Monday, July 30, 2018

Something BIG is Coming in August/September

So what is coming in August/September?   Paul Martin speaks out about upcoming indictments....

 I have reason to believe that President Trump and former President George W. Bush may be the millstones that are about to go around the necks of those who have harmed children. They are readying indictments against the evil, sick, perverted crowd of Deep State participants, and August is the month! Stay with me as I will bring reason for why I support Paul Martin on this....

 My reason for this?
 Look at the video by GodsHealer7 End Times Prophecy Channel The man who received this night vision calls it a dream, but in fact it is a warning vision given from the Lord about two Presidents who are working to keep the foundation of America secure. They are aware of the swamp that is killing our Nation (the crack in the foundation), and they know the dangers of bringing all this to light and bringing these people to justice (the weaker president shows great concern, and afraid to do the job), but these two men are being called by God to be millstones against those who are hurting children.

 I looked up millstone..
   "Millstone around one's neck. The literal hanging of a millstone about the neck is mentioned as a punishment in the New Testament (Matthew 18:6), causing the miscreant to be drowned." At about the same time this vision was given, julian t's video came out where he reversed the iPet Goat movie of the part showing former President George W. Bush, and in Bush's voice it says. "August" "August" "August"

    Something truly is coming in August/September that is BIG! Could this month be the one that leads up to another Sept. 11th? Ultimately, the most serious danger for America-loving Presidents is going against the communist Deep State that is so desperate to stay out of jail!

Monday, July 23, 2018


Some say according the Celestial calendar (sun, moon and stars), the real Pentecost is on Aug. 21, 2018 and Jesus could come on that date, and then you have some that say Jesus' birthday is on 9-11-2018 and He could come on that date, and some who say the Rev. 12 sign started the birth that culminated on June 23, 2018, and the maid (female=Bride of Christ) child must wait 80 days from that point which comes to 9-11-2018 the Feast of Trumpets (Sept 10-11), The Jewish New Year, and this is when Jesus could come back, and to finish off, we have those who say Jesus will come before September 19, 2018.
Wow...truly no man knows the day nor the hour! BUT we do know THE SEASON! I stand with those who say JESUS IS RETURNING BY THE END OF OCTOBER...Praise be to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Come Quickly Lord Jesus! Amen!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Great American Eclipse Aug. 21, 2017 & The Great Israeli Blood Moon July 27, 2018...The Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord is almost here!


The sun will be turned to darkness
    and the moon to blood
    before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the Lord.

       Joel 2:31 

      The Lord has brought me to the realization that the fulfillment of Joel 2:30-31 has been happening over the last year and is continuing to happen right before our very eyes... listen to this!

     The Great American Eclipse on Aug. 21, 2017 was a prophetic occurrence of the fulfillment of the 'sun will be turned to darkness.' That is why many of us believers (including me) on that very day of the sun eclipse or soon after the eclipse, received the number '911' - and the understanding of 'destruction coming'.
     We are now heading for the Great Israeli Blood Moon when the 'moon to blood' will come to fulfillment before the great and dreadful day of the Lord! (FYI, a brother in the Lord, after I shared this with him, showed me his email he had written up that had this very same understanding of Joel 2:31!)


    FAST & PRAY, and may the Lord move to bring understanding to us all! Jesus is coming soon!

   NOTE: The fulfillment of what the Lord put on my heart in Jan. 2013 of Joel 2:28-31 is coming to completion! Also, what He said to me August/Sept 2016..."Jesus' hand is on the Door Knob!" "It is Enough! The Hour has Come!" "All that is in the book of Revelation will begin to come to pass!" is just about to happen any moment now!

 Come Quickly Lord Jesus!

Saturday, July 21, 2018

The only thing we are promised from receiving Jesus as our Savior is 'ETERNAL LIFE!' (John 3:16)


      If you look at the book of Revelation chapter 3, only those that overcome are given things. Also, "If anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." (Rev. 22:19b) Preterists say there is no rapture/supernatural catching away of those that love Jesus to protect from "the trial that is about to come upon the world" (Rev. 3:10)...are you taking away from the book of Revelation? I believe so!
     Being taken out of this world is not guaranteed to us that have the Holy Spirit. Only those that LOVE Jesus and are striving to live for Enoch and Elijah were...they LOVED the Lord and served Him with a passion! Also, believing the FULL word of God is very important for Him to reveal Himself to you.  Are you picking and choosing what to believe out of His Word?  God is the Sovereign authority over His Word, and His Word stands alone in its FULLNESS!  None of it has passed away as some try to say!throughout the Bible, BELIEF was a major factor in receiving!

 For Christ's Glory Amen:

Thursday, July 19, 2018

We Will Move In Great Power & Authority Under the Protection of God

"The fear of man brings a snare,
But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe."
Proverbs 29:25

     The Lord has been showing me powerful visions recently where I am claiming out loud His promises or using His Name to keep the demonic away from me.
    One was of me walking in the entrance/hallway of my own home, and people like those that are in The Walking Dead are coming up against me.  I am claiming,  "In the Name of Jesus you cannot touch me!"  "In the Name of Jesus you will NOT touch me!"  It would stop them, and they would turn away from me instead of biting, scratching or attacking me.  It was as if a force would come against them, and they would stop and stare, then turn from me.  It was powerful, and so realistic!
    The other one was of me at a church group, and there was not enough food.  Only one take home container was half full of a rice dish.  I had begun to take a serving of it, but then I looked up from the food to scan the crowd, and I realized it was not enough to feed them, so I said, "No, I am not going to take any food," and I began to put it back into the container.   It burdened me that there would not be enough for others, so I looked back up at the group, and spoke out, "God is going to have to double this food in order to feed us all!"  I looked down, and there were two take home containers over-flowing with the rice dish!  There was double the portion and more than enough to feed the group! 
    Even another dream/vision, where I woke and understood the  Psalm 91 protection.  There were groups of people around me being harmed, but it was totally clear I was being protected!  
    God is going to protect us when we stay in the secret place of the Most High!  When we believe Him for who He is and all His promises are true, we cannot fail!  God will come through as we have faith (trust) Him, and we do not doubt!  So awesome is He!!!!

Many Fish  (rebuttle:  MrMBB33 may not be so bad...listen to Steve from Blessed Hope 2018)

It is coming...It is here! Get ready for Sudden Destruction!  911!
Blessed Hope 2018

Thursday, July 12, 2018



   The Lord spoke to me about Mount Horeb.  I sensed an understanding given to me that whatever was associated with Mount Horeb was going to happen just before or in sync with the war of Gog and Magog.
  When I woke, I focused upon the main word I was shown, Mount Horeb.  It was in the most glory-filled atmosphere, so I believe GOD Himself was showing it to me!   I wondered what this mountain was, so once it was after 5am and the Wifi came back on, I reached for my phone to look it up.  This mountain is the other name for Mount Sinai!  They are one and the same, HOWEVER, Mt Sinai is said to be the eastern side of the mountain and Mt. Horeb is the western side of it.  Whoa! 

 For every verse containing the word Horeb, go to:



After reading this passage from the Bible,  I went back to sleep for another hour, and the Lord gave me a dream which He reminded me of when I woke....
.  I was in a room that seemed to be in the main lobby area of a church.  I was in the role of Nurse.   At first, I remember speaking to some guy who was there, and I can't remember what his role was, but after he left the room, many kids came in to sit around tables and eat their snacks.
I noticed music coming from the main auditorium, and it was lively music!  I wondered why the kids were not leaving to go participate in this event, so I went to an area attached to the room to ask someone (the guy I spoke with earlier?) if this was okay for the kids to remain.   He said it was because some were still in class learning, and it was not for them to go to this event.
So, I went back into the room to speak to the kids.  As I attempted to speak out to them all, I had to keep clearing my throat because I was congested and sounded terrible.  Finally after a few attempts, I just spoke out with my raspy sounding voice, and told them,"I don't mind if you want to stay, but I ask that before you leave, please clean up after yourself and throw away any trash."
Some of the kids began to stand and clean up their trash.

Then it was over....

  Not sure yet what the dream means in regards to Mount Horeb/Sinia, but it could have something to do with what God told Moses to tell the people to wash their clothes and prepare.  Also, the first TRUMP was at Mt. Sinai where Moses was called up to meet God in the clouds...the second TRUMP is about ready to sound where Jesus is going to come down in a cloud to meet us, His Bride, in the air!
