Wednesday, September 26, 2018



   The Lord led me to ponder this, and as I did, He brought to my heart of how we, His children, are the SALT of the earth!  WE through the power of the Holy Spirit are the ones preserving the earth from being over-taken by evil!   Those who are salty can lose their saltiness, and have no impact upon preserving the earth.  Are you one of these?   Have you lost your saltiness...are you walking in sin, and God is calling you to repent, but you are fighting it?  Do you want to continue in this sin more than please your Lord and Savior?   This may keep you from the hour in which Jesus comes to take His Bride.  Get your heart right with Him, and 'be holy, just as He is holy!'  1 Peter 1:16

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


Dreams from 3/20/18...

It was a field trip I believe to the mountains...snow.  I said I didn't care about snow...I had no interest anymore it seemed which is not like me.  I was going with one of my kids...Remington I think.   I was struggling to get ready to go, and I was afraid I'd be late.  I looked at the clock and it was 8 oclock.   I was in a bus, and I was looking around for a light switch, but could not find one.  I think I finally did, and was able to put on base, and eye liner.  But when I looked back at the clock it was almost 8:15, and I knew I'd better go.  I got out and began to run, but I realized I was hungry!  I began to contemplate if I should go back and get snacks, but in my spirit, I heard, "Can't you fast breakfast and lunch?"  I knew I could, but I really didn't want to...

  I seemed to be at a place...the bus full of kids now?   A song started, and was coming from a window, and I knew I knew it, but not very well.  I knew the tune more than the words...when I woke up from this dream, I was singing the tune.   I kept repeating it trying to form words, and I asked the Lord "What is the name of this song?"  He put on my heart..."You lived, You died...Your coming back again!" and then I knew exactly where I could find the my guitar music!  It's called "All The Earth Will Sing Your Praises"

  YOU LIVED, YOU DIED....You're Coming Back Again!   AMEN!

Earthquake/Underwater Nuke & Tsunami Vision

Just before midnight Sept 24th, 2018...

    It was dinner time.  As I was walking back to where my family were eating, I was lower than the building I was trying to get to, and I could only see the front of it...the ornate white-washed pillars.  Suddenly, I heard many yelling in the distance as I was walking back towards this building.  I began to hurry, and I noticed the ground shaking, but more like rumbling instead...some people were yelling 'earthquake!'
    I began to look closely to what the ground was doing...was it falling out from under my feet?  No.  I looked up to the sky.  Was the sky wobbling?  No.  (This is interesting that I was considering this because I had a vision about a year ago where the ground was going down and the sky was wobbling, note: I live in CA)  However, I did notice that there were tall trees like in my previous vision.  At that moment, water began fill around me and as I struggled through the water, I finally got up to the level of the buildings.  I looked over to these buildings, and walls of water were coming in great gushes between the buildings.  It looked like what people show with the money folded of what is to come, and then it came to my understanding that it was a tsunami!  Yet, it was in slow motion...really odd!
    I began to try to swim out of this intense force of water that came against me, but I couldn't.  The height of the water was excessive!  People all around were struggling in the water.   A large truck rig came into view and was being pushed by the huge wave of water towards me.  I tried to get out if it's way, but it continued to barrel towards me, and even began to suck me in towards it. Ultimately, I went around the side of it, but the pull was so strong, it kept sucking me towards it.
There wasn't 'real' fear or panic from me as I was able to stay above water, thus, my struggle did not seem realistic.  Only as I began to get sucked towards the big rig, I became concerned, and that is when I woke up.

Is this a spiritual tsunami about to come against the Capitol...Washington Monument?  The Arch of Triumph going up on Sept. 26, 2018? or a real one?

Monday, September 24, 2018

3:12:18 dream


From what I can remember, it started with me laying my purse down a couple yards from me.  I am at my car, and I seem to be battling the Holy Spirit who is warning me to go get it because someone could quickly grab it, but I talk back and say I am just going to look away and do something before I get my purse.  I turn my head for a moment, and then look back and my purse is gone!  I look to the left where the commotion is, and a guy is running to some stairs with my purse in his hand, and I run after him.  I grab him, and at the bottom of the stairs he falls to the ground, and I am over him thinking...what do I do to this guy?  I demand that he give back my purse, and he does with a cowardly, sheepish reaction.  I feel like I should give him something for giving back my purse without a fight, and I think of money, but then I realize I need to share the gospel with him.  I begin to tell him about how to be saved ,but realize he doesn't even know who Jesus is!  So, I begin to tell the story of Jesus and how he died on the cross.
     Not sure what happens after that, but I get back to where my car is and look over to where my purse had been stolen.  A girl is there who told me she kept an eye on my car for me, so it would not get stolen.   I am so appreciative that I consider giving her money, and how much.  At first I see a $10 bill in my wallet, but I consider that that is too much, and then I see a $5, but it's too I decide $8 and she seems to be please with this number.
    The next scene is that I am aware that I am at my job, and someone comes to inform me of a meeting I must attend.  I tell them I will be there in a minute.   I don't remember what I was doing, but I finally proceed to this meeting.   They realize I am there, and say they can begin now.   I realize it's a dialysis center (FYI, in the past, I worked as a dialysis nurse), and they begin talking about how they have to do things differently so everything will go smoother.  The scheduling of people and how the machines are set up, etc.  I got a close up look at my new schedule...



bad guy in office
i told Trump
measured bad guys hand with a bag around it, but I noticed the bad guy curled his fingers during the measurement, but I had never done this before, so I didn't catch it
Sent this measurement to Trump through the mail, and it was sent barely on time to reach Trump in the time frame he is going to be at a certain place
I think I shared with him that it was in the mail, and he agreed it was barely on time
I then realize that this man measured his hand wrong and he was suppose to have straightened out this hand fully in bag, so the measurement going to Trump would not convict this bad guy


I AM COMING! - Jesus


  I had many dreams last night, but one vision given still stands out in my spirit right now!  I was viewing a scene... looking into the sky above some mountains, and I saw and heard..."I am coming!"  I heard it more than I saw it, but the next two things were clear in my exclamation mark and the word, Jesus.
   The exclamation mark seemed to be like a big crowd going up into the sky... it looked like birds, but that was just my guess...I tend to believe people in white robes could look like birds from a distance, so if you want it to fit with the understanding of what is being said, then it was the picture of the rapture happening!  It was an odd sight to see, but just after the exclamation mark was the word...Jesus.   Like He signed His name in the sky for me.
  All the other dreams I had last night just seems to support that Jesus is very imminent, and all that is happening upon this earth is being formed or forced by the hand of God.  This upcoming war is not a mistake that is happening by chance, but being orchestrated by the Hand of God Almighty to fulfill His Word!

ARE YOU IN WHITE TODAY? Are you ready for Jesus to be pleased with you?


I was in a crowd.  I was dressed all in white.  A man in the front looked around the crown of people..not many were in white... and he pointed someone out who was in white and asked him to stand.  He only had white pants on, but everyone cheered him.  I noticed I was in full white.  I was even holding a candle.
At some point, as I was hoping he would see me and ask me to stand, I tried to get my candle lit.  I think I stood without being asked, and finally I got my candle lit. Those in white were not many.  The man was amazed at how much white I was wearing.  I was pleased I had dressed in white.

Is Jesus Dressing You For The Feast of the Lamb?


Here is my dream...
   I had a late afternoon event that kept me from getting ready, and I was going to wear a certain dress that was bland.  I had just found a pair of shoes to match it, when my hubby said I should not wear that dress.  He then either gave me a dress or told me what to wear.  It was a beautiful royal blue with jewels all over it.   A form fitting bodice too!   My body was able to fit in it...I had a nicely shaped body.
  I pondered that I would need my smooth black high heals to go with it.  My husband said to me that I better hurry.  It was close to starting, and there would be a long line.

   Once again time is very short when I am getting ready, and I am not quite done.   Maybe God is saying that there is just a little more for me to do before He returns for His Bride.   Not much though...

THE PUSHING STAGE HAS BEGUN! Get ready...the baby is about to be born!


     Last night, I had some pain in my neck area that I knew could interrupt my sleep, but I told the Lord that I would not take medication for it just in case He had something He wanted to say to me. GUESS WHAT?  He did!
      Around 6am, I became aware of what the Lord had shown me (I can't say I actually woke), and I began to process it in my heart.  As I rehearsed with the Lord what He had shown me and said to me, I knew I needed to get up and write it down, but I just said, "Lord, please just help me get the understanding of it."  For the next hour, I kept on processing this information, and the main understanding that came?  That we are in the PUSHING PHASE of the delivery (of the church)!
     The vision had parts to it.  I can only grasp specific scenes as I did not get up and write it down, but one of the scenes was of a lady delivering her baby.  She was pushing, and someone was there to catch the child.  The scene was that of an ordinary home birth, however, she was on the ground, not in a bed.
     Next, I was looking at a woman's pregnant stomach that was covered in off-white clothing, and being told it was time for the birth of the baby.  I processed within that she was too small in size to be ready to deliver, so I said, "No, she's too small."  At that moment, that stomach I was looking at was MINE!   As I looked down on my slightly bulging abdomen, I heard a male voice say, "Yes, it's time!"  Suddenly, my belly went large to the size of a 9 month pregnant woman when she is ready to deliver.  Trust me, it was a bit odd, but I am a Registered Nurse, so I guess the Lord felt He could go this way with me...
       I am not sure if there were other scenes, but the main point I came to  when I woke at 7am was that we are in the final stages of delivery...the PUSHING stage!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Are You Standing in Grace and Peace, Ready To Go See Jesus?


   I had a dream where I was going to be married to my husband.   A ceremony was about to commence and may have even done so, but somehow, when we began to eat at the reception, I realized I was not dressed appropriately for it.  I ran off to go get in a wedding dress, make-up, etc.   When I came back, I said I was ready now, but then I looked around and noticed that many of the people had left.  I was devastated!

   When I woke  I processed with the Lord about what it meant, and He put on my heart that I was worrying that my faith had to do with more than just grace.  I felt I needed to be perfect with works.  God was trying to show me that I just needed to enjoy life...loving, living and being me!  He needs me to rest in Him, and not fret over petty stuff.

    I went back to sleep, and I dreamed that I had to get all my stuff out of my parents home, and where ever else, and get it all to my new destination after being married.  I was given understanding in my dream that it would take forever to get this done.

When I woke...

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Review of What was Given by the Lord in 2016

 August 19th - Jesus' hand is on the Door Knob!"
 Sept 3rd - "It is Enough!  The Hour has Come!"
 Sept 6th - Vision of earthquake, land changing and sky wobbling
      NOTE:  CME expected to hit today, Sept 6th into Sept 7th!
 Sept. 7th - "I have signed My Name beside every seal!" (verbal vision given to Zab Paschke)
 Sept 12th - "All that is in the Book of Revelation will begin to come to pass!"
 Sept 12th (second vision) - We are on the final stretch. Whatever the Lord tells you to do - DO IT!
 Sept 14th -  Holy Spirit - "OFF the GRID" - CA Earthquakes - Waves - Bombs - End times
 (Susan Waldrop was given this!)  For full video, go to:
 Dec 30th - Is a Tsunami coming to the West Coast?
  Jan. 15, 2017 - Asteroid blown up in space.  Pieces like burning brimstone enter atmosphere, then 
one large meteorite hits.  God protects His Believers hurt!
  Feb. 24th, 2017 - "For I am ready not only to be bound, to even to die to the Name of the Lord
 Jesus!"  Acts 21:13b

Moses goes off to free the Israelites


I was with other women who were concerned about making sure they said goodbye to their husbands who were going off to war. As I grappled with their disappointment, I looked over to see a man walking quickly down a corridor passed us, and I was given understanding that it was my husband. Then I heard his last name spoken out loud...."Foreman!" This was a young college-aged man that my kids know, and his first name...can you guess? MOSES! I began to chase after him to catch up to him so I could say good-bye, but next thing I knew I was sitting down in the cafeteria because I had not caught up to him. I was resting and others were around me. In came 'my husband' and gave me a quick farewell kiss. It was not sensual...just the understanding of what he was doing..saying goodbye to leave to go to war. I turned to those around me and made a loving statement of how kind he was! Then it was over.... I looked up Foreman, and it means this... a worker, especially a man, who supervises and directs other workers.

Altered Dimensions


 First dream/vision...
 I find myself in the most beautiful scenic valley with paths, and gates.  On the sides of these paths are fruit, orange, etc.  Each gate is numbered.  Somehow, I make a bunch of oranges fall to the ground as I bite into an apple that I pick.  I move ahead to pick an orange off the ground, but they have all disappeared, so I pick one off the tree and begin to peel it.   I try to go to a gate further down the road, but I am stopped by some authority figure.  My daughter calls to me and states we must go through the first gate and move up from there.  It was truly uncanny...

Second dream/vision....
Somehow I am in a place with others - families.    A little girl goes near a tree, and looks into it.   She goes in it.....
The mom begins to look into the tree to find her because she hears her daughter begin to cry out for her.  There is a man working on a car next to the tree.  He is dressed like an automotive guy with goggles to cover his eyes.  He is on a flat roller thing, and keeps rolling under the car to work.
When the mom would speak to him, he would roll out from under the car.
She begs him to help her.   She tells him she must go into the tree to get her daughter, but he refuses to help her.  Saying she can't go in.
I go over and try to speak to the man. He seems a bit creepy.   He finally gives in and helps me go into the tree.  When I do, I see trillions of pictures of people and scenes.  Like I was looking over all eternity!  I scroll through them like a touch screen, but I realize I can't find this girl.  There is no way!   I call out to her, but I don't hear her call back.
 I wake up...

So far, I have had two dreams of going to a different dimension.  A computer altered reality.  In both cases, I don't know how to get back out.  Once in I am stuck.