Friday, February 15, 2013


    I have come to understand that to God the way we speak to bind Satan does not have to be eloquent.  We can say the simple phrase of "In the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus I pray that You will bind Satan from ________"  For those believers who have yet to understand the Biblical truth regarding the warfare of the Christian when it comes to 'the strongman' (Luke 11:21-22) and 'cutting the cords,' this I believe is a simplified way of praying against Satan which holds the same weight as what I wrote in, "How to pray down demonic bondage."  I have always prayed this simple prayer all my life, and I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to God for me with "groanings which cannot be uttered."  

     Also, I see that some people want to freak out when we state that a demon can get a foothold or attach cords to a Christian.  Every believer may have a slightly different way of saying it, but in our hearts we all mean the same thing!  The demonic realm gets power over us when the Armor of God is weakened!
       Richard Ing says in his book "Spiritual Warfare," that if we suddenly have waves of intense feelings that come on us that are not of God (lust, anger, hate, resentment), this more that likely means a demon is influencing you (or has a foothold on you).  I am not talking about the normal human anger of getting loud and emotional.  I am talking about how anger starts, then we accept it as our own, and suddenly, an intense surge of anger that we might say is uncontrollable takes us over to where we say things we would never say to our calling and talk that is incoherent, nor godly, nor uplifting. It can even go as far as screaming or hitting!
       Only twice in my life have I ever experienced this kind of anger at my husband - early in my marriage and just within the last few months.  I realize, now, that I was holding resentment and not forgiving both times!   With the spirit of Resentment keeping the door open, others spirits like the spirits of Rejection and Anger were able to enter.   I had accepted his treatment of me as a form of rejection.   According to my lack of understanding of the Christian walk,  I was not suppose to be treated this way.   But in reality, it's called pride!
        So, when my husband would begin to order me around (I reacted more to this when we were first married) or disrespect me, I would get upset and feel rejected or unworthy of this treatment.  I would then accept the anger I was feeling as if I had a right to get angry.  From that point on, the spirit of Anger took it's foothold, and until I sought full forgiveness and sought God to free me of the door keeper which is Unforgiveness/Resentment, I was under the impact of the spirit of Anger and Rejection every time I argued with my hubby.
      Back in the early days of my marriage, when I finally forgave my father for everything I was holding against him, and I accepted the fact that I did not have to feel controlled (some things are individual choices) by my husband, I got freedom!   A month ago, when I forgave my close friend for everything I was holding against her, I got freedom from the spirit of Anger and Rejection that had returned once again! 
       My hubby is amazed that I am being so open about myself, but I told him that this is the only way others can be healed.  If I hide the Truth, then I am doing a major wrong for the believers in Christ!

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