Monday, December 11, 2023

Wolves (Evil Men) Coming Against His Children? Road Disturbances To Abduct His Children? BEWARE!


      At 1am this morning, Dec. 11th, I had to be awakened by my husband.   I was having a nightmare, and crying out for help in my sleep!

     I was in a dark place with a house behind me.  I saw no lights in the windows.  The house was dark.   I had a gun.   I heard howling, and then I saw a wolf coming towards me, then another and another!   I could not aim the gun and shoot.  

     I was stepping back towards the door of the house.  I knew I couldn't fight a pack of wolves.  I began crying out for help because I could not get to the house in time.  At that moment, a male lion came up between me and the wolves.   My perception at this moment was wolves and a lion were coming against me, but when I think about it, the lion was not aiming at me.

     I think if my husband had not heard my vocal cries and woke me up, I might have seen the lion protect me!   Was the lion,  The Lion of Judah?   The Lord Jesus coming to protect me?  I am sure He heard my cries too!

    8am,  Dec 11th, I had another powerful, scary dream!  

    I was driving down my normal driveway.  I got to the bottom of it, and noticed a car angled sideways, blocking the way.   Their trunk opened up and stuff fell out.   A car behind me came up very eager to get by, so I felt led to get out and help the car in front of me put their stuff back in.  The third car finally squeezed through and went on their way.

    Next thing I know is I am being kidnapped!  Not sure exactly how, but they took me to a house literally next to my home.  I saw my husband out, and I tried to scream to him to help me before they shoved me into the car, but he didn't hear.   The crazy thing is I was being held right near my own home, and no one knew where to look for me!  Honestly, I don't remember how it ended, but I do believe I got away somehow. 


    Translation?   I do believe we need to pray for protection for people, esp. His children, when they find themselves in these situations.   

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

"Who Will Join Me and Ready Themselves For August?"


   I haven't had a moving dream in awhile!  I can still visualize it, so I it was pretty powerful!  I totally knew when I woke it was from the Lord.

  A Man was standing up on an elevated stage in the middle of a huge crowd, and I mean HUGE!  As far as my eye could see... unending people!  This Man was playing a beautiful guitar ...looked like an electric one, but the sound was soothing, and not rasty in nature.

  He called out, "Who will join Me, and ready themselves for August?"  That month AUGUST stood out to me, because we had just entered this month.  I recognized this fact during this dream.

   A couple of men came forward and played a tune on the guitar without taking it from this Man.  I knew they were complying to this Man's request.

   I just stood and watched. 

   Then the dream ended.

   What do you all think this means?  Is Jesus calling us all to ready ourselves to follow Him and fulfill the final move of God?  Is the worst coming along with a revival?   Is Jesus calling all the workers into the Harvest?  I believe so!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

"All We Can Do Now Is Wait For The Nukes!"

      I had either a dream or a flash vision after waking.   I was seeing military and politician men sitting around apparently giving up and depressed.   One of them said to me, "All we can do now is wait for the nukes."

      I was going to each of them with a matching color coded was the kind of pin you find on a grenade.  I was pulling them off and putting a matching color one to whatever color of grenade they were holding.  I wasn't paying too much attention to what these pins were on....I just assumed it was their water bottle ...till now.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

TRUMP INDICTED....THE BALL IS ROLLING! COULD IT BE A WW3 & Rapture Scenario During Passover?

     MFATW was in Paul Begley's conference last weekend, and he shared his revelation from many years ago...
    Mike said God showed him years ago, before Trump even got into office as president, that this would happen. Trump would be indicted.
    He saw a man looking much like Trump walking down the stone steps of the building going to an armored vehicle ...he saw the same building you did, Minister Paul!
    Mike said this issue stirs up severe chaos...5 groups... coming out of the woodwork to create chaos and riots.  Not the normal way of rioting. .. I think he said martial law ensues, too...
   Then, he saw missiles, and he knew 50 million people were taken out....he figured dead, but you and I know otherwise! RAPTURE?
    Mike has admitted on his council of time site that he has never asked the Lord about the rapture. Sad...he can't  see the full truth then of what God gives him...oh... but we can!!!
   MOST IMPORTANTLY,  Mike shared a couple weeks ago of an ionic surge coming into our atmosphere in less than 3-4 weeks time causing communication systems to go out and he even said certain kinds of cars will go dead.  This, I believe, was the part of Mike's revelation that he withheld from the conference! It could have started things early if people knew of this... 
ALSO, this confirms Pastor Ken Peters' revelation from 1980!   Rapture and communication systems going dead all over the world at the same time!   
    I am so blown away!  Are we truly here?  Could it really just be days away from the Rapture happening???!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023




In the Strong's concordance, the number 717 is...
Hebrew:  Lo! to pluck, to gather
Greek:  Armageddon, ignorant of, winepress
Inside the quietness of the garage as I was cleaning it all alone with the Lord, I asked, "What about this 717 issue?"  THE LORD SAID INTO MY HEART, "THE JEWISH WEDDING"  "The one year betrothal"  The Lord prompted me that I must look into what happens during the Betrothal Period.  He put the word GIFT upon my heart.  I can only guess as to why the Lord said gift as I have not asked Him, but it did help bring up the perfect website that I believe He wanted me to see.  Here it is....
The Father tells the Son the time of His departure, and the Son sends out the GROOMSMEN to announce His coming before He actually comes!    We are at that moment!!!!  Many have seen 717...way too many to ignore!
   Have Jesus' prophets (Groomsmen) been informed of their job to tell the Bride He is coming????!  I BELIEVE SO!   Was this message from the Lord misinterpreted by a few?  Yes, but what the Lord said and showed to untold numbers of us must NEVER be tossed out, only the wrong human translations!!!  We must get in God's face to seek out the proper translation!
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; but the glory of kings is to search out a thing."  Proverbs 25:2
 Amos 7:3 "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his SECRET/PLANS to his servants the prophets."  THE SECRET/PLAN HAS BEEN EXPOSED!  THE GROOM IS RETURNING NOW!

THE LORD IS NOW SO IMMINENT THAT WE CANNOT EVEN COMPREHEND IT!  It is literally a BREATH away!  But we must translate what the Lord is trying to say according to the Word of God, yet, if the Lord speaks to lead you to an understanding that correlates to a person in the Old Testament or to a pattern of the Jewish customs like the Jewish Wedding that He has patterned His return for His Bride after, you must consider it!
 ON SEPT 2, 2018:  "All the signs are here!  I am coming any day now!"
ON APRIL 13, 2019 regarding April 6th:  "Season of My return.  Satan knows his time is short."
And over the last few weeks:  717 or 7/17 and the final one was 7/17/19:  This is what I got out of it... Lo!  To Gather!  Those ignorant will be thrown into the winepress  -  Armageddon!

Matthew 5:20 "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
John 14:21 "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."

Monday, March 27, 2023

WHO REMEMBERS 717 Given to Us all Summer of 2019? LISTEN TO THIS!

 Yes, the ball is rolling and rolling fast! This could likely transpire within weeks...

False judgment against former President Trump
... causing chaos and groups to riot like never before
... Muslim caliphate rises (may have already begun with derailments and chemical issues with our water)
... something causes widespread communication systems to go dead as ballistic missiles begin to hit into specific areas
... atomic type weapons begin to be activated just as grid is affected (Rapture)
... and you begin to hear voices world-wide saying, "Where did all the people go?"
... fear and confusion increases all around you

Within a two week period worldwide chaos and earth-related devastations take place and space anomalies such as meteorites storms rain down over random areas
... and then communication systems begin to come back on
... and a man speaks eloquently and his demonic speech draws you to him
... as he mentions a New World Order has begun!

  This is the first time I took a move to summarize all I have heard and been shown...

Note:  In 2019, The Lord spoke clearly to many, and it isn't until now that we see this as the year every date is duplicate of 2019!

March 22, 2019 and March 22nd, 2023  - The Equinox
The Lord said...
"Daughter... Examine yourself so that you may be found spotless. Seek me with all your heart for my yoke is easy and my burden is light. I will in no wise cast you out for you are the apple of my eye. Do not be troubled. Ye believe in me, believe also in what I say to you now. I am coming, and my reward is with Me. Trust not in what man has to say, but hear the Words of the Lord, for in them is everlasting."

April 6, 2019 and April 6, 2023 -   Barbara of Godshealer7 was given a word of the coming of Glorious Kingdom and His Majesty.  On this day, back in 2019 had severe bradycardia and felt I would die.  The next day, I called two other friends who also had severe anxiety levels hit ceiling and the other heart issues like I had.  April 6th is Nissan 14, the day Jesus died.  Interesting correlation to our ailments?
This April 6th is the beginnning of Passover.  .

April 13, 2019 -   The Lord answered my prayer I prayed all week, "What happened April 6, 2019?"
   He said...

     "Season of My Return.  Satan knows his time is short."   and later that day, "Satan has come down."

     This led me to Revelation 12:12...a rapture verse I believe....

   "Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them! But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short."

       Also, in Summer of 2019, everyone got the number 717....

     In Hebrew, it means "To Pluck"
     In Greek, it means "Armaggedon"

 Well, we can sure see the day approaching!   I believe with all my heart, we will not pass by this Feast of Trumpets, but the age of grace will cease as the Salt of the Earth leave, and by Sept 17th, the TRIBULATION WILL START!

   Check out what I just searched for!

  In 2023, Feast of Trumpets will begin on the evening of Friday, September 15, and end at sundown on Sunday, September 17

Lets Go Back to 2017...NK...How Will They Move?


Wednesday, May 31, 2017


This dream was given to me on May 31st, 2017 in the early hours of the morning....

 I am in the front passenger seat of a car.  I am aware that the car is moving away from my mother and father's home, on Highway 94.  I have an awareness that my family is in the backseat or at least all my kids.  I do not know who is driving.
For some reason I ask the driver to get over to the side of the road, but I can't remember why.  It happens to be at the area across the street from the feed store.  I jump out of the car, and turn to my right looking towards the West.  I see something....
I see a car pull in near us and a man gets out.  He sets up a device near a rectangular big rig compartment shell that seems to be open on the side.   It all seems so oddly it is a distance away.   He jumps back into his car and zooms off on the road towards Jamul!   I study this device that the man left, and it is moving.  I get this feeling that since he split so fast, it must not be good, so, I turn back to the open door of the car and jump in!
I say, "We gotta get outta here!" The driver begins to drive away before I can get my door shut.  Not sure when I recognize the driver as my mother, but we don't get very far on the road past the feed store heading towards Jamul, when I sense a blinding blast behind the car.
I look over at my mother driving and she is looking into her rear view mirror.  She reaches over to me and grabs my hand.  Giving it a squeeze, she says, "It's not good."  I say, "Is it atomic?"  She says, "Yes." I brace myself for impact wondering how it will feel to be hit by an atomic wave.  Then I I going to be raptured?   I wake up.

SO MUCH IN 2019 GAVE WORD OF HIS SOON RETURN....Let's go back to review Summer of 2019...the number 717 was given to many....




In the Strong's concordance, the number 717 is...
Hebrew:  Lo! to pluck, to gather
Greek:  Armageddon, ignorant of, winepress
Inside the quietness of the garage as I was cleaning it all alone with the Lord, I asked, "What about this 717 issue?"  THE LORD SAID INTO MY HEART, "THE JEWISH WEDDING"  "The one year betrothal"  The Lord prompted me that I must look into what happens during the Betrothal Period.  He put the word GIFT upon my heart.  I can only guess as to why the Lord said gift as I have not asked Him, but it did help bring up the perfect website that I believe He wanted me to see.  Here it is....
The Father tells the Son the time of His departure, and the Son sends out the GROOMSMEN to announce His coming before He actually comes!    We are at that moment!!!!  Many have seen 717...way too many to ignore!
   Have Jesus' prophets (Groomsmen) been informed of their job to tell the Bride He is coming????!  I BELIEVE SO!   Was this message from the Lord misinterpreted by a few?  Yes, but what the Lord said and showed to untold numbers of us must NEVER be tossed out, only the wrong human translations!!!  We must get in God's face to seek out the proper translation!
"It is the glory of God to conceal a thing; but the glory of kings is to search out a thing."  Proverbs 25:2
 Amos 7:3 "Surely the Sovereign LORD does nothing without revealing his SECRET/PLANS to his servants the prophets."  THE SECRET/PLAN HAS BEEN EXPOSED!  THE GROOM IS RETURNING NOW!

THE LORD IS NOW SO IMMINENT THAT WE CANNOT EVEN COMPREHEND IT!  It is literally a BREATH away!  But we must translate what the Lord is trying to say according to the Word of God, yet, if the Lord speaks to lead you to an understanding that correlates to a person in the Old Testament or to a pattern of the Jewish customs like the Jewish Wedding that He has patterned His return for His Bride after, you must consider it!
 ON SEPT 2, 2018:  "All the signs are here!  I am coming any day now!"
ON APRIL 13, 2019 regarding April 6th:  "Season of My return.  Satan knows his time is short."
And over the last few weeks:  717 or 7/17 and the final one was 7/17/19:  This is what I got out of it... Lo!  To Gather!  Those ignorant will be thrown into the winepress  -  Armageddon!

Matthew 5:20 "For I tell you that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Pharisees and the teachers of the law, you will certainly not enter the kingdom of heaven."
John 14:21 "Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them."

Sunday, March 26, 2023

Follow His Commandments, Rid Yourself of Your Dross, and He Will Reveal Himself to You! John 14:21

  God (Spirit of God /Holy Spirit) speaks from the heart....the gut... the imagination area below your head! Your gut feeling is the Holy Spirit speaking~! that is if you have opened your heart to Jesus and let His gift to you come in which is the Holy Spirit!

As you begin, in your walk with the Lord, to follow all of His commandments and statues, He will reveal Himself to you! John 14:21 You will likely hear the Holy Spirit actually speak in your heart. If you are willing to do great feats for God, you may even hear God's booming voice, and I will let you know it is external from you, and He states facts. You just listen. God does not converse with you.
If the world....physical world...dims, you may find yourself speaking to Jesus in the spiritual realm! It is very canny, and Jesus speaks as if He knows how you will move. He doesn't tell you to do something, He says, "You are going to...." and He even speaks to comfort you if you have any concerns. Such love is expressed! If you get this chance, you will know the Love of your Father! It is truly nothing we can fathom!!!!! Your mouth does not speak in your spirit...gut/heart...
Trust me, if there comes a time when you are walking so closely with God...Holy as He is Holy... and you have repented of the dross which is the sin you want to cling to (stuff you are asking God, "It is sin?" NOTE: if you are asking this, the answer is YES, it is sin!) are READY FOR THE BAPTISM OF FIRE! You are ready to walk out your calling! The Lord can trust you now! Get ready to hear God speak to you, Jesus speak to you and the Holy Spirit speak to you!

Friday, March 24, 2023

Pastor Ken Peters 1980 revelations given. MFATW confirmation of this happening within a few weeks time! My vision following a dream confirms the same coming soon....


Pastor Ken Peters was given revelations and vision of future prophetic events.  At the beginning of this video, he sees the dead in Christ raising, and then when communication systems go out, he hears, "Where did all the people go?"  Take a listen...up to 20+ minutes...or to hear punch line, go to 19 minutes in... 

MFATW confirms a wave of energy/ionic surge to take place to knock out communication systems within time frame of Passover.

I also had vision that followed a dream confirming upcoming communication systems dead and grid/rapture event...translation give this year!  See below...

Friday, May 26, 2017


 Note:  This dream occurred in the time between 11pm and Midnight May 25, 2017.

I was finding myself a spot for the show that we had come to see.  My husband and my youngest daughter were with me even though I did not see them.   I hurried to the center of the room where a lady was looking at a couch that looked like it could hold 4 people.  I quickly sat to the right side of the couch, and she sat to the left of me.
   I turned to her as I squished towards the middle in hopes to at least save a seat for my daughter.  I noticed there was not much space to the right of me to fit her in.   I realized the lady was doing the same, and we were like gloves next to each other.  I asked her if she was saving seats for anyone else, and she said yes.   I acknowledged that only one would be able to sit with me since the lady needed space for one too.   I accepted the idea that my daughter would sit with me, and my husband would have to sit somewhere else.
   Next thing I knew, as the show was starting up, it came to a sudden halt as we could not hear any talking anymore.  Everyone around me seemed to be quiet in anticipation to find out why this was happening or whether it would come back on, and we would continue.  It wasn't long before we were told that all the communication systems had been affected, and it wasn't just this place.   We were told that something happened to cause all telecommunication systems to shut down and we were not the only place hit....they did not seem to know why.  The understanding that it was THIS Friday night (May 26th, 2017) at 11pm came upon my heart.
    This is when I suddenly remembered what was suppose to happen at that time of the night!  I spoke out loud - projecting my voice over all the people in front of me that a sun flare had erupted on Monday and was due to hit between 11pm and midnight this very night.  This began to stir people up and upset them.   I, however, felt glad that it had not affected the electrical grid because it would have made the plane I was in crash.  At that moment, I realized I was in a plane!
    Suddenly, the plane lurched and acted oddly.  The front of the plane began to tilt forward, and then it took a drastic dive downward, and began take a nose dive, angling to the left as it began it's decent towards Earth!  I remember feeling fear, the feeling of falling was so dramatic, the pressure against me.  It felt so real!
     I just tried to talk myself into enduring it knowing my end would be fast when the plane hit the ground, and I would not feel pain, but be in Heaven!  I did not scream.  I was enduring the feeling of falling, and trying to focus on the truth that I would be with Jesus very soon!  It went on far too long (even though it was just a few seconds!) .... it just got too much to bear, and so I woke up with my body breathing in a hyper-ventilating mode.  It took some moments to gain my composure because it was SO REAL!

   I was given understanding by a Christian brother that the 11th hour, and the plane going down meant that something was about to end.

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Rapture and Heaven. Number 37? Is it important we Know the Truth on these issues? Yes!

    I love Mike on  So often he is a blessing and helps me so very much in understanding of the Word of God, but in the cases that he has not asked the Lord on, and has even had visions about that he can't figure out, he is misleading people.  

   He admitted once on his site that he never asked the Lord about the Rapture.  He says God will take away female and male in Heaven.   He waited too long to understand the 30 and 7, and he spoke it out to the World before getting translation from the Lord!  Exactly what Mike says he doesn't do!  So sad...

   And the Enemy (Satan) got some guy to fit the bill for Mike, when, if Mike had asked the Lord for clarification and confirmation, he would have been led to another brother-in-Christ, Minister Paul, whose whole message from the Lord was the number 37 and it meant WAR!   Even what the world was saying we are in is a time like 1937...just before WW2 went hot...and this is more accurate to what God was giving Mike!  

 Can we listen to someone who has not sought the Lord on the issues in question?  No, we cannot.

   When Mike brings up issues regarding the rapture, do you note a little heated attitude when he speaks?  Taking verses from all over the Bible to prove his point?  I especially noted that recently.

  Walk with me!  Give me a voice to see if you see what I am seeing....

  If one just steps back in an overview of the Word of God, one can see that God is one who changes people in the twinkling of an eye all the time in every type of situation!  He also catches away in every kind of circumstance.  This is what our God does and LOVES doing!  It is His way of giving protection for His own!!!!
    Mike always speaks about trying to do the proper thing, yet, he is blind to the error of his way.  He doesn't even know the difference between a dream, vision and revelation! He calls everything a dream, yet many are ingrained in his spirit and are events that will happen down the road....these are VISIONS.

    I did a thorough study on it because God speaks to me this way!   If you follow what I have learned about dreams, visions and revelations, God will give you your own confirmation that it is correct.  I would not want you to believe me just because I say so...

    Anyone remember when Mike spoke about the verse that says God will not give us anything more than we can handle?  Mike was spot right on with the understanding!   God will not put us in a situation to lose us. If it turns us from God, then the Lord will not have us experience it!  

    Note this: Mike says the revealing of something in June/July will make believers walk away from God.  WAIT!  How can this be?  Either the Word of God is true, and Christians will not be exposed to this, or Mike is backtracking on his teaching.  To me, this revealing in regards to this biblical truth supports Jesus about to take the Bride of Christ out!  We will not face such a revealing!

    The area of the Rapture is where Mike fails, majorly!  Mike doesn't see how throughout the Bible we see cases of 'changing in the twinkling of an eye,' like with Shadrach, Meshack and Abendigo...or maybe even Daniel ( he fell just as those thrown in after him...the lions did not touch Daniel, but the evil men and their families didn't even touch the ground before they were devoured - any idea why??? Daniel was changed maybe?)... and how about Jesus being changed and caught up to the Throne room? Also, Elijah couldn't go into Heaven in his physical form... right?  I am sure Elijah had to be changed...
      God is also all about episodes of being caught up... for example, Enoch, Elijah, the Witnesses, Jesus, and the greatest observed one.....the Rapture of the BODY of Christ!!!!!!  The head already went up at Passover...could the body follow the same time frame?  Maybe....

      Mike has NO RIGHT to speak at all on the Rapture because he never ASKED GOD about it.  I did!  I got a revelation given at midnight after asking for my own understanding and fasting 3 days! 

      This is where Mike is wrong to not get God's view of the catching away, yet he preaches like he has all the answers to it!   He hangs onto his own stubborn, messed up view that he has worked so hard to prove.   He has never really divulged to his followers of his lack of belief in the rapture, but I personally don't  think he believes in the rapture being before Jacob's trouble!  
    This may be why God gave him a warning dream or a real dream of being in the Tribulation! 

   Just read the two warnings in the Book of Revelation.  You twist this book, and you either get to be caught up and  enjoy the portion of what is for the Believer (spend those 7 years time in Heaven), or you get to experience the 7 years of plagues in the Book of Revelation (the Tribulation).  Those warnings were for the Book of Revelation, not the whole Bible! The Book of Revelation was not attached to the other books when written!!!!

    I think Mike doesn't realize that God gives all of us pieces to the puzzle, so we will work together and not become proud.  Sadly, I see false humility in him as he has a hard time listening to other believers....he even refuses to do so....

     For me, I personally discern all of men's views through the Holy Spirit. We must learn to make the Holy Spirit our Teacher!   We must learn that His voice comes from our heart/gut and the Enemy and our flesh speak from the mind... as the carnal mind is enmity against God!  Romans 8:7  This keeps us safe and with less error.
    Just like every man, woman, pastor, or teacher, they all have both pearls of truth and views that don't line up with the Word.  You can usually detect when it is a man's view and not the Lord's as they must argue their point.  They get all bent out of shape, and instead of saying, " Go to the Lord for confirmation of what He gave me," they argue with an emotional charge.
     However, if a person goes against the core teaching of Jesus Christ and what He did on the cross, only then will I turn away from them.  I will, however, shut them off when I am listening or skip their foolish speech when they are arguing their unbiblical points that they haven't even sought God for!
     It is so frustrating how stupid some can be that seem so smart... but one must seek confirmation from the Lord on issues, and not just accept it because it comes out of MFATW 's mouth.  Mike even needs to seek God for confirmation of understandings that he thinks are correct.  And guess who God often uses for these confirmations?  Others who have received the same information from the Lord!  God must be the final say in all of the Word of God!!!!  This is going to put Mike in a very sad state or maybe open his eyes when the Lord brings another Believer across his path with the same understanding!

     I am fully aware of Mike's ways...he l hinders himself greatly by not considering what others say, nor taking it to the Lord for confirmation.  I wish I could sit down and talk to him.  I can only pray for him as I do not have his email....not sure how others get it...
     Just notice how charged Mike gets over issues he holds to that the Lord never gave to him!  He sometimes stops and catches himself... and then gives his own view of why he gets so uptight.  He tries to explain it away as if his emotional charge is his excitement for truth...yikes!
     What about his view on all of us humans losing our sexuality in Heaven? (no male,and female...REALLY???!!!!) 
  Heaven is like an airport.  A holding place till the Millennial reign and the New Heaven and Earth...are you gonna engage in sex in an airport?  No way!
      Also, to say God takes away our sexuality upholds today's twisted sexual views!  Yikes! 

     Why would God take away such a beautiful thing he created?   Those who have not had physical death ... those raptured... get to have a chance for their desires to be fulfilled in Eternity!  His Word never passes away!
   Jesus ate fish after resurrecting... Why wouldn't any other wonderful physical desires be fulfilled after we come back to Earth for the Millennial Reign????  

   So many misunderstand the parable about all the husbands dead including the woman.    Jesus is asked a question..."In the resurrection, which is her husband?"   It is clear this is about the resurrection of the DEAD, not those  caught up alive who have not had physical death!

    Even then, God will always fulfill the desires of His children, and if is their desire in Eternity to marry, why not?  God is all about relationships, and what better time to enjoy but under Jesus' reign?  No sin!

  Well, I mainly try to listen to all the scientific stuff Mike dishes he just proves how CLOSE Jesus is coming!   I love it!  Mike can't  even see how he is proving Jesus' ever so soon return as the....

                                                                   FOG OF WAR!!!!!! 

                                                    WW3 MEANS RAPTURE TIME!!!!!!



      I sensed I had had interactions with some black young people in a vision, and in the end, they were all singing about Heaven...together! 

      Two black young-looking women and three young men (5 total) were singing in beautiful harmony...

      As I was about to head out into my day, the Lord stopped me.  I sensed Him say, "Pay attention!"  I literally saw this group of young people singing as if I was watching a concert from the edge of the stage!  God made a specific phrase of the song stand out to me....

    "Turn your heart towards Heav'n, where you can't go wrong..."  

     I wish I could remember the whole song.  It was a beautiful style you'd hear Bill Gaither Band sing...

     Could this have been a future scene that will happen when under Christ's reign.  If so, it could have been the young people in their glorified bodies.  So perfectly and beautiful like the beautiful characters on Fortnite.  Or, they were angels....

Monday, February 27, 2023

Caliphate To Rise? To Attempt To Control Us All?


    I had a dream this morning. It seemed to do with a type of persecution. Like what cartel type people do at the border. They can take your stuff from you without asking.

    But, these people in my dream were acting more like they had authority over the area where I live. They wanted to see into what I was carrying as I said it was tamales and they wanted one. I knew I had no tamales. I was crying out to God for them not to see what I had in my box.

     I told them I was bringing the tamales to a friend, so they said they would escort me there and get one when we arrived. I arrived at some place unfamiliar. I didn't know the lady behind the counter near a wall, but she seemed to know my plight. Quickly, she took two tamales off of a wall above her, a shelf? Did God provide? This part was odd. Was it an angel providing my need?

     The lady quickly put in a couple tamales. I offered them to these people that made me feel nervous and a bit fearful, but I kept crying out to Jesus for protection, so I was trusting Him to move for me.
     Is this a confirmation of the caliphate rising up in America this month? Taking over areas like what happened in 2020 to Oregon and Washington? However, this time, it is the Muslims????
     Being a dream needing interpretation, it is something I (or our Nation) will be facing very soon. Dreams are to help people understand what they are about to go through and how to move when it happens.

     Caliphate rising?

Thursday, February 23, 2023

WILL THE BRIDE LEAVE DURING ATOMIC DESTRUCTION? My revelation....Let's remember back to 2015...


Monday, December 28, 2015

Prelude to my vision/revelation....
   Early Fall of 2015, I was asking the Holy Spirit some pretty intense questions!  I wanted the Lord to show me my own version of what He had shown other believers about the return of Jesus.  I wanted to know what was coming as we were heading into 2016, and He did not hesitate to answer!  

  On Dec.12, 2015,  as I was getting ready for bed, my husband expressed a lack of faith in dreams and visions, so gently, but firmly with full conviction of heart, I verbally confirmed to my husband that I believed that God worked all throughout biblical history with believers with dreams, visions and revelations, and that He still does today! 
    I believe this is why the Lord moved as He did that very night!   It happened just minutes after Midnight, Sunday, Dec 13, 2015.

Here is my vision opener that turned into a powerful revelation of how Babylon's hour will come into play where I live ....

   I was care-free and lighthearted...pressing up close to someone on the couch that I didn't know.  I was warned to be careful.  I was told by someone that I was willing to sidle up with anyone...even strangers. 
   The next thing I knew, I was sitting around a table with others that I could not see very well, but I knew they were not good men...a very dark presence filled the air.   I got careless, and brought up ear buds to my ears to work at listening in on something... some type of secret information that I should not have been listening to. Suddenly, I realized that I might be seen, so I tried to hide the cord of the ear buds, but right at that moment, a man across the table leaned forward and attempted to give me an old fashioned 1950's HAM radio.  I didn't want to take it.  He said it was urgent, and they wanted to talk to me.
   So, I took the HAM radio from the man across the table, and brought it up to my face.  I said, "Hello?"  The male voice on the other end distinctly and pin-pointedly said, "Didn't I warn you?  I said, "What do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about?" (but inside I felt a little concerned because I sensed that this person was able to see me through and through).
   This male voice said something about me having gone too far, and a vision of a code came into my view, but I wasn't allowed to see the full code.   At this time, I was only to know the understanding that the final move had been made.  The last number of the code flashed before me, and stuck out as if confirming something was complete...finished.  I seemed to be given understanding that this meant 'the button was going to be pushed.'  
   Suddenly, there were multiple explosions going off nearby me!  I scrunched down into a ball while still standing, feeling fearful, but suddenly, it came to me that the Lord was showing me something, and that I had told Him that whatever He showed me, I would not be afraid.  So, I forced myself up to a straight position, and turned to the right to look, and I saw a scene of devastation beyond description!  The view was of a burning landscape of broken and blown out buildings with pits of fire all around!  I noted that the atmosphere was dark - no sunlight-  thus, it made the fire stand out throughout the silhouette of broken down buildings, and the outline of the mountains behind it.  NOTE:  Later on when thinking over this experience, I realized the devastated area was the front view from my home looking towards the suburb of the city I live in!
     I crouched back down into a ball as I knew that there was a flurry of debris that seemed to be coming towards me!   I was given understanding it was atomic in nature.  I cried out to the Lord, "God, let me die quickly!" I felt nothing, so I stood up.  I felt no pain!  Just quiet, and gray clouds of thick dust and debris surrounding me.  I had no difficulty breathing either...
     At that moment, I saw a light coming towards me through the thick debris...illuminating in front of me... more tall than wide (like the form of a human being).  I strained to try to open my eyes, but I couldn't.  The light was illuminating, but not glaring, and made me feel safe, but I still saw only thick billows of heavy debris and dust.  However, the light remained constant until I came out of the gloomy atmosphere.
      Suddenly, I was above the clouds, and I saw a beautiful, vibrant blue sky!  I looked down to see white, billowing clouds below me - very realistic and beautiful!  This brilliant scene to this very day stands out more strong than anything from this vision. As I looked down over the tops of the clouds in the upper atmosphere, this assured me that I had been ascending upward.   About this time, I moved back into a misty fog (clouds?) where the light was dispersed throughout...sparkling and very illuminating!   I saw in my peripheral vision the dark silhouette of a Man to the right of me.  Suddenly, He was in front of me holding my hands in His - where my hands were together, and His hands surrounded mine.  More of a loving grasp!
     I strained to try to see who it was, but I was not allowed to see His face.  I thought, Is it Jesus?   I focused my attention on the Man holding my hands, sensing or being told in my spirit that it was Jesus.  It was peaceful, and I didn't feel awkward with Him holding my hands.  I sensed His unconditional love, and it seemed so right!  Then, He disappeared, and the sparkling, twinkling lights and misty fog continued for a few more moments before I found myself scrambling out of bed to run to the computer!  I didn't even need to think about what had happened, or what I should groggy feeling or waking up...
   The alertness level was uncanny, as if I had never even been asleep!  I was literally dashing from my bed to the computer to write it down!  Never have I experienced this before!  It felt like I changed over from the spirit realm back to the physical realm....from one place of existence to another!   NOTE:  As I ran to the computer, the Lord was putting upon my heart the truth of the Word that He is going to come at a time when we LEAST expect it!

   Addition as of Sept. 20,2017....
         The Lord gave me a vision of a scene of numbers up close...could it be the omitted piece of my vision on Dec. 13, 2015?...a code?  This is what I saw...
         A list of numbers, most in sets of 3's, yet the one that stuck out to me (which I am familiar with because I see it all the time) was 11:11.  Then another number at the bottom of the list stood out.  It was a ZERO!  It was as if the zero meant something very important as it stood out from the rest of the numbers.  Then, I saw the sets of 3 numbers below the 11:11 begin to change.  Two numbers out of each set of 3 disappeared, and I saw this...

     It was a countdown....3, 2, 1, ZERO!

  It wasn't till a few days ago that I realized it could be that code that the Lord did not let me see back in 2015.... is the button about to be pushed????!

Remembrance of Years Past....God did give America a Reprieve by Allowing Trump to be in, and a chance to Repent. But did She Repent?


Tuesday, April 8, 2014


   One December night in the year 2013, while at the dinner table, I felt led to get my Bible.  I felt prompted to read the Bible to my whole family together before heading to bed instead of separately at each child's bedside.  Without much thought,  I sat back down at the table with my Bible in hand and opened it.  Looking down, I noted the passage Jeremiah 18 opened before me, but I sensed the Holy Spirit direct me to not proceed with it.  So, without much thought, I began to do it this way...

     Holding the place in my Bible, I told my kids to say a book of the Bible, and told them we would read the 3rd book past it.  My oldest daughter said, "Ecclesiastes!"  Thus, we all figured together that the third book after was Jeremiah.  This caught me by surprise, but I stayed quiet. That is when my third born daughter piped up and said, "We've never read that one before!  Let's do it!" 
    Then I said, "Someone mention a chapter, and we will read the 6th chapter after it.  My son called out 12.  So we all came to the conclusion that it was Chapter 18!   My oldest daughter was getting into it, so before I could mention what verse, she called out, "Read verse 5!"  That is where I started, and we read through most of the chapter.

  Jeremiah 18:5-11  
Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?” declares the Lord. “Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel. At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will [a]relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; 10 if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will [b]think better of the good with which I had promised to [c]bless it. 11 So now then, speak to the men of Judah and against the inhabitants of Jerusalem saying, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Behold, I am fashioning calamity against you and devising a plan against you. Oh turn back, each of you from his evil way, and [d]reform your ways and your deeds.”’

                                                    May God Bless America!

     I believe God is calling us to pray for our Nation!   I am praying that He will withhold judgement to America because of His people who are praying and repenting.   I am asking that He withhold calamity until His return to take His children home.

FYI,  after this happened, I checked out what Bob Jones said.  God burdened his heart in the same way in the same month!

UPDATE:  America did get a reprieve.  God allowed President Trump in.   God was giving America a chance to repent.  But, did she?  No.  So now the 7 years of Tribulation are soon to start....

The Caliphate Will Rise and Use Russia For Their Agenda. Then The New World Order Will Remove Them, and Take Over! Back to 2014....


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

ISIS infiltration and America's destruction

ISIS/Terrorist infiltration and America's destruction

 God answered my question about what is coming in the days ahead....
     As I fasted 3 days (Nov 30-Dec 2, 2015) due to the Lord's prompting, I asked the Lord to show me what was coming in the years ahead. Right at the end of fasting, between the hours of 5 and 6am on Dec 3rd, I was given 2 visions with the second being a translation. In the first vision, I believe He showed me that many jihadists have infiltrated our Nation under 'disguise.' The San Bernadino terrorist shooting was a 'mistake' of passion by the jihadists thus exposing the plans of the terrorists to the public. My second vision (the Lord's translation) gives hint that due to the pride and arrogance of America, she is about to be devastated by these terrorists who have infiltrated our Nation. It is inevitable.
     My husband got up the morning of Dec. 3rd, and all I remember thinking was that the Holy Spirit had not burdened my heart to read the Bible. Then, I was immediately asleep again...


The visions were dark in nature. At the start of both dreams, I was going down a street at a rather fast pace - my feet were not touching the ground. Something/someone was carrying me, but I did not detect what or who it was. I felt as if I was in a third world country. I perceived the area was located in the middle east - Iran, Iraq. Rocky, rough walls adorned the buildings to the left of the road (almost like they had been built into a large mountain, and only a waist-high wall to the right of me, no buildings on this side. Next thing I knew, I had turned left, and was walking into an ally between buildings or in tunnels, narrow paths with tall rough walls, and no sky above. It was walking on a dirt path, but I was still moving without effort, just a bit slower.. At first it was the tall walls to each side of me, then it kind of opened up into a room which made me think I had gone into one of the buildings or a cave-like room. I made a statement out in the open, "Where do I go to donate my blood?" I pondered at that moment how I was there because of a deal that I had been offered if I gave blood. I was told to continue on forward, so I proceeded forward where I came across two very well-built, strong-looking, dark-haired and brown-skinned men who had 'nurse/doctor' garb on. I was bewildered at how rough and tough these men looked...something didn't seem right. They led me to the right - further on where the room seemed to become even more cave-like and closed-in where all I could see was the men, and the desk in front of me. I could not see what was in the darkness to my right. One of the men went behind the desk, and asked me if I had brought the necessary paperwork. I realized I hadn't brought anything, so I said, "no." Then he asked me for my code/number (he did not say password), but I finally came to the conclusion that he wanted my password. Thus, I said," Oh, you want my password. It's Let's Give Blood!" As he began to work over the computer, I realized that I had already given blood, and couldn't do it till January. So, I told him that I had already given blood, and asked if he was seeing this (on the computer). He said "Yes." As I proceeded to attempt to leave, he became very urgent about keeping me there, and attempted to assure me I could still give blood. (dream ended) Interlude before next dream.... There was an interlude of some sort where God put on my heart that He was going to give the translation of this dream, then the next dream began... It started out exactly the same as the first. Moving fast-paced once again down the same street, I turned left into a different opening between the buildings, and began walking (gliding) down the dirt path. However, this path seemed to have turns in it. I sensed a Presence come up to me....hovering near my left side. I did not see a person, and during this time, my visual focus was on His presence and the conversation, and not on what was around me (kind of how God works when He speaks in a Spirit of the God-induced trance). I told him that I was going down this path because I had been told that the other way was too long. I heard the man's voice say to me, "Are you sure this is the shorter way? It seems longer." Right at that moment, the narrow path with rocky walls was gone, and I was in a room looking straight at a woman who was severely injured and bleeding over her whole body and head. She was sitting down in what may have been a car with the door wide open, but the woman was the focus. She was leaning towards me - complaining to me about her predicament. I was not aware of anyone with me at this moment. My focus was fully on the woman. She was complaining about why she was in the condition she was, and was talking about something she had done prior to finding herself in this condition. She seemed confused as to why she was in this condition. At this point, that voice I had heard earlier began to give me insight. He gave me understanding that pride and lack of repentance for what she had done had ultimately caused her demise. If she had dealt with her pride earlier, God would not have had to go to this extreme with her. ************************************************************* Devastation is coming, but God cares for His own. The Shepherd will protect his sheep! You need not fear...

"The Tribulation MUST start on Feast of Trumpet, or We Must Go Another 7 Years."

   The Lord led me to the Enoch calendar as this is God's calendar (Freemasons took it over/Satanic).  Satan has misled the church by creating the Gregorian calendar and the Hebrew calendar.

  Thus, the end of March (Nissan 1) begins the Shemitah year and the Jubilee year.  God brought my attention to Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai ministries over the last two years to take notice of what he said about the Shemitah, the Jubilee, and the start of the Tribulation. The key being that "the Tribulation MUST start on Feast of Trumpet, or we must go another 7 years."

  The key error was that Mark did not follow the TRUE CALENDAR...the Enoch calendar!!!  
  Thus, the literal coming back of Christ is likely the same time as when Jesus died and rose again...Nissan 14-16,/April 6-9 (thank you, Gill Broussard, for sharing this pearl of truth.  To follow the literal words that Jesus will come in the same manner as you have seen Him leave), AND the fulfillment of Feast of Trumpets is the START of the Tribulation!

   If you really see the Bible literally as Jesus coming the second time in the same way, His body (the church) will be being persecuted as He was beat and even put to death, then He will change them in the twinkling of an eye like Jesus was and caught up to Heaven...Do you see the similarities that could take place?

   I heard a Christian guy... didn't get his name...who said all the Fall feasts must be fulfilled in regards to Israel.  
   Whoa!  The rapture ends the church age...the start of Tribulation begins the 7 years of Tribulation for the Jews!!!

    MFATW said a revealing of likely the Fallen Angels to occur in June/July...the Peace Treaty to occur then???

    RAMADAN BEGINS MARCH 22/23.  Hmmm... will the rise of the caliphate become stronger over the world or in America during this bloody America? Has it already started???! (PROPHETIC revelation given where the Lord said, "Here is the translation" and the revelation dream repeated a second time with interpretation given).  It was given in Nov 2015 after fasting 3 days.  
       Then, on Dec 13, 2015,  I got a rapture revelation at midnight (12 midnight!) of how we change in the twinkling of an eye and wait to be caught up! It was my last revelation vision in 2015, after fasting 3 days and speaking out loud with strong belief to my husband's listening ears (lol) before I went to sleep that "I believe God can speak through visions, dreams, and revelations."  The Lord made sure my heart was ready to receive it! 

   Boy, did this activate God to answer my question about the rapture!!!!!   

  God has spoken to me so much in 2019, too!

 ....the Lord said on March 22, 2019 (equinox) "I am coming and My reward is with Me"  
 ....on April 6th, I, and a couple of my friends, had health issues; major satanic attack, so I looked into my heart every day that following week and asked the Lord, "What happened on April 6, 2019?" ( knowing Barbara of Godshealer7 had been given this date... but not for a rapture date... made me even more sure God had an answer for me).
.....on April 13, 2019, after looking into my heart while driving to Costco and asking the question, He said, "Season of My return.  Satan knows his time is short." While in Costco, He said, "Satan has come down." I said, "Lord, that is the same verse!"  I went home and searched.  It was Revelation 12:12.

   This time frame fits Passover this year, 2023!!!!! April 5/6 to April 12/13!!! Is this a coincidence? I think not!
   The Lord is speaking to His servants before He does something!!!!!

    As war escalates,  MFATW believes the caliphate will take over Russia.  He believes it will be the caliphate that shoots the atomic bombs! ( I just now got translation  from the Lord of the opening to my Dec 13, 2015 revelation! It opens with me sitting at tables where caliphate men are speaking and I am listening in....they are planning to do what Mike said!  Oh wow!  I never understood this till now!)

Sunday, February 19, 2023


In 2019, the Lord said:
Equinox March 22, 2019 at 4:30am "I am coming and My reward is with Me"

April 6, 2019 (Barbara of GodsHealer7 was given this date) on this date, I got severe bradycardia when I would try to lay down to go to bed. I felt like the enemy said, "You will not make it to morning." I made it to the morning, and I called a couple my friends. They also had issues with heart and anxieties. I said, "Let's pray and ask the Lord every day, 'What happened on April 6, 2019?' "

After looking into my heart on April 13, 2019 and asking yet again... He said, "Season of My return. Satan knows his time is short." Later that day, the Lord said, "Satan has come down." I knew this to be the same led me to REVELATION 12:12 is the Enoch calendar. Right?

Thus the Jubilee Year and the Shemitah year did NOT start last September, but is due to start this year in March/April. Pastor Mark Biltz said the TRIBULATION MUST START ON THE FEAST OF TRUMPETS or we have another 7 years to go before it can start....GUESS WHAT? it is NOT over!


Gill Broussard said it is literal for how Jesus will return. He said it has to be around PASSOVER!

PASSOVER 2023 is IRONICALLY between April 6 to April 13!!!!!!! GET IT APRIL 6-13!!!!!

IS THIS THE SEASON OF HIS RETURN a time when we LEAST expect it?