Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Earthquake/Underwater Nuke & Tsunami Vision

Just before midnight Sept 24th, 2018...

    It was dinner time.  As I was walking back to where my family were eating, I was lower than the building I was trying to get to, and I could only see the front of it...the ornate white-washed pillars.  Suddenly, I heard many yelling in the distance as I was walking back towards this building.  I began to hurry, and I noticed the ground shaking, but more like rumbling instead...some people were yelling 'earthquake!'
    I began to look closely to what the ground was doing...was it falling out from under my feet?  No.  I looked up to the sky.  Was the sky wobbling?  No.  (This is interesting that I was considering this because I had a vision about a year ago where the ground was going down and the sky was wobbling, note: I live in CA)  However, I did notice that there were tall trees like in my previous vision.  At that moment, water began fill around me and as I struggled through the water, I finally got up to the level of the buildings.  I looked over to these buildings, and walls of water were coming in great gushes between the buildings.  It looked like what people show with the money folded of what is to come, and then it came to my understanding that it was a tsunami!  Yet, it was in slow motion...really odd!
    I began to try to swim out of this intense force of water that came against me, but I couldn't.  The height of the water was excessive!  People all around were struggling in the water.   A large truck rig came into view and was being pushed by the huge wave of water towards me.  I tried to get out if it's way, but it continued to barrel towards me, and even began to suck me in towards it. Ultimately, I went around the side of it, but the pull was so strong, it kept sucking me towards it.
There wasn't 'real' fear or panic from me as I was able to stay above water, thus, my struggle did not seem realistic.  Only as I began to get sucked towards the big rig, I became concerned, and that is when I woke up.

Is this a spiritual tsunami about to come against the Capitol...Washington Monument?  The Arch of Triumph going up on Sept. 26, 2018? or a real one?

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