Friday, March 23, 2018

It's Rapture Season!


   I think I was actually getting out of bed, and I turned to a man who seemed busy and was near the bed (this man's name is Steve; meaning 'crown'), and I asked if he was going to have me do something...some type of job maybe?...for some reason my question was not important, yet the response stood out loud and clear!  He said...."NO... IT'S RAPTURE SEASON!" 
   I then began to help clean up, and was organizing a book shelf with small books.  One shelf was organized nicely with books in nice condition, and arranged perfectly...not much needed done.  I then began to work on another shelf and it was sloppy, messy and the books were beat up.  I was just hurriedly putting them together with not much organization because I felt I had to do it quickly.   I began to process in my mind as to why these books were so abused, and the understanding came that it was cats that had done this. Next thing I see is a live kitten trying to climb over the books, and this made it hard for me to organize and clean up the books.  Then my alarm went off.

 Translation view....

I think it means that we have to quit sleeping, and get to work.    Jesus has our crown ready because we are at that point...the rapture season!  The rapture is any day now, so we must hurry to help others get cleaned up and ready.
 It made me think of the 10 virgin parable.  Some are ready and just need to trim their already prepared lamps, but some are not ready.   The cats represent the demonic maybe that has taken out some people, and they need us to do all we can to help them, but the feeling I had in my dream was that I couldn't make the shelf ready...we won't be able to do much now to prepare others... the urgency of the time, and how it was actually too late. 
What do you think?  Do you see this in the understanding of the dream?  Maybe it had to do with just me?  It seemed like it was from the Lord, and not aimed at me...

Saturday, March 3, 2018

The Apostle Paul...a vow (Acts 18:18), a miraculous empowering of God, and persection! Will this happen to the Bride of Christ?

January - February of 2018

    I had a vision about 5-6 weeks ago, where many people including me were trying to plug in a huge power cord into an outlet.  I understood that this power cord was throughout the whole city, Nation or World...but a large area.  We could not stretch this cord long enough to get it into the outlet.  Suddenly, I saw that my hair had been cut short!  It shook me up, so I did everything I could to try to hide it, and put on makeup and flashy, very large ornate earrings that pierced my ears in a tribal (painful?) kind of way...that part was odd because I had to give my acceptance for this to be done.  When we get pierced from the persecution that may come, we will have to be willing to accept it.
   That day I woke, I processed this dream, and began to seek the Lord about it.  How did this relate to the Word?  Sampson came on my heart.  When his hair was cut, he lost all his power that the Lord had resting upon him.   My first thought was..."Lord, have You drawn Your power from me?"   I cried out to Him, and vowed to the Lord that every time He called me, I would respond and move for Him!  Notice, I said I made a vow....
   Weeks went by and that vision kept plaguing me.  Then when Billy Graham died, and many said a new and powerful move of God was about to come upon His people, it suddenly hit me that Sampson had cried out for the Lord to return that powerful anointing back on to him one more time before Sampson was 'taken out.'
   Then, I chose to fast at the start of this week for 3 days no food or technology.  The Lord was truly in it because I had a supernatural lack of desire for food.  He led me to read through the book of Acts, and when I came to Acts 18:18, it stood out to me that the Apostle Paul had cut his hair in the process of making a vow to God!  WHOA!  I never knew the Apostle Paul had cut his hair to make a vow to God! Did you?  As I read on through the chapters, it says Paul was used in miraculous ways, and last of all, the Lord was telling him that he would be bound for the Name of Jesus, and ultimately a prophet confirmed it.  In the end, he was bound by Gentiles.
   I believe we are coming into similar events where the Bride is vowing right now to God to be faithful against all that will come against them before He returns, and are willing to move at every beck and call by the Lord.  Our faithfulness to Him is stronger than ever!
    Next we are going to see an outpouring of the Spirit so powerful that we are going to move in miracles and healing amongst those around us like we have never experienced before, which will ultimately lead up to a time where some of us may end up bound for the Name of Jesus Christ.
     I believe however all of this will come in quick succession, not the time frame of Paul's day, and just as one church in Revelation 3 is stated to have to be bound for a 10 day period and told to hold out even to death.  I hope before this can happen, the Bride is raptured out, but the Lord has given me a vision that I as an RN am taken from my family.  I end up standing in front of a woman in a jail who has thin white cords around her neck being held by people (who I never looked at) on either side of her.  At that moment, compassion floods over me, and I reach out to put my fingers under the cord to loosen them  and the vision ends.   Will this come to pass?

      Come Lord Jesus Come!