Thursday, February 14, 2013


    God wants us to meet the needs of our hurting and suffering sisters and brothers in Christ -

 Last year, my husband and I decided not to use stock to get by, but to trust God and only use our monthly income.  Out of fear, I went back to only tithing 10%, instead of letting God move my heart to give over and above.
   At the end of the year, I put the question past my husband.  Do you want to give over and above like I usually do?   I never got a clear answer and the year finally rolled over to 2013.  We ended up only tithing 10%.
    Just last week, one of our cars radiators went bad, and we were told it would cost $1000 to fix it.  Suddenly, I felt the Holy Spirit burden my heart that we were heading in a direction that God did not want us to go.  I asked my husband  to ask God...
     The next day, my husband called me and asked me to pray.  He was going to try to get another quote from the dealer. He said, "Honey pray!  Ask God to give us a better cost other than $1000 (which was the quoted price). 
    I got off the phone, and had no thoughts on how to pray.  I just started praying and letting the Holy Spirit lead.  I started to pray, and the Holy Spirit led me to pray this way...."Lord, if you want me to tithe over an above, and I don't have to be fearful doing it, then please confirm this to me by letting us get this car fixed cheaper than $ least down to $600.  Whatever we don't have to pay out to get the car fixed, I will give it to you this year - over and above the 10%.  I will know that you want me to give over and above."   
     My hubby called back, and said, "Honey, how did you pray?"  I shared with him what I prayed.  He said, "They said they are going to fix our car for next to nothing!"  
     That Friday, he went in to pick up the car, and they said, "That'll be $1000."  My husband told them what they had said earlier, and so they just had him sign and leave without paying a cent. They said they would figure it out, and let him know.  My husband drove home not paying a cent.
    During all this time, I was seeking God how he wanted us to use the money.  At first, I thought it would go towards a wonderful group that ministers to the Israeli poor.  I shared this car story with them on Tuesday evening, and asked God to have them respond back (as they usually do) by Wednesday evening if He wanted me to give the money to them.  I got no response. 
     After that, for the next 24 hours, I sought God on how He wanted me to use the money.  He brought back to mind what I had told a good friend of ours. This friend is a godly, single woman who is in her 50's that we love dearly who has no children but one boy who lives far away, and very few genuine friends are available to help her out.  At the end of January of this year, I told her that last year I had been burdened that we fix her car, so she would not have to fear driving it all around San Diego.  However, my husband was not in agreement with me, so I could not do it.
    This lovely lady shared with me that she had begun praying in January for TWO weeks straight for our family - just before God opened my eyes about how we need to talk to the Holy Spirit as He is no different than God and JesusHE IS OUR HELPER!  Why do we ignore and suppress Him?  
   Around the time she was led to pray for us, the spiritual battle began to wage against me and my family.  The Holy Spirit began to lead me to the Truth that Satan is gaining bondage over believers today and things have changed in the Spirit realmHe has pressed upon my heart that we are in the last days
   I hear the Holy Spirit very loudly now, and He puts the perfect Biblical truths into my heart right when I need them in order to stand strong!  God used this beautiful woman who understands the power of prayer to stand in the gap for me and my family! Right then I realized that God wanted us to help her!
   My husband went back Monday morning knowing that we had chosen to help our friend.  They told him he didn't have to pay a cent!  The work was given to us FREE of charge!
     I call this major confirmation from God that we need to take care of our fellow believers that are suffering and struggling to make ends meet!  We do not need to fear because we have a God that promises to provide!  If we are following His commands and walking in His ways, we need not fear at all!  He will provide!  He will bless us! But remember, it is so we can bless others!


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