Monday, July 23, 2018


Some say according the Celestial calendar (sun, moon and stars), the real Pentecost is on Aug. 21, 2018 and Jesus could come on that date, and then you have some that say Jesus' birthday is on 9-11-2018 and He could come on that date, and some who say the Rev. 12 sign started the birth that culminated on June 23, 2018, and the maid (female=Bride of Christ) child must wait 80 days from that point which comes to 9-11-2018 the Feast of Trumpets (Sept 10-11), The Jewish New Year, and this is when Jesus could come back, and to finish off, we have those who say Jesus will come before September 19, 2018.
Wow...truly no man knows the day nor the hour! BUT we do know THE SEASON! I stand with those who say JESUS IS RETURNING BY THE END OF OCTOBER...Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Come Quickly Lord Jesus! Amen!

1 comment:

  1. Maybe we were just a year too early! The Lord has been very direct this year as He was with the shepherds when He came as a baby. Hopefully, this is this year 2019!
