Lord Jesus Christ for protection.
    Also, we must remember that the Holy Spirit speaks to His church body in unity. God gives different pieces of the puzzle to each Believer so the body of Christ will work together to search out what the Lord is saying. Obviously, God is warning many of His children today of impending danger because many Believer's are receiving visions/dreams about it, and/or their hearts are being burdened that something is ahead.

        My Night Vision Sept. 3rd, 2015

     God spoke to me in a night vision in the early hours of Sept 3rd, and told me to write it down. Never before have I had the Holy Spirit speak to me about writing a vision down. Sadly, I told Him that I would remember it in the morning (as the vision was so clear in my heart at the time, I believed I would remember it!)  Just after that, God woke me and began to grapple with me regarding the upcoming events that could happen to us here in America.  It was about ISIS/Iran/Islam taking over.  It was terrorizing to even consider!
    When morning came, I could barely remember what my vision was about, but I knew it was somehow related to my wakeful terror of what could be coming to America.  I went to my computer where God led me to search the internet for something (I can't even remember now what it was) which brought me across Efrain Rodriguez's vision and prophetic statement. Suddenly, I felt the confirmation of the Holy Spirit as He impressed upon me the Word of God....Ezekiel 38:17-23; Joel 2: 30-32; and Rev. 6: 12-17. Go ahead and take the time to read these passages. I believe this vision from Efrain lines up with Rev. 6 (the 6th seal).
     Some do not believe that Rev. 6 is happening now, but they claim it's to happen after the Rapture - during the Great Tribulation.  I was taught the same viewpoint in the past, but over Summer, after hearing another Believer give another translation of Revelation, I meditated (read over and over again) the 6th chapter of Revelation and sought the Lord for clarification.   I also sought for understanding of  Ezekiel 38 .  I was crying out from within me for the Holy Spirit to give translation.
     God revealed to me that the timing of events in Revelation are very fast-paced.  Some events in Revelation may even occur simultaneously with other events, esp. those of the 6th seal!  You must look at the time frame between the 6th seal and the 7th seal.  Lots of events fit within this time frame because they all happen so closely together - maybe just days apart or just minutes apart!
     Late July or early August 2015, the Lord began to confirm in my heart that the martyrs in heaven were crying out to the Lord for Him to avenge their blood...that the 5th seal had been opened (Rev. 6:9-11)  Also, early August for at least two weeks straight, I would wake every morning burdened in my heart that the enemies of Israel were devising evil plans, and it wasn't until I prayed for God to thwart the plans, did I receive peace in my heart.

     Right away, after hearing Efrain, the Lord put everything together for me in my heart!   I believe right there, God confirmed this man's authenticity!   I know if we pray, God is willing to remove judgement from our Nation, however, if it is truly the 6th seal being opened, then it cannot be thwarted, but will happen as stated in the Word of God.

NOTE: That very same day (Sept. 3rd) The Jewish Voice Ministries sent out their email of how Russia is moving it's military into Syria...right at the very place of Damascus. Interesting turn of prophetic events...

May God lead and protect us as we move forward....