The Lord spoke to me about Mount Horeb. I sensed an understanding given to me that whatever was associated with Mount Horeb was going to happen just before or in sync with the war of Gog and Magog.
When I woke, I focused upon the main word I was shown, Mount Horeb. It was in the most glory-filled atmosphere, so I believe GOD Himself was showing it to me! I wondered what this mountain was, so once it was after 5am and the Wifi came back on, I reached for my phone to look it up. This mountain is the other name for Mount Sinai! They are one and the same, HOWEVER, Mt Sinai is said to be the eastern side of the mountain and Mt. Horeb is the western side of it. Whoa!
For every verse containing the word Horeb, go to: https://www.kingjamesbibleonline.org/search.php?hs=1&q=Horeb
After reading this passage from the Bible, I went back to sleep for another hour, and the Lord gave me a dream which He reminded me of when I woke....
. I was in a room that seemed to be in the main lobby area of a church. I was in the role of Nurse. At first, I remember speaking to some guy who was there, and I can't remember what his role was, but after he left the room, many kids came in to sit around tables and eat their snacks.
I noticed music coming from the main auditorium, and it was lively music! I wondered why the kids were not leaving to go participate in this event, so I went to an area attached to the room to ask someone (the guy I spoke with earlier?) if this was okay for the kids to remain. He said it was because some were still in class learning, and it was not for them to go to this event.
So, I went back into the room to speak to the kids. As I attempted to speak out to them all, I had to keep clearing my throat because I was congested and sounded terrible. Finally after a few attempts, I just spoke out with my raspy sounding voice, and told them,"I don't mind if you want to stay, but I ask that before you leave, please clean up after yourself and throw away any trash."
Some of the kids began to stand and clean up their trash.
Then it was over....
Not sure yet what the dream means in regards to Mount Horeb/Sinia, but it could have something to do with what God told Moses to tell the people to do...to wash their clothes and prepare. Also, the first TRUMP was at Mt. Sinai where Moses was called up to meet God in the clouds...the second TRUMP is about ready to sound where Jesus is going to come down in a cloud to meet us, His Bride, in the air!
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