Hey! Once again, sadly, Youtube is dumping my post!
Hope this blesses all who read it! And to the one who needs my response, @aspenenglish4976 , I pray this encourages you!
Have you heard others mention that when the atomic button is pushed, the Salt of the Earth gets changed in the twinkling of an eye? Oh yeah we do~!
Then .... the actual Rapture (caught up) happens! Yet, as we wait for those dead in Christ to rise first, we will not be harmed. No matter the destruction around you ...just like those 3 young men in the Bible (Shad, Mesh and Abed) who are thrown into the fire without harm, you will be unaffected by the fire surrounding you!!!!
I was given a midnight revelation in 2015 of how it will all happen right where I live ... not too far from the ocean, nor from the Mexican border. Check out the 2015 visions and revelations given to me by the Lord ....