Saturday, October 28, 2017


 Note:  This dream occurred in the time between 11pm and Midnight May 25, 2017.

I was finding myself a spot for the show that we had come to see.  My husband and my youngest daughter were with me even though I did not see them.   I hurried to the center of the room where a lady was looking at a couch that looked like it could hold 4 people.  I quickly sat to the right side of the couch, and she sat to the left of me.
   I turned to her as I squished towards the middle in hopes to at least save a seat for my daughter.  I noticed there was not much space to the right of me to fit her in.   I realized the lady was doing the same, and we were like gloves next to each other.  I asked her if she was saving seats for anyone else, and she said yes.   I acknowledged that only one would be able to sit with me since the lady needed space for one too.   I accepted the idea that my daughter would sit with me, and my husband would have to sit somewhere else.
   Next thing I knew, as the show was starting up, it came to a sudden halt as we could not hear any talking anymore.  Everyone around me seemed to be quiet in anticipation to find out why this was happening or whether it would come back on, and we would continue.  It wasn't long before we were told that all the communication systems had been affected, and it wasn't just this place.   We were told that something happened to cause all telecommunication systems to shut down and we were not the only place hit....they did not seem to know why.  The understanding that it was THIS Friday night (May 26th, 2017) at 11pm came upon my heart.
    This is when I suddenly remembered what was suppose to happen at that time of the night!  I spoke out loud - projecting my voice over all the people in front of me that a sun flare had erupted on Monday and was due to hit between 11pm and midnight this very night.  This began to stir people up and upset them.   I, however, felt glad that it had not affected the electrical grid because it would have made the plane I was in crash.  At that moment, I realized I was in a plane!
    Suddenly, the plane lurched and acted oddly.  The front of the plane began to tilt forward, and then it took a drastic dive downward, and began take a nose dive, angling to the left as it began it's decent towards Earth!  I remember feeling fear, the feeling of falling was so dramatic, the pressure against me.  It felt so real!
     I just tried to talk myself into enduring it knowing my end would be fast when the plane hit the ground, and I would not feel pain, but be in Heaven!  I did not scream.  I was enduring the feeling of falling, and trying to focus on the truth that I would be with Jesus very soon!  It went on far too long (even though it was just a few seconds!) .... it just got too much to bear, and so I woke up with my body breathing in a hyper-ventilating mode.  It took some moments to gain my composure because it was SO REAL!

   I was given understanding by a Christian brother that the 11th hour, and the plane going down meant that something was about to end.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Revelation 3:11 Behold I Come Quickly!

 On the even of Oct 8th,  I cried out to the Lord in prayer:
       1) Please Lord, if you can show me just as clearly as you did the shepherds of your coming as a baby, please do this for me regarding the Rapture of your body....the church.
       2) Tonight, as I sleep please show me a number. (I have no idea why I asked this, must have been Spirit-led because the Lord knew what He was going to do)
       3) I ask that you confirm to me if you are coming either this week, in the next two weeks or for sure this Fall 2017.  I kept changing it because I felt like I needed to fix my request, and not make it so pinpointed.

      NOTE: Before I went to bed, I heard Brother Todd, known as "It is Finished!"  talk about Revelation 3:11

  The Lord answered so clearly and so powerfully!  

        I woke up, and I wondered why I was sleeping so restlessly!  I looked deep into my heart for what the Lord wanted to say or had said to me before I woke... I began to visualize and hear...."'s's 911!"  The Lord led me to look at the clock and it read 3:11!   I looked away and then glanced back in shock that I was looking at this number!!!   The Lord placed upon my heart,  "I am coming quickly!"  Suddenly, He flooded back into my heart all of what I had asked of Him!  Trust me, I felt overwhelmed by this!  Never in my past have I ever had the Lord flood back onto my heart all the questions that I had asked the night before!!!

   Do you know what Rev. 3:11 says?  Here it is....

  "Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown."

   Keep looking up, for your redemption draweth nigh!  Jesus is coming!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

METEORITE VISION OF 2017 revisited due to fires in Northern CA

     I am located in CA....and one night, I was in my sons room praying as he was drifting off to sleep.  His window that was located behind me was open. 
     Suddenly around 11pm a BRIGHT FLASH OF LIGHT a huge lightning strike.  However, I heard no thunder.   I got up and stared outside waiting for another strike since we had a cloud cover (yet, I was puzzled as the kind of clouds we had should not have emitted lightning) more happened.
      I went to my computer and wrote to my husband what had happened even though he was sound asleep in bed.  I can't even remember one other time I wrote my husband like this, but I did because it was so out of the norm!  About a week or so later, I heard someone say that meteorites could have been the cause of the fires in CA, and then someone else stated the fires started on Oct. 8th, and 9th, so I went to the computer to see when I had emailed my was Oct 8th around 11pm that night!.  Right then, my dream I had had on January 15, 2017 came back to my memory....
  Here is my vision...
    Something out in space caused an explosion of a large asteroid, and it blew apart into many small pieces.  I was given an understanding that they were entering our atmosphere over where I live.   Next thing I know, I am in my kitchen - it's layout, appearance, and spatial direction is exactly like my own kitchen - and I drop to the floor onto my knees curling into a ball formation with my hands around my head.  I hear these meteorites whizzing by me like shrapnel or bullets from the ceiling.  I tilt my head to the left to look and I see a small hole in the floor near me.  The hole has a red glow like an ember around the edges.
   I gain an understanding that I must move to a different spot on the kitchen floor.  I move over to a corner in the kitchen, next to the cabinets where the turn table drawer is - towards the enclosed patio next to the kitchen - and curl once again into a ball on my knees.   I know this is a fearful situation, but it is happening so fast, I have no time to think of much other than that I hope they don't hit me.  At this moment,  I am not sure if the house is still being pelted, but I suddenly hear a large noise as I see the floor break up near my head and an opening appear in the floor between the playroom and where I am located.  Somehow the wall and cabinets seem to be affected, and I know that it had hit dangerously close to my head!   I am aware that this meteorite was large, but I only see light coming through the floor at this time.   Just after this, I must have stood up because I am standing looking around at the holes in the floor.   My husband appears on the scene, and we walk into the enclosed patio to where the large hole is, and I see it very clearly....
    It's a bit sketchy as to what exactly happens next, but while looking at this large hole an understanding comes to me that the Lord protected me.   That the meteorite had avoided me.   I awoke from this vision and I turned to look at the time.  I saw that it was 5:30am...right in the time frame that the Lord usually give me important visions.  An understanding went upon my heart that this was from the Lord, and that I had told Him I would write down whatever He showed me, so I got up and went to the computer.
   As I began to write,  I asked the Lord....why am I not able to see what caused the asteroid in space to explode?   I sought that He might put on my heart what occurred, and I asked that if I had blocked it out due to fear, He might take that screen off my heart and let me see it.  I told Him I would not be afraid!  However, for some reason, He did not put it upon my heart to see what caused it to break into many small pieces....


Tuesday, October 17, 2017



     We are looking for a season! Truly, I agree when others begin to say a specific day, I know then that it's NOT the day He is coming...Jesus said it's going to be a time when we LEAST expect it! Luke 12:40 "You also must be ready all the time, for the Son of Man will come when least expected." That is the verse the Lord gave me back in Dec. 2015...
     BUT, I have noticed that THESE MARKED DAYS HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT in some way. I believe that when we sense that an important day is coming, it's because the LORD IS CALLING US TO FAST AND PRAY for up to 3 days before that day, so HE CAN SPEAK CLEARLY TO US IN SOME WAY (vision/dream/Bible passage, etc) and WE ARE READY TO HEAR!

Sunday, October 8, 2017


Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Here is how God worked with me once again between 5-6am, Dec. 3, 2015....
  God answered my question about what is coming in the days ahead.  As I fasted 3 days (Nov 30-Dec 2, 2015) due to the Lord's prompting, I asked the Lord to show me what was ahead for 2016-2017.  Right at the end of fasting, once again between the hours of 5 and 6am on Dec 3rd, I was given 2 visions with the second being a translation.
  In the first vision, I believe He showed me that many jihadists have infiltrated our Nation under 'disguise.'   The San Bernadino terrorist shooting was a 'mistake' of  passion by the jihadists thus exposing the plans of the terrorists to the public. 
  My second vision (the Lord's translation) gives hint that due to the pride and arrogance of America or the World, we are about to be devastated by these terrorists who have infiltrated our Nation.  It is inevitable.
    My husband got up the morning of Dec. 3rd, and all I remember thinking was that the Holy Spirit had not burdened my heart to read the Bible. Then, I was immediately asleep again...

    The visions were dark in nature.  At the start of both dreams, I was going down a street at a rather fast pace  - my feet were not touching the ground.  Something/someone was carrying me, but I did not detect what or who it was.  I felt as if I was in a third world country.  I perceived the area was located in the middle east - Iran, Iraq.  Rocky, rough walls adorned the buildings to the left of the road (almost like they had been built into a large mountain, and only a waist-high wall to the right of me, no buildings on this side.
     Next thing I knew, I had turned left, and was walking into an ally between buildings or in tunnels, narrow paths with tall rough walls, and no sky above.  It was walking on a dirt path, but I was still moving without effort, just a bit slower.. At first it was the tall walls to each side of me, then it kind of opened up into a room which made me think I had gone into one of the buildings or a cave-like room.  I made a statement out in the open, "Where do I go to donate my blood?"  I pondered at that moment how I was there because of a deal that I had been offered if I gave blood.
    I was told to continue on forward, so I proceeded forward where I came across two very well-built, strong-looking, dark-haired and brown-skinned men who had 'nurse/doctor' garb on.  I was bewildered at how rough and tough these men looked...something didn't seem right.   They led me to the right - further on where the room seemed to become even more cave-like and closed-in where all I could see was the men, and the desk in front of me.  I could not see what was in the darkness to my right.
One of the men went behind the desk, and asked me if I had brought the necessary paperwork.   I realized I hadn't brought anything, so I said, "no."  Then he asked me for my code/number (he did not say password), but I finally came to the conclusion that he wanted my password.  Thus, I said," Oh, you want my password.  It's Let's Give Blood!"    
       As he began to work over the computer, I realized that I had already given blood, and couldn't do it till January.  So, I told him that I had already given blood, and asked if he was seeing this (on the computer).  He said "Yes."  As I proceeded to attempt to leave, he became very urgent about keeping me there, and attempted to assure me I could still give blood.  (dream ended)

Interlude before next dream....
    There was an interlude of some sort where God put on my heart that He was going to give the translation of this dream, then the next dream began...
    It started out exactly the same as the first.  Moving fast-paced once again down the same street, I turned left into a different opening between the buildings, and began walking (gliding) down the dirt path.  However, this path seemed to have turns in it.  I sensed a Presence come up to me....hovering near my left side.  I did not see a person, and during this time, my visual focus was on His presence and the conversation, and not on what was around me.
    I told him that I was going down this path because I had been told that the other way was too long.  I heard the man's voice say to me, "Are you sure this is the shorter way?  It seems longer."
   Right at that moment, the narrow path with rocky walls was gone, and I was in a room looking straight at a woman who was severely injured and bleeding over her whole body and head.  She was sitting down in what may have been a car with the door wide open, but the woman was the focus.   She was leaning towards me - complaining to me about her predicament.   I was not aware of anyone with me at this moment.  My focus was fully on the woman. 
   She was complaining about why she was in the condition she was, and was talking about something she had done prior to finding herself in this condition.  She seemed confused as to why she was in this condition.
    At this point, that Presence came again, and the voice I had heard earlier began to give me insight.   He gave me understanding that pride and lack of repentance for what she had done had ultimately caused her demise.  If she had dealt with her pride earlier, God would not have had to go to this extreme with her.


     Devastation is coming, but God cares for His own.   The Shepherd will protect his sheep!  You need not fear...

Saturday, October 7, 2017


Oct. 7, 2017

   My dreams over the last week have been very unusual!  I have never dreamed of snake-like eels that want to bite me, or of giants coming after me, and I have to hide!

    I am in a plane.  My husband asks me if I wanted to use a mask...I say, 'No.'  Suddenly, the plane lurches downward, and I see a body of water about 8 feet below us.  The plane is going down into the water.
    Once it hits, I fear that it will sink, but it stays afloat.  I begin to follow a guided path, kind of like what the 'Rapids' ride is like at Sea World.  It is being guided beautifully by the pilot.  However, suddenly, it is going too fast towards a dead end, and it is going to hit.
   Some how I get in front, and keep it from hitting glides up on a smooth surface, and then back because I somehow push it back.  We are docked.  As we are getting out, we are sitting on the plane, and our legs are dangling in the water.  Eels to the left of me come up towards me with heads out of the water.  They have sharp teeth and appear like they are going to bite me.
   I happen to grab their heads from the top, and I squeeze them with my fingers pushing the sides in so they can't bite me.  It seems to work.  Somehow, I end up on land.  But once on land, these creatures are all around in the tall weeds, and they have legs even though they slither like snakes and float too...
    The reason I know they float is because a man that looks like Jesus (the Romanian girl's painting) catches two of them that are coming after me, and He holds their tails with one hand and tosses them away!  After doing this for me, He hands me a docile, short, stubby eel, the size of my hands, and let me know I can train/subdue them.  This thing looks like a fat toad with an eel tail, and a gecko head.  I was mesmerized at how docile it was!  THE END!

    The next night, I had a vision that included me facing clones of my mother-in-law...two of them!  They had bad intentions towards me.  I had to talk carefully, and not say anything that would cause them to do evil towards me.  I also was chased by a giant!  I ran into a house along with others.  We went way in the back, but this giant was able to crash through the front wall with ease.  A child in that area screamed and cried, and made the giant come towards our hiding place.  I tried to tell the little girl to be quiet, but it didn't help.  We were about to be exposed, and the scene changed. I was able to come out of hiding, and I was looking for my husband.   We had gotten separated.   I turn a corner, and just at the same time I see him come into view holding a handful of food!  He had gotten food for me.... then it was over...strange!