I went to bed last night with a prayer on my
lips for the Lord to wake me when He wanted me to spend time with Him.
I was thinking...5am. However, the Lord had a different plan...
When I woke up this morning, I felt led to look at the clock. It was
3:55am. The Lord moved upon my heart that this was the time He wanted. I got up and went into the living room where my Bible
was. I grabbed a blanket, my Bible and got comfy on the couch. I laid
my hand upon my Bible, and asked the Lord what He wanted me to read.
He was silent. So, I then asked Him to lead me to the passage He wanted
me to read. I asked Him to guide my hand.
I then let my thumb
slide across
the edges of the pages of the closed Bible, and all of a sudden, the
Lord put upon my heart to position my finger in the middle of
Revelation. So, I put my thumb where I thought Revelation would be and
opened the Bible. I came to Revelation chapters 14-16. I laid my eyes
the right page, but felt led to scan across to the very beginning of the
left page, and I began to read out loud...
Revelation 14:6-8....
"And I saw another angel flying in midheaven having an eternal gospel
to preach to those who live on the earth, and to every nation and tribe
and tongue and people; and he said with a loud voice, "Fear God (become a friend of God) and
give Him glory, because the hour of His judgment has come;
and worship Him who made the heaven and the earth and sea and springs
of waters." And another angel, a second one, followed, saying,
"Fallen, fallen is Babylon the great, she who has made all the nations
drink of the wine of the passion of her immorality."
NOTE: The NAS commentary in regards to verse 6,
says, "God's last call of grace to the world before the return of Christ
in judgement."
The Lord gave me
acknowledgement that this was NOW...these angels are preaching to us believers...the hour of judgement is come and fallen is
THESE TWO THINGS - the hour of judgement and Babylon falling - no matter the issues being discussed around the globe, believers are all agreeing on two things...judgement is here and Babylon is going to fall!
I continued to read on through Rev. 14: 9-20...
It mentions this in order....
* warning to not take the mark of the Beast and those who follow God's command to not take it will be blessed. It seems rather early to be warning of the mark, but we are seeing early signs of this being push right now...
* an angel cries out to Jesus to put in His (Jesus') sickle and reap the harvest. Jesus does it!
I got the impression from the Lord it was the Rapture...whatever it all
entails...more come to Him first, then we all leave or we just leave..
* an angel gets ready with a sharp sickle, and is called by
another angel to put his (the angel's) sickle in and gather the clusters form the vine
- the grapes (those unbelievers left upon the earth)! They are thrown into the great wine press of the WRATH
of God! (The Tribulation which starts with war)
The biblical understanding of this passage just flowed as I read it! I
want to thank all who gave such great understanding of the end time
events, esp to my friend, Jenny, who helped me understand the two
different harvests...one of the wheat in Sept, and the other of Grapes
in October. This would fit a Rapture in Sept/Oct, that follows with the
ushering in of the Tribulation in October. Whether this happens this
Fall or not, it will happen some year very soon! I hope and pray it is
this Fall! May the Lord make His face to shine upon us!
After having this awesome Bible study with the Lord, I prayed for
awhile, gave glory to God, and fell asleep hoping for a clear vision. I
given a dream that showed a list of things to come, but I
cannot remember it at all. I feel as if the Lord sealed it from me for
some reason, or maybe it was too scary for me to handle, so I blacked it
out..which I tend to do with scary things..
Well, may God get the glory for all that happens in the days ahead! Even if His coming is not today, do not despair! Jesus is coming at a time when we least expect it!
God bless you all!
When I began praying, I cried out to God (with a repentant spirit) that
I felt I was not fearing Him enough. He put into my
heart...'friend!' He impressed upon me that being a friend of God was
equal to fearing Him...
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