Tuesday, June 4, 2013


   So often we react instead of praying and waiting on God to give clarification to the direction He wants us to move.  All too often it's either us or the demonic realm running the show when we react without all the facts or insight from God.  I am the first to raise my hand and humbly admit this struggle...
    During my recent 'close encounter' with the Holy Spirit and the spirit realm, I had either an angel or a very strong godly man say to me, "Good things come to those that wait..."  and in my heart, I proceeded to finish it, "on the Lord!"  That day, my journey began learning how to wait and ask God for His insight.
     I made it my goal to never react to anything, but to wait and pray to God for clear direction.  It has paid off in ways I can't even explain!   Truly good things do come to those that wait on the Lord!
     A couple months later, I had a woman at the Christian Bible bookstore say to me, "He delays us for a reason."  She said it twice to me.  Let me just say - God wanted to make a point that day!  The next two places I went, God proved this truth to me!   He truly does orchestrate our paths so that we come across those He wants us to bless, encourage or exhort.  Or possibly, to teach us a lesson...
    We grumble over everything that we think are mistakes or problems.  Yet these troublesome things are just God interjecting a catalyst to move us in the direction He wants us to go for His purpose far greater than we can even imagine!  If our perspective is not focused on God's Sovereignty in it all, and we accept it as our own mistakes or blunders, then we will, more than likely, end up listening and accepting what Satan has to offer (fear, resentment, self pity, etc),  This satanic bondage we bring upon ourselves will hinder the full work of God in and through us.

    When we are walking with Him, nothing we do is a mistake or a problem!  Remember,  His ways are not our ways!   He, the great I AM, knows how to lead, direct and guide us far better than anyone!

                                              Seek His wisdom today!!!

 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.  In all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight."  Prov. 3: 5-6

Saturday, April 20, 2013


      Blatant satanic attack came upon on my family.  During this time, I told the kids they must obey the Word of God by obeying Mom and Dad or things could happen that would not be good.  If they disobeyed, the Enemy could come against them.
      Normally, I ignore calls from all research companies because I either don't have the time, or the hours for the amount is not worth it.  However, this one time that a certain research company called, I looked at the caller ID, and I felt the Holy Spirit encourage me to answer.   It was impressed upon my heart, "It's a friend."
       I picked up the phone only to realize it was a research company calling.  Like I said, the pay had to be worth the effort.  Well, it was just that, so I decided to let them interview me.  I was sure, they'd drop me, but they didn't!
      So, I went to the research survey event that was not being held at their company building. As I was just getting there, driving through the parking lot,  the Holy Spirit put in my heart that I was going to be interrupted in the middle of the survey because of an injury to one of my kids.  Just moments later, my second born daughter called and said, "Mom, can we cook cookies?"
      After saying a quick, 'yes,' I hung up.  Suddenly, I remember what the Holy Spirit had just acknowledge in my heart, and that my husband, during an earlier discussion, had told me the kids should not cook cookies while home alone that day.  I quickly called back my daughter, and told her not to do the cookies.  I shared with her what had just gone into my heart before she called.  Her answer was, "YES MOM!"  She had just stuck a tray of cookies into the oven, so she pulled them out, turned off the oven and put everything away in the frig.
       Later on, I heard the story from the kids perspective.  My oldest daughter had no idea why she told my second born daughter to call and confirm with me if it was okay.  I figured that she had overheard my husband and I talking.   Whatever the situation, the Lord was watching out for our family and wanted me to not be interrupted.
       While at the building where the survey was to take place, one of the leading ladies mentioned what happened during the previous survey group.  A guy had walked in who was sick wanting to still participate.  They refused him, so he requested that he still receive his money.   They once again said no, and asked him to leave.  His response was that they were discriminating against him because he was a Christian.
       Right away, I knew why God wanted me there!  I spoke up that we are waring against the demonic realm.  Let's just say, God had me standing up for this misunderstanding, and guided my words to speak the truth He wanted out.  The other three that were in my survey group were listening intently!  One nodded his head in agreement, one stay quietly looking down in her lap, and the other seemed very interested to the point he asked me what church I attended. 
                                    Always be ready to speak the truth in love!

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


 God confirmed to my heart that we are in the Season of His return!  Every event that we see this year is going to be easily identified as Biblical prophecy.

 The Word of God says, we will 'know the season' of His return.  Think about it...a season is something that is just months away that we can anticipate happening.  Do you realize how clear that really is?  If we are truly in the season, which I believe we are because Biblical prophecy is happening faster and more recognizable before our eyes, then that means His imminent return is closer than we have ever known before!  My guess -  whichever way it goes - is that His return for the church is between 3 months to 3 years away!  Now don't get me wrong...I am not saying the day nor the hour, just the season...
      When we rolled into 2013, something did change!  No, the physical world did not end as many believed, but something in the spirit realm changed!   I believe we transitioned into the Season of His return!

Friday, March 1, 2013


      "If revival ignited today, existing church buildings would not be able to hold all the new converts.  Even if money were available, land would have to be purchased, plans drawn, permits obtained, and ground broken.  By the time that all occurred, the revival would probably be over.   While ministering in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, recently, pastors informed me that the Bulgarian revival of 1990 to 1994 died because there were no more buildings to hold the new converts.  I believe that God is leading His church back into homes and to the doctrines and practices taught by the early apostles."  (Waging Spiritual Warfare, 2008, Richard Ing, pg 151)


Tuesday, February 19, 2013


    According to Richard Ing in his book, "Spiritual Warfare," he addresses something that many are not aware of...satanic practices that are used against us.  He states that those involved with witchcraft take a jar and place in it a piece of paper with someone's name on it.  They pray over these jars and put curses on the person in order to control them.
    A Christian should not be overly concerned if they are walking upright and righteous before our God because Satan cannot have that kind of control over us unless God Himself allows it.  However, I believe we must be watchful for our children and their use of internet.  If they are not yet strong in the Lord and in their walk with Christ, they may be targets for this witchcraft practice.  If they put their real name on Facebook or Twitter, you can see how they may be in danger of Satanic control.
    If you see waves of extreme emotion coming from your teenager or your young child, you may want to pray against the jar (just in case it is in existence), and ask the Holy Spirit to burn the paper and destroy the jar.   Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into truth as you pray, so He can reveal anything else to your heart that may need to be addressed in prayer.


Here is a clear statement that is so important to hear and understand.  This is the first statement I have ever heard that makes it clear how Fathers can provoke their children....


"This is an important exhortation to fathers, as we can provoke our children through carnal behavior, when we want to demonstrate that we are the lord of the house, or we can provoke our children by exaggerating what we require of them, and we can also provoke them if we do not give them increasing liberty when they grow up and need to live a life of their own."

Saturday, February 16, 2013


      We must be aware not to accept anything that is not of God and repent IMMEDIATELY  or the Armor of God is weakened and Satan can gain control. 
      Over the last year, especially, I noted Christians were getting sick with ailments that with many could not be diagnosed .  The Holy Spirit within me, I believe, confirmed to me that we as Christians these days should not accept illness as our own, but pray against it in the Name of Jesus!  Especially today because I believe we live in a new spiritual realm - the end times!   The Satanic realm will be much more apparent while the godly realm will be equally up in arms and as strong.  I believe that more illnesses will be satanically caused, and we must pray it down at least 3 times, until the Holy Spirit tells us to stop.   Our hearts will sense the need to stop and accept what God has given.
      Paul in the Bible did this....he prayed 3 times to be freed before accepting his ailment.  Obviously, his ailment was not due to satanic attack, and God used it for a reason in His life.  However, something in the spiritual realm has changed of recent, and we are having more intense Satanic involvement which is forcing us believers to have to learn how to attack the demonic realm in a much more powerfully BIBLICAL way in order to stand firm till the end - through a righteous walk with God and prayer!

       "The church is losing today because very few understand the need to go to war!  Most Christians today are more like Cub Scouts than experienced soldiers, tamed house cats instead of lions of Judah. They avoid the battle and are therefore useless to the kingdom of God.  Many have already become prisoners of war, bound by Satan."  (Waging Spiritual Warfare, 2008,  Richard Ing, pg158)
(revised 2/19/13)


    About 4-5 years ago, when I came back to a well-known large church, I was told I had the gift of prophecy.  After sharing this with me, they turned to my husband and said, "Do you agree?"  He said, "Yes!" without any hesitancy as he had been through a few things with me that were totally of God, and it was obvious God was trying to use me to speak truth.  However, then I had no idea I was using my gift! 
    Since that day, I felt that if this was the gift God gave me, I'd better learn about it.  God led me on a journey, and he used small things and two big things to help me grow.  Just recently, I have been learning to literally talk to the Holy Spirit (who is our Helper) where I was taught most of my life to suppress him.  Yet, isn't He just like Jesus and God?  Why do we ignore and suppress Him when Jesus said,  "But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come."  John 16:13  
     We are quenching the Holy Spirit when we ignore His guidance and are afraid to talk to Him!  When I was young I'd say things like, "I felt a voice trying to warn me, and I didn't listen." "Was that my conscience?"  I had no idea it was the Holy Spirit!  I could barely hear His direction in my life because I did not accept Him, but suppressed His role in my life!  How sad!
     Just lately, God has been playing a much more clear role in my gift.   My spirit senses that something in the spirit realm changed this year -  2013.  This is when my gift became very strong, and I began to learn how to pray down the demonic strongholds against me and my family.  I have since moved on to praying down the demonic strongholds for churches and men in leadership with whom I also pray for their protection. 
      After gaining freedom from demonic control of the spirits of Unforgiveness, Anger, Insecurity and Rejection that had taken control of me during the Fall 2012, I started to accept, talk and listen to the Holy Spirit.  Suddenly, I felt like I was a new believer who had just received Jesus!  I felt whole, and so happy! 
     God brought me across people who said I had been filled with the Holy Spirit or had had an "Awakening."  God revealed Himself to me in such an amazing way!  During this time, my kids and husband loved the new me!  Now I can hear the Holy Spirit more clearly at times, esp. when I fast and pray!  Moving away from wordly things while fasting and praying seems to heighten the awareness of the Holy Spirit communing with you.

 Rev. 13: 7 "And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them; and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues and nations."  Someday during the Tribulation, Satan will be cast down to war against the saints.  However, we are seeing signs now that Satan is ramping up his attack on the church.  His army I believe is greater than ever before as they are throwing away the airs of procrastination and are now waiting to take control of believers who choose to keep wrong thoughts, feelings, attitudes and actions.   
     Tim LaHaye taught us Christians years ago that we needed to confess our sin immediately, so Satan could not gain control over our lives and break communication with God.  Thus, today, with all the distractions of the world and our laziness on keeping our hearts clean and free of sin, we have so many Christians severely controlled and blinded by Satan.  Thus, we must pray them out of bondage in order for them to hear the Spirit's call!

  Joel 2:28 "It will come about after this That I will pour out My Spirit on all mankind; And your sons and daughters will prophesy, Your old men will dream dreams, Your young men will see visions."   God seems to be raising up men and women these days with the gift of prophecy.
       I happen to be one of them. Yet, it seems that my gift this year has turned towards the gift of exhoration/encouragement/prophetess.  Please don't react to this.   I will explain this gift.
      When one hears the Holy Spirit so clear in their heart  (literally conversing very loud and distinctly as a separate person speaking ) that they cannot ignore what they are being called to do, it then becomes the gift of prophet/prophetess.  It seems that the satanic realm rises up against you and the angelic realm to support you when God is about to use this gift in you.

      The Lord Jesus directed a book into my hands that taught me truth from the Word of God that was never given to me as a child.   Most of my life, I listened to what man said rather than what God said in His Word.  Now that I listen and speak to my Helper, the Holy Spirit, I have more power in Christ!  Now that I pray down satanic strongholds against my life and others, I stand firm in the armor of God through righteousness!
        Because of this truth, I have sought freedom from demonic control; I was allowed to experience praying as I have never prayed before, waking at 4am almost every morning with the Holy Spirit directing on what to pray for and I was LOVING it; I was strong to speak out truth to others of the war we are in against the Principalities of the Air, and of His imminent return for the church.
        I was blessed to experience what prayer and fasting does in your life.  The more that you abstain from worldly things, and seek God's face in His Word, and fast and pray, the more clear He can speak to you, and direct you for His purpose.   Now that I actually talk to the Helper, with whom Jesus gave me, I hear Him direct me and impress Biblical truths upon my heart in a way I never knew possible!

   A note to the wise:

"Be extra careful to maintain a faultless ministry, devoid of any suspicion and completely open to others.  Walk in the truth."  Quote from "Spiritual Warfare" by Richard Ing

 "Ephesians 6:13-17 describes six items in the armor. These pieces of armor--the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, the shield of faith, the belt of truth, the shoes of the preparation of the Gospel of peace, and the sword of the Spirit need to be understood and appropriated in your spirit.  It is Jesus Christ who is our armor.  Jesus Christ is our salvation, our righteousness, the Author, Finisher, and object of our faith, our truth, our readiness, our Prince of Peace, our Sword, and the Word of God.
       No believer would be able to claim that the armor goes on just by the saying. The stronger the spiritual walk, the stronger the armor.  The armor covers not from the outside but from inside, in the spirit.  We need to be full-time warriors, not just weekend warriors, as the National Guard is often called. Therefore, the armor is perpetual.  We are no longer civilians.  As soon as we become born-again Christians, we enter into spiritual warfare. Perpetual armor means a perpetual walk in righteousness and holiness.  You need to need to be right with God daily.  Maintain a humbleness and a meekness built on repentance and daily seeking of Him."

Quote from "Spiritual Warfare" by Richard Ing

    First, before you can pray for others, you must make sure you are walking righteously.  If not, then you must seek to be freed from bondage yourself!  You must first bind the demonic realm from yourself as I share below, bind away any spirits that the Holy Spirit shows you in the Name and blood of Jesus, and then confess your sins to God.  Then and only then are you ready to intercede for another!

   Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you into all Truth (John 16:13).  Ask Him to make it clear to whom He wants you to pray for, and then begin to pray this:   

     Dear Heavenly Father I ask that you bind the strongman (Satan) from ______________ in the Name and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!  I ask that you break the cords of the demonic realm from ___________ in the Name and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!  I pray that You will reveal to me what spirits are attached to ___________.   Spirit of _____________come out of ____________ in the Name and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ! (repeat for as many spirits the Holy Spirit puts into your heart)
    Holy Spirit, you know what other spirits are attached to _________________, so I ask that you speak them out in the Name and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!  May You, Holy Spirit, speak Truth to their hearts, and may Your Word pierce into their hearts as a two-edged sword!  I ask all this in the Name and the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ!  Amen!

              (if the Holy Spirit guides you to pray more, then do it)

  The reason why I include the Holy Spirit in calling out the demons towards the end as I pray is because He is our HELPER!   He knows all, and He must complete the job.  Helper means a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose.   I believe those who are called to deliver through prayer, which may include any believer who is willing and walking righteously before their God, they will have more quick results if they include the Holy Spirit in the final process other than just claiming His blood alone.   If we don't address Him to finish the job, in the end, the Holy Spirit overcomes by stepping in and praying for us.  Like I said, each Christian comes from a different background, and has different knowledge that is limited in different ways, but it does not hinder the Holy Spirit from bringing about the freedom needed from demonic control.

Friday, February 15, 2013

  AFTER 10+ YEARS OF PRAYER, SALVATION HAS COME! (end revised on 2/19/13)

    In the middle of a Sunday night, God woke me, and I felt led to pray. I asked the Holy Spirit who he wanted me to pray for, and a specific neighbor family was impressed upon my heart.  As I prayed down the demonic realm for these neighbors, the Holy Spirit prompted my heart to pray for an opportunity to speak to my neighbors about Christ.  That very morning it happened!!!
         As my husband was leaving for work, God burdened his heart to have certain weeds removed out of a certain area of the drive next to our neighbors home.  He asked me if I wouldn't mind doing it.  I felt peace about it.  God wanted me to do it even though I had other things on my plate for the day. 
        God helped me find a perfect cutting tool, and I went to work on the area.  The father of the family started up his car.  I began to pray, and sought the Holy Spirit on how He wanted me to approach this man that I had been praying for for over 10 years.  The Holy Spirit prompted my heart that I must ask him how I could pray for him as I worked on the weeds.  I figured he was just leaving to find a job, but he wasn't....
           As the neighbor drove by, I noticed he had his window down.  I felt he was leaving an open door for me to talk to him.  I put out the question of how could I pray for him.   He looked down, and then back at me and said he was just about to head out and go talk to God.  He began to open up to me as never before.  God had me speak so much truth to him with such a godly love that could only have come from the Holy Spirit, and I am sure it overwhelmed him.  Verses even came to my lips with such ease!
        I told him that it had to start with his relationship with Jesus before he could have the power to pray for his family.  It was the Holy Spirit who guided me as I spoke to him.   This man started to cry, and I reached over and put my hands on his arm.
        He was so heartsick with what was happening with his marriage.  He said things were happening to their family that had never happened before.   He was afraid he might lose his wife of 30 years because he had made some wrong moves in the last month.  
        We talked about many spiritual truths of the Bible!   I answer many questions he had about God.  Especially the one of why can a God allow such suffering?  The Holy Spirit did an amazing job leading me to know what to say!
       I told him it was God who would change him once he received him as his Savior.  He said, "Really?!"   Then I prayed with him.  During the prayer, the Holy Spirit prompted me to encourage him to pray to either recommit his life to Christ or to cried out to God in repentance.  When I was done praying, we looked at each other.  A softness had come across his face that I had never seen before.  I encouraged him to go off and talk to God.
       About a day later, I asked the God to let me come in contact with him again to find out what were the catalysts that drove him to Jesus.  Finally, the moment came.  I was driving up the neighborhood road when he was just about to exit his drive.   He chose to pull forward and let me get by first.
       As I drove by, I stopped the car and jumped out.   The neighbor moved towards me with a big smile on his face.  However, just then one of his dogs came up to me.   I was ready to love on the dog when things turned vicious!  Visually he looked as though he was nuzzling me, but what I felt were bites that hurt!  The neighbor did not call his dog off, but smiled real big because he knew his dog.  It doesn't bite!   My spirit sensed it as satanic attack, so quickly I cried out in my spirit, "God help me!"  The dog stopped coming at me, and later I looked at the areas, and there were no injuries as a true bite would have done.
       Satan tried to use this to keep me away or cause friction, but I chose to ignore it.   I ended up asking my neighbor pinpointed questions like "Do you believe that Jesus is God?"  He said"Yes!"  "Do you believe that Jesus died on the cross and rose again to save you?" Again, he said yes!   I asked him if he had "agonized with God over his sin, and understood he needed a Savior?"  He said "yes!"   He agreed with me that it was not just saying words of a prayer with a wall of Pride still up, but it had to be with a humbled heart agonizing over one's sin, understanding the need of a Savior, that would bring about a true change.
       Once the Holy Spirit confirmed in my heart he was a Christian, I hugged him and said, "Welcome to the family!"  He grinned big.  I asked him if he knew where his boys were in their spiritual journey.  He said he didn't know.  I recommended that he have them listen to Lee Strobel - a CD I had given one of his boys about two years ago.
       Days later, for a Valentines gift, I found in our gift room two DVD's, one that was by Lee Strobel.   I had no idea we even had it!   Our family ended up giving this neighbor family not only the DVD of "Facing the Giants,"  but also the DVD, "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel.
       This man loves his wife and wants her back in his arms again.   God used me to help lead him to the truth and confirm his salvation, and teach him how to pray.    I will now encourage him to come under a church, and I will help to pray his wife back to him.   I am seeking the Holy Spirit for guidance.

    I have come to understand that to God the way we speak to bind Satan does not have to be eloquent.  We can say the simple phrase of "In the Name and the Blood of the Lord Jesus I pray that You will bind Satan from ________"  For those believers who have yet to understand the Biblical truth regarding the warfare of the Christian when it comes to 'the strongman' (Luke 11:21-22) and 'cutting the cords,' this I believe is a simplified way of praying against Satan which holds the same weight as what I wrote in, "How to pray down demonic bondage."  I have always prayed this simple prayer all my life, and I believe the Holy Spirit spoke to God for me with "groanings which cannot be uttered."  

     Also, I see that some people want to freak out when we state that a demon can get a foothold or attach cords to a Christian.  Every believer may have a slightly different way of saying it, but in our hearts we all mean the same thing!  The demonic realm gets power over us when the Armor of God is weakened!
       Richard Ing says in his book "Spiritual Warfare," that if we suddenly have waves of intense feelings that come on us that are not of God (lust, anger, hate, resentment), this more that likely means a demon is influencing you (or has a foothold on you).  I am not talking about the normal human anger of getting loud and emotional.  I am talking about how anger starts, then we accept it as our own, and suddenly, an intense surge of anger that we might say is uncontrollable takes us over to where we say things we would never say to our spouse...name calling and talk that is incoherent, nor godly, nor uplifting. It can even go as far as screaming or hitting!
       Only twice in my life have I ever experienced this kind of anger at my husband - early in my marriage and just within the last few months.  I realize, now, that I was holding resentment and not forgiving both times!   With the spirit of Resentment keeping the door open, others spirits like the spirits of Rejection and Anger were able to enter.   I had accepted his treatment of me as a form of rejection.   According to my lack of understanding of the Christian walk,  I was not suppose to be treated this way.   But in reality, it's called pride!
        So, when my husband would begin to order me around (I reacted more to this when we were first married) or disrespect me, I would get upset and feel rejected or unworthy of this treatment.  I would then accept the anger I was feeling as if I had a right to get angry.  From that point on, the spirit of Anger took it's foothold, and until I sought full forgiveness and sought God to free me of the door keeper which is Unforgiveness/Resentment, I was under the impact of the spirit of Anger and Rejection every time I argued with my hubby.
      Back in the early days of my marriage, when I finally forgave my father for everything I was holding against him, and I accepted the fact that I did not have to feel controlled (some things are individual choices) by my husband, I got freedom!   A month ago, when I forgave my close friend for everything I was holding against her, I got freedom from the spirit of Anger and Rejection that had returned once again! 
       My hubby is amazed that I am being so open about myself, but I told him that this is the only way others can be healed.  If I hide the Truth, then I am doing a major wrong for the believers in Christ!

    Look at it this way.  Satan loves to imitate God.  He is the Master Deceiver, and will do anything to draw us away from the Truth!
    God gives His children gifts - right?  On the other hand, Satan bestows his gifts - lust, greed, resentment, etc. to his demons.  That, I believe, is why we get the terms "spirit of Lust," "spirit of Greed," etc.
    So often truths of the Bible are stated differently by each believer.  For example, the word 'anointed' may be stated by another believer as  'chosen for a purpose.'  Us fellow believers all end up reacting negatively to each other by overreacting that the other may not be claiming it strong enough because they don't use the word 'anointed' or whether anointed seems like someone is heading off the deep end.  However, if we really searched what the person really meant with the words used, you'd find that in the spirit realm they think no different than you!
    I have a friend in Australia.  If I had not sought the Holy Spirit's guidance in understanding this truth I just shared, we would not be friends now!  Praise God I did seek His clarity on this as she is one of my most godly friends I have in Christ!
    In Australia, when they greet you they say "How are you going?"  In America, we say "How are you doing?"   Both mean the same thing!  Even the use of the word "allow" is different as I have learned!  Australians believe it means God is actually causing something to happen, where Americans are just using the word to say that God is stepping back and letting a person endure something hard.
    One more thing, the word, "Fanny," is a bad word to Australian culture!  So make sure your fanny pack does not say 'fanny' when you go on your trip to Australia!  However, my friend really wanted one that says it just for kicks.   However, I never found one...
 We must be careful not to over-react to other believers who speak in different terms than us. The only time we need to be concerned is when the Word of God is being twisted or added to.


This is an amazing website that hits the nail on the head!

Thursday, February 14, 2013


   In the physical realm we have viruses, bacteria, and diseases.  They are vying to take over our bodies.   When we weaken our immune systems, they have the advantage to make us sick and unable to handle daily life.
  In the spiritual realm we find things very similar.   Demons are vying to take influence on our spirit - to cloud and mess with our judgement.  If we make sinful or willful choices to keep wrong attitudes or actions, we allow our armor of God to be weakened or removed.  Thus, the demons can attack, and make us unable to handle daily life in a Christ-like manner.

    Always remember, however, that God can free us from illness in the physical realm, and demonic bondage in the spiritual realm!   Just as the hymnal states, "There's Power in the Blood!"  Make sure you claim it and His mighty Name too!

    God wants us to meet the needs of our hurting and suffering sisters and brothers in Christ -

 Last year, my husband and I decided not to use stock to get by, but to trust God and only use our monthly income.  Out of fear, I went back to only tithing 10%, instead of letting God move my heart to give over and above.
   At the end of the year, I put the question past my husband.  Do you want to give over and above like I usually do?   I never got a clear answer and the year finally rolled over to 2013.  We ended up only tithing 10%.
    Just last week, one of our cars radiators went bad, and we were told it would cost $1000 to fix it.  Suddenly, I felt the Holy Spirit burden my heart that we were heading in a direction that God did not want us to go.  I asked my husband  to ask God...
     The next day, my husband called me and asked me to pray.  He was going to try to get another quote from the dealer. He said, "Honey pray!  Ask God to give us a better cost other than $1000 (which was the quoted price). 
    I got off the phone, and had no thoughts on how to pray.  I just started praying and letting the Holy Spirit lead.  I started to pray, and the Holy Spirit led me to pray this way...."Lord, if you want me to tithe over an above, and I don't have to be fearful doing it, then please confirm this to me by letting us get this car fixed cheaper than $1000...at least down to $600.  Whatever we don't have to pay out to get the car fixed, I will give it to you this year - over and above the 10%.  I will know that you want me to give over and above."   
     My hubby called back, and said, "Honey, how did you pray?"  I shared with him what I prayed.  He said, "They said they are going to fix our car for next to nothing!"  
     That Friday, he went in to pick up the car, and they said, "That'll be $1000."  My husband told them what they had said earlier, and so they just had him sign and leave without paying a cent. They said they would figure it out, and let him know.  My husband drove home not paying a cent.
    During all this time, I was seeking God how he wanted us to use the money.  At first, I thought it would go towards a wonderful group that ministers to the Israeli poor.  I shared this car story with them on Tuesday evening, and asked God to have them respond back (as they usually do) by Wednesday evening if He wanted me to give the money to them.  I got no response. 
     After that, for the next 24 hours, I sought God on how He wanted me to use the money.  He brought back to mind what I had told a good friend of ours. This friend is a godly, single woman who is in her 50's that we love dearly who has no children but one boy who lives far away, and very few genuine friends are available to help her out.  At the end of January of this year, I told her that last year I had been burdened that we fix her car, so she would not have to fear driving it all around San Diego.  However, my husband was not in agreement with me, so I could not do it.
    This lovely lady shared with me that she had begun praying in January for TWO weeks straight for our family - just before God opened my eyes about how we need to talk to the Holy Spirit as He is no different than God and JesusHE IS OUR HELPER!  Why do we ignore and suppress Him?  
   Around the time she was led to pray for us, the spiritual battle began to wage against me and my family.  The Holy Spirit began to lead me to the Truth that Satan is gaining bondage over believers today and things have changed in the Spirit realmHe has pressed upon my heart that we are in the last days
   I hear the Holy Spirit very loudly now, and He puts the perfect Biblical truths into my heart right when I need them in order to stand strong!  God used this beautiful woman who understands the power of prayer to stand in the gap for me and my family! Right then I realized that God wanted us to help her!
   My husband went back Monday morning knowing that we had chosen to help our friend.  They told him he didn't have to pay a cent!  The work was given to us FREE of charge!
     I call this major confirmation from God that we need to take care of our fellow believers that are suffering and struggling to make ends meet!  We do not need to fear because we have a God that promises to provide!  If we are following His commands and walking in His ways, we need not fear at all!  He will provide!  He will bless us! But remember, it is so we can bless others!


   So much Satanic attack has to do with what we choose to accept for ourselves.  Any wrong feelings/attitudes/actions that we choose to hold on to that are not of God hold devastating consequences.  This opens the door for Satan to attack you.
   When you stay following His commands, and stay righteous by rejecting feelings/attitudes/actions that are not of God, then the armor of God stays on you.  If you want to hang on to any feeling/attitude/action offered from the demonic realm, then you have weakened your armor and the demon of whatever you are accepting is given the freedom to control you.