Thursday, October 17, 2024


 Listen to 10 15 2024 Beginnings Of WWIII - Daniel Chapter 7 by council1arch on #SoundCloud

Start at 1:08:00. Will blow your mind!  One more reason why Jesus MUST come this Feast of Tabernacles!!!!



        I never posted this vision and word given by God Almighty on Youtube or my Blog, so I will now to give even MORE confirmation Jesus could very well come this month.  This occurred at the end of August or beginning of Sept, so I was able to tell my husband to use the 10K he had just obtained to live off of and pay off bills.   He is now nervous, and attempting to move with a loan, but I am continuing to trust the Lord!

         The Lord was being very direct!  He even repeated the vision and word exactly the same which means IMMINENT!

      I was led to ponder my Citibank Credit Card with up to 20K on it that was due to be paid off by November of this Year.   Suddenly, the Lord God surrounded me with His Presence, and confirmed to me it would be covered.  "Do not worry."  The Presence and gory that surrounded me seemed different.  It seemed as if I was surrounded head to toe, in His hands.  So however, this credit card gets paid off, it is sure to be His hand that plays the cards!  lol

     Like I said, this repeated EXACTLY the same right away ... so it is imminent!

  I have only been given repeat visions 3 times with translations and one of these includes this one.

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Salvation vs Rapture

 Salvation is promised.  The Rapture is NOT promised.

Research Kingdom of God (salvation issue) vs Kingdom of Heaven ( refined and ready to be taken out; Rapture issue)
Please don't argue with me.  It is obvious they are all 10 Brides, it is obvious that the man at the Feast of the Lamb can enter Heaven, and is at the feast, so he is a Believer and can be in Heaven, but he is just not ready.
The one standing before the Lord who is telling Him that they did many things in His Name, proof they are a believer, BUT ....
It says they cannot enter the Kingdom of HEAVEN.
  IF you are not Born Again you cannot enter what????  the Kingdom of GOD
  The Word speaks more ot being ready before the catching away than even salvation.  Salvation is so cut and dry!  You accept Jesus?  You will die and go to be with God.  Period.
Rapture?  Are you refined as Salt, so you don't need to be trampled?  Are you not being the Laodicean church member where God is spewing you out of His mouth?
And so much more!
Ask the Holy Spirit to give you discernment as you search the Word of God!

@waitingfortheLordJesus A response for you! How I know We are LIKELY Entering the Ending the Final Season of the Return of Christ for His ready Bride! US is even saying war in 20 days.. YOU MEAN LESS THAN 10!

 @WaitingfortheLordJesus  When some believers buy something, they let the Lord lead and open their eyes to almost exactly what they are looking for before they go out and look.  Right?  Like a car ... the color, the Make, the Model, and even the exact price!  I have had that happen to where I found the car, and the price was at the exact cost, but when you go to the dmv, you tack on more costs.  My dad was telling me not to buy it, and suddenly, the older man observing his son try to make big bucks blurted out a price at least $600 less.  The son was upset, but when all costs were paid, the price was exactly what the Lord and I had agreed on!

  So here goes!  I have a 1997 Expedition with over 300,000 miles on it. Back around 2016 or 2018, the car began to choke.  It finally came to a moment where it would not turn over and start no matter how hard I tried, so I said very firmly and loud to the car, "In Jesus' Name WORK!"  It turned over and has never had the problem ever again, and let's just say it has passed smog twice since then when mechanics said, "No way!"  I had made a deal with the Lord he keep the car running for me till He returned.  So every time someone wanted to throw in the towel or say, "How is this car still running?" I would say, "I have a deal with the Lord!  This car will keep running till Jesus comes back!"
  Well, 2019 came, and early that Summer, I got up one morning and looked at the digital clock in my bedroom.  It said, 7:17am.  The Lord caught my attention and was very direct that I pay attention to that number.  I kind of chuckled inside as I agreed to do that for Him.  He has never used a number in my life other than 11:11 Hebrew means GOD.  I always think He is pleased with what I am doing the moment I see 1111 ...
Well, on with 717.  Within days to a couple weeks all the Believers online were being given 717 and arguing over the meaning.  I sensed a burden in my heart and realized I was sensing the Lord burdened. So, as God knows what I do in situations like this, I began asking every day, "Lord, what about 717?"  This went on for at least 7 days before He answered.  I was sweeping in the garage alone, and He led me to ask the question.  Suddenly, it was as if the Lord God Almighty came in the room and hovered to my left side, but yet sort of surrounded me. I believe it was God speaking because He was making statements with little to no back and forth conversation like Jesus does. 
   He said, "The Betrothal.  The Jewish Wedding.  Do you know what happens during this time?"  The fear of God took me over and in a contrite spirit, I said, "No, I don't know."   He then said, "Gift."
   It was over.  He was gone and I began sweeping again, pondering it all.  The Holy Spirit within began urging me to go find an article comparing the Lord Jesus' coming with the Jewish Wedding. 
  I couldn't find anything till I put in the word 'gift.'  As I read the article, I realized the Groom sends gifts to remind her of His coming, but what stood out the most was the very end.  
   The Father goes to the Son/Groom and says, "It's time."  The Son/Groom goes to His Servants, the prophets/Groomsmen and tell then to go ahead of Him and announce His coming.   The Bridal party knows to begin getting everything set up and ready for His arrival.  Knowing it is just days away!
  Well, let's just say, I put all this behind me.  Forgot about it.  The Ford Expedition had minor $100 fix it or two, and the car has run as good as all our other newer cars! UNTIL ...7-17-24!  As this day neared, the Lord reminded me of 717.  I then realized 7-17-24 was just days away!  I had plans that required me not to drive the Expedition.  That day, all of a sudden, my daughter had to get somewhere, and I was forced to drive the Expedition.  As we were heading back home, the car began acting weird.  A growl.  My daughter looked over at the gages and said, "Mom, the car is getting hot!"  We were so close to home, so I tried to keep going, but I didn't want to burn up the engine.  I stopped the car, let it cool a bit and went on till I knew I better not chance it.  We walked the rest of the way home to wait for Dad to get home and go check it out.
   When my husband looked to see if any water was in the radiator, he said in shock, "There is no water in it!"
  Let's just say since 7-17-24, this car has been acting like it could up and stop working any day!  It is sicker than ever!  Also, when I got up on 7-18-24, the first time I looked at the clock, it was 7-17-24.
   When the days rolled on from 7-17-24, I watched how many believers began to say how close Christ's return was ... many were beginning to see the signs more clearly as we proceeded thru the last 3 months!  So many are announcing His IMMINENT RETURN!
Also, I have always felt the Lord impress on me that the Season of His return would be 3 months.  Ironically, 10-17-24 is exactly 3 months form 7-17-24 and the Full moon that peaks on 7:26am (harpatzo meaning) falls on Oct 17th to begin the Feast of Tabernacles.
I hope you hear my 'new est' 'v id eo' as to why this feast us so important to the church!

Thursday, September 26, 2024

Raptured or Left Behind? My Husband's Dream and My Dream

      When my husband woke this morning, he said he remembered a dream. This man never dreams, so out of curiosity, I said, "Tell me about it." 

      He said in his dream, he became aware of thousands of illegal aliens all around our city in tents. He was almost afraid to say that he saw them in our home, but it stumbled out of his mouth.  FYI, any threatening conversation scares him. Then he said he had to go to the bathroom bad, but the toilet was disgusting and full of poop. He then found himself up in the mountains in his dad's cabin trying to find toilet paper, but he couldn't find any. END of Dream ...

    After he was done sharing his dream, he went to go spend his hour on the toilet as usual, and so I went back to sleep.  About an hour later, he came out of the bathroom, and I woke and immediately, I remembered my dream that I went through my kitchen and it was beautiful! A makeover with new white tile, spacious counter top with gorgeous Christmas displays all around, so perfectly arranged!  As I spanned through the kitchen to the beautifully decorated bar, my next step was into the computer room next to the kitchen and my husband was standing there in his grungy clothing.   He didn't match the beauty.   All I could figure was that he did the change, so I said, "I see you cleaned up. Where are all my things?"  I pondered that he must have done the work, and then it was brought to my memory that we were like a month out from Halloween, so why the Christmas decorations now, so I said, "Christmas decor already, and we haven't even had Halloween yet?"

       I know some of the Bride are left behind, and some taken. Some are not refined yet, so they get a second chance during the Tribulation to be refined.  Some can enter the Supper, but they are not yet clothed right for it, so they must stay on earth separated from Him.   Some are not restraining evil as the Salt of the Earth, but are only WORTY to be trampled, so they cannot go.  Some are enjoying the good life as a Laodicean Christian, and yet they have not let Jesus in to make them refined, oiled and powerful soldiers for Him!  So, they cannot go! They are only worthy to be spewed out of God's mouth.

     God knows the path for each of us, and whether we as Believer's are Raptured or left behind, we will at some point know His love, mercy, grace and faithfulness before our lives are finished here on earth! I believe the new makeover of my kitchen represents the celebration for Jesus and is hinting to the Bride who will be Raptured before Halloween!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Angels and Dinosaur Creatures. What does this hold for our future as Believers?


     This dream included a quiet, gentle, caring, tall guy.   He had dinosaurs.   It was ethereal-like in nature of all that transpired, but it was down on my property where I keep my front yard tortoise.  My garden area.

     I was with my tortoise.  I then noticed there were at least 3 or 4 of them.  At that moment, one of them got excited and began running around the raised garden beds, and then back to me.   I noticed his enormous size, and was shocked how big it was.  More of them got excited, and began running and prancing around.  They were quite fast.  Faster than a normal tortoise.

    I began wondering where my tortoises were, as I actually have two.  One in the backyard too.  I went over to a talk, thin young guy, and asked him where my tortoises were.   He then proceeded to call forth a couple even bigger creatures.  They looked like the dinosaurs that are low to the ground, rounded bodies, and a tail with spikes on the end.   They responded well to the guy, so when one came up to me, I put out my hand.  It sniffed my hand.

    Suddenly, I saw the guy coming with bags of fruit,veggies and flowers.  These bags were as big or even bigger than the dinos.  I don't know how the guy carried them.  He had supernatural ability.  

     The dinos ate up the food.  I felt protected.   I went over to the tall thin guy and with my arm lifted up, I was able to wrap my arm around his waist.  It was a hug of sorts.  Just being near him felt peaceful and joyful.  He didn't mind my closeness.  He kept doing his work.  Tools of some sort.  There was a pureness about our relationship.

     Was he an angel?   Was he called to be with me to protect me?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gathering at Jarrett's Place

 I went to a gathering hosted by Jarrett of Supernatural By Design.  At his home, I met Melissa of Midnight Hour Oil, John of Watchman for that Great Day, and then I asked, "Where is Jarrett?"  He came up to me and acted surprised as he saw me differently than what he had thought I would look like.    He said a humorous statement about me, but I can remember it exactly.   It had to do with me looking like a mom, but with a funny twist that hinted I was younger than he thought.  I remember responding, "It's Lori of The Watchman's Midnight Hour."  I don't know how that fit in, but I didn't get a response from the person.

Why such a dream?