Monday, December 28, 2015

Pawn's in Satan's Hand - Believer's wake up!

   Early Saturday morning, August 1st, at 4am, I was awakened by the Holy Spirit.  I knew He was holding me to my word as I had spoken that I would start fasting sleep from 4am to 6am in order to read the Bible and pray.  However, in my fleshly weakness, I chose not to read the Bible, but just pray for a time while in bed.
   After a short time, I fell back to sleep, but only to go into a time where I found myself battling the spirit realm.   I woke with a dream engraved upon my heart that I am going to share with you in a minute.
Not fully understanding God's call upon my life, I did not write down my full dream even though I knew it was likely from God, and had 'spiritual' understanding from the Word that could be applied to it.  The main point of the dream remained upon my heart, and here it is...

   I was observing a game, and, in a way, I was involved in it.  I was playing along until I realized that I was not in control of this game.   I realized that Satan was controlling the figures moving in this game.   When I sensed this, I realized I had to break it.   I had to stop it.  When I 'broke' it or overcame it, I experienced a sense of victory in Christ!

    I believe we are living in a time where many are being used as Satan's pawns.   Many believers are playing into the Enemy's worldly game without even realizing it!  We must wake up to the fact that we are following Satan's plan, and not overcoming for Jesus!   We must seek His face in prayer and fasting!

     Revelations 3 -   The Laodicean Church

UPDATE of understanding of this dream:   This was for me!  I was giving into sleeping rather than speaking out against the Enemy, and getting up to pray.   Last Wednesday, October 4, 2017, the Holy Spirit woke me early in the morning.  It was undeniably Him!  I prayed for something and went back to sleep.  I was awakened again by Him, and I did the same move...prayed for one thing and fell back asleep.  I know He was calling me to get up and battle in prayer for others, but I failed!  Someone had just prayed the night before for the Lord to move mightily upon me and wake me in the night to intercede for Him.
  I began to dream of snake-like eels coming after me, and I had some control of these eels with sharp teeth that wanted to bite me, but in the end, the Lord had to overcome them for me.  I realize that in order to accomplish what He is calling us to do, we need to rebuke the Enemy out loud with the blood of Jesus and His Name, so we can overcome!  If the Lord is calling because He knows we need to pray, and we don't move, then the Enemy has power over us to interfere with us...when the Lord rises and makes Himself known to us, the Enemy rises us equally against us!  Be ready!

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