Thursday, December 17, 2020

Are you distracted by food so much, you can't fast for Jesus?


     I am at an event.  I chose to pursue Ben, and share my dreams with him hoping he can help me with the interpretation.  I begin to share, but he has to wait because I am eating.   I am trying to finish quick, as I realize I was speaking while eating.

     Ben is patiently waiting, but eventually goes off to speak to others as I am taking so long. 

    As I tried to remember this dream, I did not see that I was eating.  I knew I wanted translation of my dreams, and was asking Ben (represents God) in the dream, but as I was trying to understand the dream, I asked God what was I doing to hinder?  The Lord then showed me eating.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Have You Been Blessed with an Angel Speaking into Your Life? Are You Walking in a Way Honoring to God or is judgement about to Fall?


    Between 12/10/20 to 12/13/20

     Went to gas station.  They took over my car.  I felt like I was having to tell them to stop.  I was concerned they would take my purse.  They put my car on a lift, and raised it up.   I could not get to my was the Excursion.

     Suddenly, a gentle woman appeared near me with long curly dark hair like the angel on Kirk Cameron's Left Behind video.  She spoke into my life.  She said, "You are impacting people.  You are planting seeds."  All she said was comforting.  It was peaceful.



      12/13/20  - Specifically on this date.  In the afternoon nap...

      A man attempted to get my attention.  He tried to kiss me.  I drew away.  Suddenly, I found some blonde long hair, and I stated at him that he was doing this to many women.   

      Next thing I knew, he was incarcerated in a cell that had a large fan.  It was like he was in the bottom of a circular tube with bars at the top.  As the fan came on, the man began to hollar and even scream that there was a fan in was closing towards the top, and I knew it was chopping him up.  It was terrifying yet I was not terrified because I could not see him.

   I woke, and came to information that Governor Cuomo was being blamed for sexual harassment.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020



 A vision of the land all around me burning down.  But it did not come near me.  Seemed to halt at some point.


 A portion of Australia broke off and floated north and around the globe.  At some point it seemed to be lodged into America.

Monday, November 9, 2020


 Oct. 2020

  Vision given of being in a home where I live.  A man was looking out the window, pulling back the flowing curtains.  He told me to come and see. 

    I walked over and looked out.  I saw missiles coming down behind our mountains, and then we knew an atomic bomb just hit to the right of where we were.   As I was wondering what it was like to be hit by an atomic wave, I realized I had been going up.  The wave came from below towards me.  Then it was over.

Monday, September 21, 2020



    I was in a home.  Someone in the room went over to the window and pulled back the curtain.  Their response brought me to go up next to them and look out.    I saw a ballistic missile coming down behind the mountains, and then another.  The third missile was coming from the West Pacific ocean, and hitting in the city I live in that is on the coast.

   As it hit, I didn't realize that I was going up until I began to process that it was atomic.  I began to ponder what it would feel like to be hit by it.   I then realized that the outburst of this atomic bomb was barreling towards me from the ground up...from below me!   I was ascending into the heavens when it hit, but I felt nothing.  It did not hurt me.

  The vision was over...

 BTW, literally around the same time, a couple other believers were given the same understanding of missiles coming in.  Sounded so similar to mine.

Sunday, July 12, 2020


 DREAM morning of July 12, 2020

   I was shown a list of  support I had committed to multiple dogs.  It was to provide water and other needs.  I felt overwhelmed because I had committed way too much according to my perception.
  I pondered NOT to fulfill my commitment, but I felt convicted that I must do it, so I began to think of cheap ways.  Tap water in used bottles.  No, that was not right.  I then realized I must buy unopened quality bottles of water.
   Then I began to think how to send them, and how cheap I could do it.  I knew it was not going to be cheap, and I realized I had to accept it.

  The meaning?  Have we given God a commitment that seems unimportant to complete?   Is God calling you to move forward with the commitment you made to Him, and to do it well?  Is He calling you to be cold or hot and not lukewarm?

  Are you being called to fast, to pray, to seek the lost....don't quit, don't beat around the bush, don't be lukewarm! 



Tuesday, April 28, 2020


4/28/2020 - This morning the Lord grappled with me about the vision He had given me in Jan 2017. He called me just now to repost this vision. Let's first remember the fires that occurred on Oct. 8-9, 2017, and what I experienced the night they started! I am located in CA....and one night, I was in my sons room praying as he was drifting off to sleep. His window that was located behind me was open. Suddenly around 11pm a BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT a huge lightning strike. However, I heard no thunder. I got up and stared outside waiting for another strike since we had a cloud cover (yet, I was puzzled as the kind of clouds we had should not have emitted lightning) more happened. I went to my computer and wrote to my husband what had happened even though he was sound asleep in bed (see actual email below). I can't even remember one other time I wrote my husband like this, but I did because it was so out of the norm! About a week or so later, I heard someone say that meteorites could have been the cause of the fires in CA, and then someone else stated the fires started on Oct. 8th, and 9th (2017), so I went to the computer to see when I had emailed my was Oct 8th around 11pm that night!. Right then, my dream I had had on January 15, 2017 came back to my memory.... [NOTE: Since this was written, another series of fires occurred a year later, and both of these fire episodes occurred during a time where waves of radiation energy were hitting the earth, also, now NASA is saying they are preparing to blow up any threatening asteroids coming towards the earth] As of April 28, 2020, I am stating that this comment was made back on 5/13/19 when I reposted this on my blog. It is now a year later, and we are addressing a bombardment of meteorites to come in this May 2020! Here is my vision... Something out in space caused an explosion of a large asteroid, and it blew apart into many small pieces. I was given an understanding that they were entering our atmosphere over where I live. Next thing I know, I am in my kitchen - it's layout, appearance, and spatial direction is exactly like my own kitchen - and I drop to the floor onto my knees curling into a ball formation with my hands around my head. I hear these meteorites whizzing by me like shrapnel or bullets from the ceiling. I tilt my head to the left to look and I see a small hole in the floor near me. The hole has a red glow like an ember around the edges. I gained an understanding that I must move to a different spot on the kitchen floor. I move over to a corner in the kitchen, next to the cabinets where the turn table drawer is - towards the enclosed patio next to the kitchen - and curl once again into a ball on my knees. I know this is a fearful situation, but it is happening so fast, I have no time to think of much other than that I hope they don't hit me. At this moment, I am not sure if the house is still being pelted, but I suddenly hear a large noise as I see the floor break up near my head and an opening appear in the floor between the playroom and where I am located. Somehow the wall and cabinets seem to be affected, and I know that it had hit dangerously close to my head! I am aware that this meteorite was large, but I only see light coming through the floor at this time. Just after this, I must have stood up because I am standing looking around at the holes in the floor. My husband appears on the scene, and we walk into the enclosed patio to where the large hole is, and I see it very clearly.... It's a bit unclear as to what exactly happens next, but while looking at this large hole an understanding comes to me that the Lord protected me. That the meteorite had avoided me. I awoke from this vision and I turned to look at the time. I saw that it was 5:30am...right in the time frame that the Lord usually give me important visions. An understanding went upon my heart that this was from the Lord, and that I had told Him I would write down whatever He showed me, so I got up and went to the computer. As I began to write, I asked the Lord....why am I not able to see what caused the asteroid in space to explode? I sought that He might put on my heart what occurred, and I asked that if I had blocked it out due to fear, He might take that screen off my heart and let me see it. I told Him I would not be afraid! However, for some reason, He did not put it upon my heart to see what caused it to break into many small pieces.... UPDATE Jan/Feb 2017: INFO EXPOSED OF ASTEROID BEING BLASTED TO PIECES IN SPACE BY NEW TECHNOLOGY BY USA GOVERNMENT and Below is actual email to husband on Oct 8th, 2017 at 11:15pm (scroll to right to read it all, and see date on right side) SUBJECT: About 15 minutes ago, this happened.... Lori <> Sun, Oct 8, 2017, 11:15 PM to (name removed) Dear Hon, I was sitting in ( removed) room praying, and suddenly a very bright light lightning! The attic fan surged...lost power for a sec. I got up and looked out the window waiting for another flash just in case it was lightning...but no more bright flashes.. Weird! Love you Hon, Lori

Monday, March 23, 2020

Will The Final Purifying of the Bride Take Place Soon?


I am stumbling around on something beneath my white Bridal gown.  The Lord shows me the holes in the nylons I am wearing and how they are dragging on the ground.  The understanding given is that He cuts them off, and I can now move with grace and beauty.

WORD FROM THE LORD! All biblically supported!

THIS HAPPENED AT THE END OF PURIM MARCH 22, 2019! For the first time ever, I had the Lord put into my heart to go the computer and write down what He said to me. It was 4:30am when the alarm went off, and He put into my spirit to do just that ...go to the computer and write what He I did... ALL HE SAID WAS BIBLICALLY GROUNDED...check out confirmation verses below!!!!! The Lord said...
"Daughter... Examine yourself so that you may be found spotless. Seek me with all your heart for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. I will in no wise cast you out for you are the apple of my eye. Do not be troubled. Ye believe in me, believe also in what I say to you now. I am coming, and my reward is with Me. Trust not in what man has to say, but hear the Words of the Lord, for in them is everlasting." Confirmation verses: Examine yourself that you may be found spotless. 2 Peter 3: 14; My yoke is easy, my burden is light. Matt. 11: 28-30; I will in no wise cast you out. John 6:37; Do not be troubled. You believe in me. John 14:1; I am coming and my reward is with Me. Rev. 22:12; Trust not in what man has to say. Jer. 17:5; Ps. 118:8-9: Hear the Words of the Lord for in them is life everlasting. John 6:68

Thursday, February 20, 2020



I woke due to the intensity of what I had just seen. I had seen intense, large flashes of fire like meteorites coming down from above towards the ground. It was a total of at least 5. I did not see them hit ground, and I was given the understanding that they were not going to bring total destruction, but only alter the surroundings.

   This vision was given before the following 2 nights of destruction visions. 

Wednesday, February 19, 2020



   When I woke, I knew the Lord had shown me something during the night.  I asked Him if He had shown me something, could He remind me.  It came into my heart and played out before me...

     I was looking out in front of me, and the ground had begun to ripple all around me like waves.  Not just small ripples and waves, but large ones about a couple feet high.   I thought, "Earthquake?" but it was too odd for that.  My visual field was then directed to look out before me towards the West city on the edge of the ocean.  My vision zoomed in, and I saw what was happening.  
      I got an understanding that something was making the tall buildings lean over.  I did not see any fall.  I was not able to see the base of these buildings, so I didn't know what was causing it.  My focus then went back onto what was happening around me. 
     I did not see any water, nor feel it, but I did see the earth continuing to ripple around me.  It was dramatic, but I don't remember feeling terrified as you'd think I should have been.  Maybe it was because I was not being affected by the rippling land, but just observing it.
      I looked up from the land and noticed an open door near me that looked just like a bus entrance, but twice the width, to which I readily ran to and began to ascend the stairs and enter.   As I reached the top of the stairs, I turned around to look, and I saw a lady coming in behind me. 
   Suddenly I heard a male voice from the 'bus' driver seat say, "We have to close the door!"  The door closed.   I noticed that the people outside weren't even trying to get in.  They were all running around confused and scared as the chaos continued.   I felt peace and very safe.  This is when I began to pay attention to what the vehicle was doing as it seemed to drive on land, and become a boat at times in water.  I could feel the difference, not see it. Very unusual. 




  When I woke, I knew the Lord had once again shown me something, so I asked the Him to remind me what He had shown me.  He opened my heart once again...

Multitudes of rats were rushing towards me with their teeth showing. I wanted to get away from them thinking they might bite me, but when they caught up to me, they did not harm me. An intense understanding came to me that they had no food at all. They were starving. I received a strong understanding that they had no way of getting food. There was no food for them to eat at all!  

    Famine upon the earth?

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Everyone has the will to choose. No one must steal that from them.


I am in a car with my husband. I ask him to drive me to my car, so I can put the pet rat into the cage in my car.  He is uptight and refuses because he wants to get a park so he is not late to the event.  I say, "Okay, I will do it, but it will take longer since I have to walk way over there."  I am calm, and I open the door to get out.

I had multiple dreams of similar situations where I have a need or I ask a question, and he gets emotionally charged.  I respond with no reaction, but I just do what needs to be done as if his response is no big deal.

I get it Lord.  You taught me this morning how to respond.   I must let my husband be who he wants to be.  It may not fit my need, and it may not be what I want or what I like, but that is okay.  Humility speaks loud and clear that I am not perfect and he is not perfect.  He has the right to choose any attitude and response whether Christ honoring or not.