Tuesday, March 5, 2013


 God confirmed to my heart that we are in the Season of His return!  Every event that we see this year is going to be easily identified as Biblical prophecy.

 The Word of God says, we will 'know the season' of His return.  Think about it...a season is something that is just months away that we can anticipate happening.  Do you realize how clear that really is?  If we are truly in the season, which I believe we are because Biblical prophecy is happening faster and more recognizable before our eyes, then that means His imminent return is closer than we have ever known before!  My guess -  whichever way it goes - is that His return for the church is between 3 months to 3 years away!  Now don't get me wrong...I am not saying the day nor the hour, just the season...
      When we rolled into 2013, something did change!  No, the physical world did not end as many believed, but something in the spirit realm changed!   I believe we transitioned into the Season of His return!

Friday, March 1, 2013


      "If revival ignited today, existing church buildings would not be able to hold all the new converts.  Even if money were available, land would have to be purchased, plans drawn, permits obtained, and ground broken.  By the time that all occurred, the revival would probably be over.   While ministering in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, recently, pastors informed me that the Bulgarian revival of 1990 to 1994 died because there were no more buildings to hold the new converts.  I believe that God is leading His church back into homes and to the doctrines and practices taught by the early apostles."  (Waging Spiritual Warfare, 2008, Richard Ing, pg 151)