I love Mike on Counciloftime.com. So often he is a blessing and helps me so very much in understanding of the Word of God, but in the cases that he has not asked the Lord on, and has even had visions about that he can't figure out, he is misleading people.
He admitted once on his site that he never asked the Lord about the Rapture. He says God will take away female and male in Heaven. He waited too long to understand the 30 and 7, and he spoke it out to the World before getting translation from the Lord! Exactly what Mike says he doesn't do! So sad...
And the Enemy (Satan) got some guy to fit the bill for Mike, when, if Mike had asked the Lord for clarification and confirmation, he would have been led to another brother-in-Christ, Minister Paul, whose whole message from the Lord was the number 37 and it meant WAR! Even what the world was saying we are in is a time like 1937...just before WW2 went hot...and this is more accurate to what God was giving Mike!
Can we listen to someone who has not sought the Lord on the issues in question? No, we cannot.
When Mike brings up issues regarding the rapture, do you note a little heated attitude when he speaks? Taking verses from all over the Bible to prove his point? I especially noted that recently.
Walk with me! Give me a voice to see if you see what I am seeing....
If one just steps back in an overview of the Word of God, one can see that God is one who changes people in the twinkling of an eye all the time in every type of situation! He also catches away in every kind of circumstance. This is what our God does and LOVES doing! It is His way of giving protection for His own!!!!
Mike always speaks about trying to do the proper thing, yet, he is blind to the error of his way. He doesn't even know the difference between a dream, vision and revelation! He calls everything a dream, yet many are ingrained in his spirit and are events that will happen down the road....these are VISIONS.
I did a thorough study on it because God speaks to me this way! If you follow what I have learned about dreams, visions and revelations, God will give you your own confirmation that it is correct. I would not want you to believe me just because I say so...
Anyone remember when Mike spoke about the verse that says God will not give us anything more than we can handle? Mike was spot right on with the understanding! God will not put us in a situation to lose us. If it turns us from God, then the Lord will not have us experience it!
Note this: Mike says the revealing of something in June/July will make believers walk away from God. WAIT! How can this be? Either the Word of God is true, and Christians will not be exposed to this, or Mike is backtracking on his teaching. To me, this revealing in regards to this biblical truth supports Jesus about to take the Bride of Christ out! We will not face such a revealing!
The area of the Rapture is where Mike fails, majorly! Mike doesn't see how throughout the Bible we see cases of 'changing in the twinkling of an eye,' like with Shadrach, Meshack and Abendigo...or maybe even Daniel ( he fell just as those thrown in after him...the lions did not touch Daniel, but the evil men and their families didn't even touch the ground before they were devoured - any idea why??? Daniel was changed maybe?)... and how about Jesus being changed and caught up to the Throne room? Also, Elijah couldn't go into Heaven in his physical form... right? I am sure Elijah had to be changed...
God is also all about episodes of being caught up... for example, Enoch, Elijah, the Witnesses, Jesus, and the greatest observed one.....the Rapture of the BODY of Christ!!!!!! The head already went up at Passover...could the body follow the same time frame? Maybe....
Mike has NO RIGHT to speak at all on the Rapture because he never ASKED GOD about it. I did! I got a revelation given at midnight after asking for my own understanding and fasting 3 days!
This is where Mike is wrong to not get God's view of the catching away, yet he preaches like he has all the answers to it! He hangs onto his own stubborn, messed up view that he has worked so hard to prove. He has never really divulged to his followers of his lack of belief in the rapture, but I personally don't think he believes in the rapture being before Jacob's trouble!
This may be why God gave him a warning dream or a real dream of being in the Tribulation!
Just read the two warnings in the Book of Revelation. You twist this book, and you either get to be caught up and enjoy the portion of what is for the Believer (spend those 7 years time in Heaven), or you get to experience the 7 years of plagues in the Book of Revelation (the Tribulation). Those warnings were for the Book of Revelation, not the whole Bible! The Book of Revelation was not attached to the other books when written!!!!
I think Mike doesn't realize that God gives all of us pieces to the puzzle, so we will work together and not become proud. Sadly, I see false humility in him as he has a hard time listening to other believers....he even refuses to do so....
For me, I personally discern all of men's views through the Holy Spirit. We must learn to make the Holy Spirit our Teacher! We must learn that His voice comes from our heart/gut and the Enemy and our flesh speak from the mind... as the carnal mind is enmity against God! Romans 8:7 This keeps us safe and with less error.
Just like every man, woman, pastor, or teacher, they all have both pearls of truth and views that don't line up with the Word. You can usually detect when it is a man's view and not the Lord's as they must argue their point. They get all bent out of shape, and instead of saying, " Go to the Lord for confirmation of what He gave me," they argue with an emotional charge.
However, if a person goes against the core teaching of Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross, only then will I turn away from them. I will, however, shut them off when I am listening or skip their foolish speech when they are arguing their unbiblical points that they haven't even sought God for!
It is so frustrating how stupid some can be that seem so smart... but one must seek confirmation from the Lord on issues, and not just accept it because it comes out of MFATW 's mouth. Mike even needs to seek God for confirmation of understandings that he thinks are correct. And guess who God often uses for these confirmations? Others who have received the same information from the Lord! God must be the final say in all of the Word of God!!!! This is going to put Mike in a very sad state or maybe open his eyes when the Lord brings another Believer across his path with the same understanding!
I am fully aware of Mike's ways...he l hinders himself greatly by not considering what others say, nor taking it to the Lord for confirmation. I wish I could sit down and talk to him. I can only pray for him as I do not have his email....not sure how others get it...
Just notice how charged Mike gets over issues he holds to that the Lord never gave to him! He sometimes stops and catches himself... and then gives his own view of why he gets so uptight. He tries to explain it away as if his emotional charge is his excitement for truth...yikes!
What about his view on all of us humans losing our sexuality in Heaven? (no male,and female...REALLY???!!!!)
Heaven is like an airport. A holding place till the Millennial reign and the New Heaven and Earth...are you gonna engage in sex in an airport? No way!
Also, to say God takes away our sexuality upholds today's twisted sexual views! Yikes!
Why would God take away such a beautiful thing he created? Those who have not had physical death ... those raptured... get to have a chance for their desires to be fulfilled in Eternity! His Word never passes away!
Jesus ate fish after resurrecting... Why wouldn't any other wonderful physical desires be fulfilled after we come back to Earth for the Millennial Reign????
So many misunderstand the parable about all the husbands dead including the woman. Jesus is asked a question..."In the resurrection, which is her husband?" It is clear this is about the resurrection of the DEAD, not those caught up alive who have not had physical death!
Even then, God will always fulfill the desires of His children, and if is their desire in Eternity to marry, why not? God is all about relationships, and what better time to enjoy but under Jesus' reign? No sin!
Well, I mainly try to listen to all the scientific stuff Mike dishes out...as he just proves how CLOSE Jesus is coming! I love it! Mike can't even see how he is proving Jesus' ever so soon return as the....
FOG OF WAR!!!!!!
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