Friday, June 21, 2019

THE BABY'S HERE! Given 6/21/19

 Last night, I dreamed that the baby was born!   I heard a baby cry, and I responded with...THE BABY'S HERE!   See below for the dream/vision...


6/21/19   THE BABY'S HERE!

  Note:  This is the first day of Summer today!  June 21st

      I dreamed that a baby was born, and the one who delivered it was my daughter, S-------h N----e (name means Grassy Plain with few trees Born at Christmas).  The focus was not on S------h, but on the baby.  She handed me the baby, and I knew I was the one that was suppose to nourish this baby and care for it.  I had to nurse this baby....
     This nursing kept going on (it seemed) through the night as if this represented a long span of time passing.  Then there was some event where I came to a place, and I received an understanding that this had to do with my service at Youth Venture.   People were behind a counter standing in a line with different kinds of  food in front of them ready to serve it.   I felt like I was not able to partake in the food, but they all persisted that I pick something.   Someone was passing a deliciously dipped and decorated pear from me to the pile of pears, and this caught my attention, so I spoke out that I would like a pear.  They all pleasantly smiled and someone handed the pear back to me...they all seemed so delighted that I had asked for it.
     Then just before I woke up, in this vision/dream, I heard a baby cry from my daughter, Scarlet Rose's room.  This room is adjacent to ours with a bathroom between us.   I jumped up from under the covers, and began to scramble towards THE END of our bed hollering to my husband, "THE BABY'S HERE!"  I was trying to get him to come with me!   Next thing I knew, I was in S-----t R--e's room, and it was S------h N----e that handed me the baby.  Was it the same baby?  I cannot say, but I think so.  I wondered if I needed to care for it, but I sensed the need for my help was done. This moment was joyful!

Possible Translation:   


   First the meaning of S-------h:  s------a or s------h is a mixed woodland grassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer consisting primarily of grasses.  

     Being that this baby came from my daughter and she was not the focus of the dream-vision, then we must either look at her name and/or what she represents.  Meaning of her name includes 'one that allows sufficient light to reach the grasses around her.'  According to the Word of God, people are as grass (I Peter 1:24a).  Her middle name represents being born at Christmas in which she was!   Now, Who is the One that 'allows light in to all the grass' and was 'born at Christmas?'  S------h is a representation of Jesus!  Another representation of S------h N----e is that the baby is a symbolic representation that I am in some way connected as family with her (Jesus), and the baby (the body of Christ)!
     THUS, S------h hands the baby to me, and when this happens, I am given understanding that I am to nourish this baby in the closest way a mother does!  The deepest love and provision!  We can look at it this way... Jesus handed the care of the body of Christ to me, and He is expecting me to nourish them.  Clearly, my work involves caring for the body of Christ or the Bride!  The length of time the nursing took represents my life on this earth...our love for the brethren should never stop!
     The food and the party are an interesting twist in that I felt unworthy to participate, yet I was encouraged to do so, and I choose to eat fruit.  It can be looked at as though the fruit of my labor which is nourishing the body of Christ - is beautiful, good and worth eating!
"...and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor--it is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes 3:13 
     That last thing that happened was the baby's cry!  I darted from my actual bed when I heard the baby cry! Note: the layout was exact to my room and home.   The baby's cry could represent the 'shout' that is heard before we are taken up to be with the Lord. 
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a {h} shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(h) The word which the apostle uses here, properly signifies that encouragement which mariners give to one another, when they altogether with one shout put forth their oars and row together.]

  I knew right away the cry came from another of my daughters rooms - S-----t R--e's room (Passion and Sacrifice, True loves endurance), and I didn't even get a chance to climb over the bottom of the bed before I was in my daughter's room standing in front of S------h who was handing the baby to me. This could represent our transition to a Heavenly state in which our endurance got us there (Revelation 3:10) in which we will be standing before the Lord Jesus.  The baby (the body of Christ) seemed as if it was being given to me for a different purpose.  I pondered if I was to feed it, but I ended up just holding it close to me!  I woke from this powerful dream-vision with the words ringing in my ears...THE BABY'S HERE!


April 6th to June 29th is 12 weeks.  Are we about there?    Keep looking up!  Jesus is coming, and  it's any day now!  We are in the season of His return!  All I know is that last night took me by surprise!  

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