First dream/vision...
I find myself in the most beautiful scenic valley with paths, and gates. On the sides of these paths are fruit trees....apple, orange, etc. Each gate is numbered. Somehow, I make a bunch of oranges fall to the ground as I bite into an apple that I pick. I move ahead to pick an orange off the ground, but they have all disappeared, so I pick one off the tree and begin to peel it. I try to go to a gate further down the road, but I am stopped by some authority figure. My daughter calls to me and states we must go through the first gate and move up from there. It was truly uncanny...
Second dream/vision....
Somehow I am in a place with others - families. A little girl goes near a tree, and looks into it. She goes in it.....
The mom begins to look into the tree to find her because she hears her daughter begin to cry out for her. There is a man working on a car next to the tree. He is dressed like an automotive guy with goggles to cover his eyes. He is on a flat roller thing, and keeps rolling under the car to work.
When the mom would speak to him, he would roll out from under the car.
She begs him to help her. She tells him she must go into the tree to get her daughter, but he refuses to help her. Saying she can't go in.
I go over and try to speak to the man. He seems a bit creepy. He finally gives in and helps me go into the tree. When I do, I see trillions of pictures of people and scenes. Like I was looking over all eternity! I scroll through them like a touch screen, but I realize I can't find this girl. There is no way! I call out to her, but I don't hear her call back.
I wake up...
So far, I have had two dreams of going to a different dimension. A computer system...an altered reality. In both cases, I don't know how to get back out. Once in I am stuck.
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