Sunday, January 19, 2020

Everyone has the will to choose. No one must steal that from them.


I am in a car with my husband. I ask him to drive me to my car, so I can put the pet rat into the cage in my car.  He is uptight and refuses because he wants to get a park so he is not late to the event.  I say, "Okay, I will do it, but it will take longer since I have to walk way over there."  I am calm, and I open the door to get out.

I had multiple dreams of similar situations where I have a need or I ask a question, and he gets emotionally charged.  I respond with no reaction, but I just do what needs to be done as if his response is no big deal.

I get it Lord.  You taught me this morning how to respond.   I must let my husband be who he wants to be.  It may not fit my need, and it may not be what I want or what I like, but that is okay.  Humility speaks loud and clear that I am not perfect and he is not perfect.  He has the right to choose any attitude and response whether Christ honoring or not.

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