Rev. 13: 7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues and nations." Someday during the Tribulation, Satan will be cast down to war against the saints. However, we are seeing signs now that Satan is ramping up his attack on the church. His army I believe is greater than ever before as they are throwing away the airs of procrastination and are now waiting to take control of believers who choose to keep wrong thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions.
Tim LaHaye taught us Christians years ago that we needed to confess our sin immediately, so Satan could not gain control over our lives and break communication with God. Thus, today, with all the distractions of the world and our laziness on keeping our hearts clean and free of sin, we have so many Christians severely controlled and blinded by Satan. Thus, we must pray them out of bondage in order for them to hear the Spirit's call!
Joel 2:28 "It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all
mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will
dream dreams, Your young men will see visions." God seems to be raising up men and women these days with the gift of prophecy.
I happen to be one of them. Yet, it seems that my gift this year has turned towards the gift of exhoration/encouragement/prophetess. Please don't react to this. I will explain this gift.
When one hears the Holy Spirit so clear in their heart (literally conversing very loud and distinctly as a separate person speaking ) that they cannot ignore what they are being called to do, it then becomes the gift of prophet/prophetess. It seems that the satanic realm rises up against you and the angelic realm to support you when God is about to use this gift in you.
The Lord Jesus directed a book into my hands that taught me truth from the Word of God that was never given to me as a child. Most of my life, I listened to what man said rather than what God said in His Word. Now that I listen and speak to my Helper, the Holy Spirit, I have more power in Christ! Now that I pray down satanic strongholds against my life and others, I stand firm in the armor of God through righteousness!
Because of this truth, I have sought freedom from demonic control; I was allowed to experience praying as I have never prayed before, waking at 4am almost every morning with the Holy Spirit directing on what to pray for and I was LOVING it; I was strong to speak out truth to others of the war we are in against the Principalities of the Air, and of His imminent return for the church.
I was blessed to experience what prayer and fasting does in your life. The more that you abstain from worldly things, and seek God's face in His Word, and fast and pray, the more clear He can speak to you, and direct you for His purpose. Now that I actually talk to the Helper, with whom Jesus gave me, I hear Him direct me and impress Biblical truths upon my heart in a way I never knew possible!
A note to the wise:
"Be extra careful to maintain a faultless ministry, devoid of any suspicion and completely open to others. Walk in the truth." Quote from "Spiritual Warfare" by Richard Ing
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