Thursday, October 1, 2015

CERN - It's Sure To Be Fired Off - Israel Protected! But Will God protect the Laodicean church?

     UPDATE on October 8th, 2017:   I have come to understand that blue represents REVELATION.  Thus, some sort of revelation from the Word of God was being given in those visions I had of Israel and of Obama and the Pope meeting.   I could do more guessing as I naively did with this commentary, but I will leave it to the reader to decide what type of revelation was being given by God.   There have been others with visions of the Pope and a black Bible.   I do know that the Lord put on my heart that day this Obama-Pope vision took place, that THE DAY OF VENGEANCE OF OUR GOD began...a blue beam of light from above hitting the Bible seems to fit this understanding!

      The more I search regarding CERN, the more I realize that this blue beam of light that comes against Israel and against the Bible in my visions looks exactly like the bluish particle-like beam that is shown in pictures to emanate from CERN!  Plus, in my two visions, the beam seems to come against things that belong to God...Israel and the Word of God!  However, it comes from above and down upon Israel and the Bible, not from the side. 
     Back in 2013, in my initial translation (right after experiencing my first vision), I perceived this blue beam was something bad coming against Israel, and that God was not allowing it to hit Israel, but He created the dome forcing this emission of this attack to roll off into the hills (against Israel's enemies). 
      After that initial understanding, I tried to make the blue beam represent the Holy Spirit as someone had said that the Holy Spirit was blue in color.  It is possible that the blue beam represents the Spirit of God protecting Israel, and judging the church, but I am not so sure after hearing about CERN, and even now about Project Blue Beam.   I have to question whether or not it's the Holy Spirit because the Bible does not state that the Spirit of God is blue.  But, even if the Holy Spirit is blue due to being the brightest and purest flame, He is a flame and not a beam of light.   Back in 2013,  I did not try to seek out what this blue beam meant, yet now, God seems to want me to figure it out.  Problem is, there are three choices, and I am so new at understanding dreams!  I will begin to ask the Lord for clarification on this....

...note that when the beam comes down, a dome appears over Israel, but not over the Bible!  The blue beam STRIKES the Bible!   The day of vengeance of our God!  Could God be allowing His vengeance to occur via the upcoming action of CERN or even from Project Blue Beam?  Only time will tell...

 Wow.... I love what a friend told it is...

"I think it's soooo important to DO 2 Thes.5:19-21. Be open to anyone claiming to hear from God, and "do not quench the Spirit, do not DESPISE prophetic utterances,BUT examine EVERYTHING carefully, hold fast to that which is good."

I believe for some reason God has given me these visions to help warn you to prepare your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!   Rough times are coming for the church, but it's all going to be fast paced.   Has anyone noticed how prophetic events seem to fly by ever so swiftly?

He is the only One that can give you protection, provision and strength through whatever comes upon us in the days ahead.  I believe God is now coming into judgement with the Laodicean church!

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