Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Salvation vs Rapture

 Salvation is promised.  The Rapture is NOT promised.

Research Kingdom of God (salvation issue) vs Kingdom of Heaven ( refined and ready to be taken out; Rapture issue)
Please don't argue with me.  It is obvious they are all 10 Brides, it is obvious that the man at the Feast of the Lamb can enter Heaven, and is at the feast, so he is a Believer and can be in Heaven, but he is just not ready.
The one standing before the Lord who is telling Him that they did many things in His Name, proof they are a believer, BUT ....
It says they cannot enter the Kingdom of HEAVEN.
  IF you are not Born Again you cannot enter what????  the Kingdom of GOD
  The Word speaks more ot being ready before the catching away than even salvation.  Salvation is so cut and dry!  You accept Jesus?  You will die and go to be with God.  Period.
Rapture?  Are you refined as Salt, so you don't need to be trampled?  Are you not being the Laodicean church member where God is spewing you out of His mouth?
And so much more!
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment as you search the Word of God!

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