Sunday, February 5, 2023
For those holding to Feast of Trumpets (FOT) for His coming, let me ask you something...To believe this, are we ignoring the Word of God? Yes, we are, and please let me show you why....
Please brainstorm with me because we all can agree that the FOT is fulfilled by something related to the Bible... we all agree that it is the Rapture or the start of the Tribulation.. or both.
Which is it, then?
The Rapture or the Tribulation, or both?
The Word of God speaks to the catching away/rapture as a time when we LEAST expect it, and also, He comes like a thief to those not watching.
Yes, we CAN know a 'season of time,' but it should NOT make you stop watching because you feel the season has passed or has already occurred like those who feel the Tribulation started FOT 2022, and they say if it did, then we must wait another 7 years before the rapture or Tribulation will start.
So.. we must first have the proper calendar ...the one that the Freemasons (satanic group) have taken over...Enoch's calendar! The Gregorian and the Hebrew calendars have been made up to thwart us from figuring out the events in the World
...Pres. Trump, I think, tried to wake us up by saying "7" for Sept (Enoch calendar) instead of 9 (Gregorian calendar).
Having a wrong calendar can cause all sorts of falsehood the improper fulfillment of a feast. Gill Broussard said, "Why aren't we taking the Bible literal as to when Jesus is coming? The angel said Jesus would come back in the same manner... then why not at Passover?"
The Passover is a week of time, right in the middle of Ramadan! I have heard much war and aggression between Israel and the Muslims increases during this time frame or 'season of time.' It could further biblical prophecy and WW3 exponentially!
Ironically, because Pastor Mark Biltz spoke as if the FOT 2022 had been the time when the Tribulation had to start (or we'd have 7 more years to face before Jesus could come), he has put the church into a time of the fulfillment of "Jesus coming when we LEAST expect it."
I truly love Mark Biltz, and the Lord wanted me to hear him speak, otherwise, I could never have seen what needed to be seen! Please don't take me wrong...he is just following the wrong calendar, thus, the Shemitah year, the Jubilee year hasn't even started yet! Not till this Enoch calendar year!
Mark Bitz was totally right when he said, "The Tribulation must start this Feast of Trumpets or we have to wait another 7 years before Jesus could come." He just didn't understand it to be this coming Enoch calendar year ...Feast of Trumpets 2023!
I believe we all see an advancement of Biblical Prophecy literally rolling ahead...I had a vision recently showing the unlimited food being prepared for the Feast of the Lamb and the next scene was of many people rushing down a snowy hill on skis. A messenger of God was speeding by us all, saying loudly, "I have to make all are Sealed!"
My personal view?
->PASSOVER: WW3 peaks, and Jesus the "FOG OF WAR" (research this; 1800's war was halted) comes down in clouds to take away the readied up Bride of Christ, thus halting the war that could destroy all of earth...but it is God who finishes the job seven years later, not Satan!
->The PEACE TREATY likely by June 2023 as MFATW stated a revealing is coming...he hinted to it being possible Fallen Angels.
->Tribulation begins Sept 2023
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