Friday, June 28, 2019
I was looking at an Ambulance vehicle on a slope from up in the atmosphere. I was coming down towards it, and next thing I knew, I was in the vehicle watching a group of about 3 men and one woman. It was like a judge and jury scenario going on, but without a judge. All of these people had different reason's for being there, and yet, no one knew who was the innocent and who was the guilty. They all were there for various reason's unknown.
As they all spoke back and forth, some were accusatory and some attempted to defend themselves. It was a very emotionally charged place. As the conversation went on between them (which I can't quite remember any specifics), I do remember one vivid scene at the very beginning of the conversation as a couple of them began to realize their dilemma. One of the men suddenly stood up in front of me looking past me towards the front of the vehicle likely seeing what was about to happen. I remember that he was a good-sized black man about in his 40's because of what he did next. He uttered at gut-curdling, deep, agonizing scream as he understood the ultimate demise of his life if he was not freed.
The vehicle lurched at some point during their conversation with each other and someone said, "It's about to go!" They all became more tense and began to speak faster, and with greater frustration in their voices as they were trying to come to a final conclusion At this time, I didn't understand what was about to happen to these people attached to the vehicle.
As the conversation went on, the two who were not guilty began to be revealed. This is when I became aware that they all were tied to the vehicle as one of the men reached down to untie the knot that kept his wrist attached, but I don't think he was the one that actually untied it! Not only was I surprised, but the others acted surprised that he could get loose. There was a unified response by the guilty ones as they exclaimed..."How did you know how to untie the Ninja knot?"
Suddenly, when they realized who was freed and who wasn't, I saw the look of shock and terror on the two condemned men, and I was ejected from the Ambulance as I saw the two innocent people jump to their safety, and the Ambulance begin to quickly slide front-end first over a precipice. I went over to the edge of the precipice and watched the vehicle fall. I saw the open back of the Ambulance, and felt the sick feeling rise within my heart as I knew the men were in there falling to their death. I did not hear any screams.
I turned around as I heard the woman speaking behind me. She seemed unaffected by it all. She was sharing with the man who had been able to detach himself from the vehicle that one of the men who had just fallen to his death had killed one of her relatives. She said he was falling on the exact place this relative had died. She was sitting on the ground, poking at the dirt. She seemed kind of numb emotionally. This is when I woke...
I said within my heart, "Lord could this be from you?" I sensed in my spirit that He gave me a 'yes' as He put upon my heart, 'the rapture.' As I grappled with the meaning, the Lord put upon y heart "eternal destruction"...I guess those going into the Tribulation are headed for eternal punishment.
“and to you that are afflicted rest with us, at the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with the angels of his power in flaming fire, rendering vengeance to them that know not God, and to them that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus: who shall suffer punishment, even eternal destruction from the face of the Lord and from the glory of his might ...” (2 Thes. 1:7-9).
Friday, June 21, 2019
Delivery is Imminent! It's close, but not yet! Given 5/17/19
I have been sensing an urgency with the time we are in...things are beginning to happen as we head down the final stretch!
Yesterday morning as I sought the Lord for something He may have said to me during the night, He put a powerful vision that has translation from Revelation 12....
the church is about to be birthed as the Jewish Nation suffers pain and suffering. Check it out!
I am planning to post a video today about this vision, if you are interested...
This morning I sensed the Lord had spoken to me in the night, so I asked Him if there was anything He wanted me to remember...suddenly, this vision came upon my heart...
I am looking at a young woman sitting in a mall setting or restaurant as the seat she is in is more like a wood booth you'd find in a restaurant. She suddenly begins to have intense back pain, I realize that she looks pretty far along in her pregnancy, but not sure if she is ready to deliver. I begin to pray for her and lay hands on her calling the pain to stop in the Name of Jesus, but it doesn't seem to ease.
She slides off her seat towards me, and does a squat formation with arms holding onto the booth seat as if getting ready for birth. I am actually a bit concerned thinking, "No, this has to stop. It's not time for her to deliver!" At that moment, she says she is going to throw up. I run over to get a towel, and I bring it up to her and she barfs into it.
I begin running through the mall carrying this rag full of barf trying to get some help from people who are oblivious to what is going on. Somehow, in the end, I realize it is actually her dress that is all grossed up due to the barf. I get it washed out and cleaned, but not sure how it's actually done. I look at it, and it's pristine clean, and think I just accept the fact that it was washed in a washing machine. I walking through the mall again trying to find the woman to get her dress back to her. Then it ended.
No thought of her being naked till the vision was over...
I sense it has something to do with the Jewish Nation having birth pains and suffering right now. The Bride/Body of Christ about to be caught up/birthed to up to Heaven/meet Jesus in the air (who is our head). When we are gone, the Jewish Nation will dawn on new clothing/salvation in Jesus! Please take this to the Lord for confirmation of this translation...
THE BABY'S HERE! Given 6/21/19
Last night, I dreamed that the baby was born! I heard a baby cry, and I responded with...THE BABY'S HERE! See below for the dream/vision...
6/21/19 THE BABY'S HERE!
Note: This is the first day of Summer today! June 21st
I dreamed that a baby was born, and the one who delivered it was my daughter, S-------h N----e (name means Grassy Plain with few trees Born at Christmas). The focus was not on S------h, but on the baby. She handed me the baby, and I knew I was the one that was suppose to nourish this baby and care for it. I had to nurse this baby....
This nursing kept going on (it seemed) through the night as if this represented a long span of time passing. Then there was some event where I came to a place, and I received an understanding that this had to do with my service at Youth Venture. People were behind a counter standing in a line with different kinds of food in front of them ready to serve it. I felt like I was not able to partake in the food, but they all persisted that I pick something. Someone was passing a deliciously dipped and decorated pear from me to the pile of pears, and this caught my attention, so I spoke out that I would like a pear. They all pleasantly smiled and someone handed the pear back to me...they all seemed so delighted that I had asked for it.
Then just before I woke up, in this vision/dream, I heard a baby cry from my daughter, Scarlet Rose's room. This room is adjacent to ours with a bathroom between us. I jumped up from under the covers, and began to scramble towards THE END of our bed hollering to my husband, "THE BABY'S HERE!" I was trying to get him to come with me! Next thing I knew, I was in S-----t R--e's room, and it was S------h N----e that handed me the baby. Was it the same baby? I cannot say, but I think so. I wondered if I needed to care for it, but I sensed the need for my help was done. This moment was joyful!
Possible Translation:
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First the meaning of S-------h: A s------a or s------h is a mixed woodland grassland ecosystem characterized by the trees being sufficiently widely spaced so that the canopy does not close. The open canopy allows sufficient light to reach the ground to support an unbroken herbaceous layer consisting primarily of grasses.
Being that this baby came from my daughter and she was not the focus of the dream-vision, then we must either look at her name and/or what she represents. Meaning of her name includes 'one that allows sufficient light to reach the grasses around her.' According to the Word of God, people are as grass (I Peter 1:24a). Her middle name represents being born at Christmas in which she was! Now, Who is the One that 'allows light in to all the grass' and was 'born at Christmas?' S------h is a representation of Jesus! Another representation of S------h N----e is that the baby is a symbolic representation that I am in some way connected as family with her (Jesus), and the baby (the body of Christ)!
THUS, S------h hands the baby to me, and when this happens, I am given understanding that I am to nourish this baby in the closest way a mother does! The deepest love and provision! We can look at it this way... Jesus handed the care of the body of Christ to me, and He is expecting me to nourish them. Clearly, my work involves caring for the body of Christ or the Bride! The length of time the nursing took represents my life on this earth...our love for the brethren should never stop!
The food and the party are an interesting twist in that I felt unworthy to participate, yet I was encouraged to do so, and I choose to eat fruit. It can be looked at as though the fruit of my labor which is nourishing the body of Christ - is beautiful, good and worth eating!
"...and also that every man should eat and drink and enjoy the good of all his labor--it is the gift of God." Ecclesiastes 3:13
That last thing that happened was the baby's cry! I darted from my actual bed when I heard the baby cry! Note: the layout was exact to my room and home. The baby's cry could represent the 'shout' that is heard before we are taken up to be with the Lord.
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a {h} shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:
(h) The word which the apostle uses here, properly signifies that encouragement which mariners give to one another, when they altogether with one shout put forth their oars and row together.]
I knew right away the cry came from another of my daughters rooms - S-----t R--e's room (Passion and Sacrifice, True loves endurance), and I didn't even get a chance to climb over the bottom of the bed before I was in my daughter's room standing in front of S------h who was handing the baby to me. This could represent our transition to a Heavenly state in which our endurance got us there (Revelation 3:10) in which we will be standing before the Lord Jesus. The baby (the body of Christ) seemed as if it was being given to me for a different purpose. I pondered if I was to feed it, but I ended up just holding it close to me! I woke from this powerful dream-vision with the words ringing in my ears...THE BABY'S HERE!
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April 6th to June 29th is 12 weeks. Are we about there? Keep looking up! Jesus is coming, and it's any day now! We are in the season of His return! All I know is that last night took me by surprise!
Monday, June 10, 2019
RAPTURE VS SALVATION - Do You Really Want To Know The Difference?
I heard Pastor David Jeremiah yesterday speak about perseverance,
and how as we go through trials and overcome them, it strengthens us to be able to stand in
an unshakable manner for Him. We become non-reactive to trials in life. It brings about an
understanding that Jesus is enough!
and how as we go through trials and overcome them, it strengthens us to be able to stand in
an unshakable manner for Him. We become non-reactive to trials in life. It brings about an
understanding that Jesus is enough!
Romans 5:4 states, "...and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope;"
It made me think of Revelation 3:10 "Because you did obey my message about
persevering, I will keep you from the time of trial coming upon the whole world to
put the people living on earth to the test."
persevering, I will keep you from the time of trial coming upon the whole world to
put the people living on earth to the test."
Check out 2 Peter 3 where Peter talks about the end times, and in verse 14b says, "
diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;..." The Lord said this to
me a couple months ago..."Examine yourself that you may be found spotless," and I thought
it was odd and not in the Word, but it is, and it is in regards to the final days before the Lord
Jesus comes.
diligent to be found by Him in peace, without spot and blameless;..." The Lord said this to
me a couple months ago..."Examine yourself that you may be found spotless," and I thought
it was odd and not in the Word, but it is, and it is in regards to the final days before the Lord
Jesus comes.
The main argument and misunderstanding going in on the body of Christ is regarding
Salvation vs the Rapture.
Salvation vs the Rapture.
We are on this earth for refinement so we can rule and reign with Jesus - correct? Enoch
was taken out because HE LOVED GOD! Did the Lord take all men that believed in God out
before the flood? No...just Enoch (the representation of the Bride of Christ). The same is
with the Rapture....if we need more refinement, then we just may have to stay longer.
This is actually a blessing to believers to have this second chance to know their God as we the Bride of Christ know Him now! The Apostle Peter states in 2 Peter 3:17a, "You therefore, beloved, since you know this beforehand, beware lest you also fall from your own steadfastness, being led away with the error of the wicked;...." Please read 2 Peter 3 with the understanding that we must be found spotless (have gained perseverance) to gain what is promised to Believers in the book of Revelation!was taken out because HE LOVED GOD! Did the Lord take all men that believed in God out
before the flood? No...just Enoch (the representation of the Bride of Christ). The same is
with the Rapture....if we need more refinement, then we just may have to stay longer.
Saturday, June 8, 2019
I believe President Trump had to do what was necessary to try to save America. So he said, "Make America Great Again." What a great slogan that would have been given cheers 50 years ago as they did this time!
God gave me a vision that Pres. Trump and his wife knew that it was going to be a challenge so fragile, and America in the end will likely break! Yet, Melania came over to Donald Trump and handed him a fragile blow glass American flag. She was supportive of her husband taking this dangerous step! She stood in agreement that he take this position! President Trump was sitting down, and he bent over it...holding it in his hands so carefully with a somber spirit. I know it was a burden in their hearts....knowing their cause may be frugal, BUT THEY WERE WILLING TO TRY! Don't you think they know that they are America's only hope? Don't you think that they know they are giving the USA a time of reprieve before the STORM comes????? CALM BEFORE THE STORM ....the Lord just put this on my heart as the translation....
I was given a clear direct DAY vision in response to my question if there were going to be modern day shepherds. It was of me in a small room full of about 20 or less people circled around and I was standing next to a good size man who was at least a foot taller than me. I used to think it might be Jesus, but after contemplating my question as of late, I realize now it was more likely an angel. This angel spoke with authority and said, "All the signs are here! Jesus is coming ANY DAY NOW!" I responded with, "Even as soon as next weekend!" which was the Feast of Trumpets....
This makes me feel His coming is within 1 year's time from Feast of Trumpets 2018 (the last trump?) - 365 days - the season of His coming!
Did you know that WWII ended on Sept. 2, 1945? In the history of the Jewish Nation, they always 'won' their freedom on the day the war was over. This would mean that on Sept. 2, 2018 the Nation of Israel turned 74, and is turning over to 75 when Sept 2019 comes around! Is this notable? I think so! A man's length of life is 72 years, so more than likely God started a 3 year count at 2017 when we saw the Rev. 12 sign in the sky. Jesus came out of the grave on day 3, but what hour? We are in that last day (season) awaiting that hour and day! Back when Jesus came as a baby, they were looking for a day! Today, we are looking for the season! Thus, to say, "All the signs are here! Jesus is coming any day now!" would be what an angel would say to us who are watching!
Regarding what happened on April 6, 2019 (Nissan 1)....the Lord said to me...."Season of My return. Satan knows his time is short." I was then led to read Rev. 12:12
"Therefore rejoice, you heavens and you who dwell in them!
But woe to the earth and the sea, because the devil has gone down to you! He is filled with fury, because he knows that his time is short.” NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS JESUS IS COMING BEFORE THE NEXT FEAST OF TRUMPETS!
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