Friday, March 24, 2017


Vivid dream...

   Got up in the morning, and found myself in a retreat-style camping arrangement.   I put off getting into the shower as I saw a woman moving in the direction of the shower.   I proceeded to go to my suitcase.  
I knew I was suppose to wear green as my team's color was green, but my green shirt had spots on it, so I chose not to wear it.   I then began to look for pants that would fit me, but they were huge other than the waist...the waist was too tiny...28 inch, but I knew the rest would fit me.  I finally found pink shorts that had bling on them...really pretty!  Because they were pretty, I decided to wear them. 
   By that time, I wanted to go take a shower, but the shower was packed with was full!   I decided I didn't need a shower, so I began to fill up my suitcase to get it ready to go because I had the understanding I needed to do this.
   Next thing I know, I am coming from a different direction outside my cabin.  I can't remember where I went that got me there, but as I passed through the crowds of people, I motioned to my oldest daughter who was with me to go sit down and wait along with the people in pink who were up ahead sitting and standing waiting to be taken.  They all had their suitcases with them, and appeared ready to go!
    As I passed this pink dressed crowd, I felt shook up that I was not in green to support my team, but I was wearing another teams color!  But I was more upset and nervous that I did not have my suitcase with me.  I was not ready!
I went past all the cabins, and under a large truck rig, but I could not find my cabin to get my suitcase!  I then started to move back to where I came hoping to find my cabin along the way, but the dream ended before I could find it and get my suitcase and get back to those waiting.

The next morning, I had another vivid dream....

I, along with a male friend, were invited to go on a ride.  We walked into the area of where the ride was, and turned towards one of the seated compartments.  I noticed it was seated like a car...two seats side-by-side... not like what I had expected to see.   It was not 'gutted,'  but had all the functions of a car that we could drive!
The guy I was with turned the key in the ignition.  He began to try to drive it around, but there were other empty cars in the way...not moving at all.  We could not get anywhere.  Suddenly, from behind, a woman calls out to me, and offers for me to quickly get on the ride. I looked over and see a beautiful streak of light of rainbow colors moving past me, and I realize it's the actual ride, and we are not on the ride at all!  Somehow, we got off coarse away from the true ride.  The ride was moving so fast that I couldn't even see details of anything.  I wondered...can I get on it now while it's already moving?


This could be the distracted Bride with empty vessels or vessels they think they need to fill.  SO they end up off track of where they need to be.... run around trying to fill it, instead of just waiting and preparing their hearts for His return.

Jeremiah 7?

Monday, March 13, 2017


Isaiah 24: 18-22 "Whoever flees at the sound of terror will fall into a pit; whoever climbs out of the pit will be caught in a snare. The floodgates of the heavens are opened, the foundations of the earth shake. The earth is broken up, the earth is split asunder, the earth is violently shaken. The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that it falls--never to rise again. In that day the LORD will punish the powers in the heavens above and the kings on the earth below. They will be herded together like prisoners bound in a dungeon; they will be shut up in prison and be punished after many days."

   I had a vision of a square pit that could probably fit 12 people in it, and it's depth was just above the average height of a person...6'.  Initially, I was looking into the pit, and the person who was in it attempted to cover themselves with a grass-like floor covering.  They asked me if I could see them.   The understanding came to me that I could not see them, but I could see the bulge where they were at...
   Next thing I knew I was in this pit, and there was two water faucet switches just outside the pit at the top and we could reach them.  One didn't seem to be working, and someone was upset because it was the hot water.  We could not get hot water!  They jumped out of the pit and ran to go 'fix' the problem, but after they did, the faucet began to work and provide hot water to those who stayed in the pit.   I tried to look for the person who left and call out to them that it was working, but they were nowhere to be found.
   Another vision was of a bed you'd find in a prison and next to the wall.  I went to lay next to one of my daughters, and proceeded to cover us with a large blanket so as to hide us.  My desire was to protect her.  The blanket was suddenly whisked away off of us, and there was a man looking at us.  We had been found out.  He went into a rage, but went after everything around us, yet did not or could not touch us.  Almost like he did not see us!
     I was given an understanding that God's hand would not allow anything to happen to us unless He ALLOWED IT.  He would hide us, and all that is in the future regarding persecution, we have no need to fear!    It is already set for us what will take place, and His hand of protection is planned to be there for us!
     Another scene played out during this last vision of being captive in a prison.  It was of some women in a room...actually 4 women that I was observing.   They were in a prison cell, and eating mush for their meal.  That is all I can remember of that one scene...


   From what I know, many who love the Lord are being given understanding of persecution coming.   Be ready and stand strong  knowing that the Lord warned us FIRST that He is coming soon!   What a loving Father!