I was in a small jet plane, yet I have no recollection of others being on it with me. The plane was flying, and fast. I was told by Someone that the pilot wanted to die. I proceeded to go up to the cockpit area, but I am not quite sure how I got there. I ended up a few feet behind the pilot.
As I noticed he was flying the plane very low, and was barely above the mountains having to dodge trees and hills, I began to speak to him. I asked him if he was going to go up to a higher altitude, but he responded with an intense fear in his voice and said, "I'd rather die now than go through what is coming!"
I believe I responded as any counselor would, and told him that he did not want to die. He finally responded by asking me if I had heard about the Ra'zac (evil beings from the book series, ERAGON), and he pointed behind him to a woman on the floor of the plane. I turned to look towards her as she began to speak to me out from under a table....some sort of enclosed area...and in a traumatized way, she began to share her story.
She spoke very emotionally of the cords that had been around her neck that choked her. I felt her pain, and I thought, "Is she the woman from my other vision?" (in a previous vision Jan 2017, I had seen a woman in a jail cell being held by white cords that were tight around her neck) She shared how she couldn't breathe, and spoke of those who mistreated her that were holding the cords and how they lacked empathy or normal human feeling. I posed a question to her, "Do you think they were totally human?" She said that she did not think so.
NOTE: FYI, Ra'zac, from the book series ERAGON, were a race that fed on humans and likely came from the same homelands. Ra'zacs' breath have the power to paralyze humans in a dream-like state, however, it barely clouds the minds of dwarves and is ineffective against elves altogether. Are these dark entities who have been hidden for a while now going to rise up against us in the days ahead?
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