Thursday, September 26, 2024

Raptured or Left Behind? My Husband's Dream and My Dream

      When my husband woke this morning, he said he remembered a dream. This man never dreams, so out of curiosity, I said, "Tell me about it." 

      He said in his dream, he became aware of thousands of illegal aliens all around our city in tents. He was almost afraid to say that he saw them in our home, but it stumbled out of his mouth.  FYI, any threatening conversation scares him. Then he said he had to go to the bathroom bad, but the toilet was disgusting and full of poop. He then found himself up in the mountains in his dad's cabin trying to find toilet paper, but he couldn't find any. END of Dream ...

    After he was done sharing his dream, he went to go spend his hour on the toilet as usual, and so I went back to sleep.  About an hour later, he came out of the bathroom, and I woke and immediately, I remembered my dream that I went through my kitchen and it was beautiful! A makeover with new white tile, spacious counter top with gorgeous Christmas displays all around, so perfectly arranged!  As I spanned through the kitchen to the beautifully decorated bar, my next step was into the computer room next to the kitchen and my husband was standing there in his grungy clothing.   He didn't match the beauty.   All I could figure was that he did the change, so I said, "I see you cleaned up. Where are all my things?"  I pondered that he must have done the work, and then it was brought to my memory that we were like a month out from Halloween, so why the Christmas decorations now, so I said, "Christmas decor already, and we haven't even had Halloween yet?"

       I know some of the Bride are left behind, and some taken. Some are not refined yet, so they get a second chance during the Tribulation to be refined.  Some can enter the Supper, but they are not yet clothed right for it, so they must stay on earth separated from Him.   Some are not restraining evil as the Salt of the Earth, but are only WORTY to be trampled, so they cannot go.  Some are enjoying the good life as a Laodicean Christian, and yet they have not let Jesus in to make them refined, oiled and powerful soldiers for Him!  So, they cannot go! They are only worthy to be spewed out of God's mouth.

     God knows the path for each of us, and whether we as Believer's are Raptured or left behind, we will at some point know His love, mercy, grace and faithfulness before our lives are finished here on earth! I believe the new makeover of my kitchen represents the celebration for Jesus and is hinting to the Bride who will be Raptured before Halloween!

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