Thursday, September 26, 2024

Raptured or Left Behind? My Husband's Dream and My Dream

      When my husband woke this morning, he said he remembered a dream. This man never dreams, so out of curiosity, I said, "Tell me about it." 

      He said in his dream, he became aware of thousands of illegal aliens all around our city in tents. He was almost afraid to say that he saw them in our home, but it stumbled out of his mouth.  FYI, any threatening conversation scares him. Then he said he had to go to the bathroom bad, but the toilet was disgusting and full of poop. He then found himself up in the mountains in his dad's cabin trying to find toilet paper, but he couldn't find any. END of Dream ...

    After he was done sharing his dream, he went to go spend his hour on the toilet as usual, and so I went back to sleep.  About an hour later, he came out of the bathroom, and I woke and immediately, I remembered my dream that I went through my kitchen and it was beautiful! A makeover with new white tile, spacious counter top with gorgeous Christmas displays all around, so perfectly arranged!  As I spanned through the kitchen to the beautifully decorated bar, my next step was into the computer room next to the kitchen and my husband was standing there in his grungy clothing.   He didn't match the beauty.   All I could figure was that he did the change, so I said, "I see you cleaned up. Where are all my things?"  I pondered that he must have done the work, and then it was brought to my memory that we were like a month out from Halloween, so why the Christmas decorations now, so I said, "Christmas decor already, and we haven't even had Halloween yet?"

       I know some of the Bride are left behind, and some taken. Some are not refined yet, so they get a second chance during the Tribulation to be refined.  Some can enter the Supper, but they are not yet clothed right for it, so they must stay on earth separated from Him.   Some are not restraining evil as the Salt of the Earth, but are only WORTY to be trampled, so they cannot go.  Some are enjoying the good life as a Laodicean Christian, and yet they have not let Jesus in to make them refined, oiled and powerful soldiers for Him!  So, they cannot go! They are only worthy to be spewed out of God's mouth.

     God knows the path for each of us, and whether we as Believer's are Raptured or left behind, we will at some point know His love, mercy, grace and faithfulness before our lives are finished here on earth! I believe the new makeover of my kitchen represents the celebration for Jesus and is hinting to the Bride who will be Raptured before Halloween!

Friday, September 20, 2024

Angels and Dinosaur Creatures. What does this hold for our future as Believers?


     This dream included a quiet, gentle, caring, tall guy.   He had dinosaurs.   It was ethereal-like in nature of all that transpired, but it was down on my property where I keep my front yard tortoise.  My garden area.

     I was with my tortoise.  I then noticed there were at least 3 or 4 of them.  At that moment, one of them got excited and began running around the raised garden beds, and then back to me.   I noticed his enormous size, and was shocked how big it was.  More of them got excited, and began running and prancing around.  They were quite fast.  Faster than a normal tortoise.

    I began wondering where my tortoises were, as I actually have two.  One in the backyard too.  I went over to a talk, thin young guy, and asked him where my tortoises were.   He then proceeded to call forth a couple even bigger creatures.  They looked like the dinosaurs that are low to the ground, rounded bodies, and a tail with spikes on the end.   They responded well to the guy, so when one came up to me, I put out my hand.  It sniffed my hand.

    Suddenly, I saw the guy coming with bags of fruit,veggies and flowers.  These bags were as big or even bigger than the dinos.  I don't know how the guy carried them.  He had supernatural ability.  

     The dinos ate up the food.  I felt protected.   I went over to the tall thin guy and with my arm lifted up, I was able to wrap my arm around his waist.  It was a hug of sorts.  Just being near him felt peaceful and joyful.  He didn't mind my closeness.  He kept doing his work.  Tools of some sort.  There was a pureness about our relationship.

     Was he an angel?   Was he called to be with me to protect me?

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Gathering at Jarrett's Place

 I went to a gathering hosted by Jarrett of Supernatural By Design.  At his home, I met Melissa of Midnight Hour Oil, John of Watchman for that Great Day, and then I asked, "Where is Jarrett?"  He came up to me and acted surprised as he saw me differently than what he had thought I would look like.    He said a humorous statement about me, but I can remember it exactly.   It had to do with me looking like a mom, but with a funny twist that hinted I was younger than he thought.  I remember responding, "It's Lori of The Watchman's Midnight Hour."  I don't know how that fit in, but I didn't get a response from the person.

Why such a dream?

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Chaos In The Blood Bank. Is America About to be Bloodied? The place of safety? God's Arms of Protection found in Jesus?


   I am at a medical place to give blood.  Chaos is ensuing in there.  Tubes everywhere.   Very few techs on hand to put in needles.  My dad is worked on, and donates.   He leaves before me.  

   I finally begin to mention how I had an appointment.  It was almost an hour late!   Finally a young woman walks up to me.  I see the set up for dialysis, not what they do in blood banks. I offer my right arm and she puts in two needs.   They are not put in securely.  I mention it, and as I do, one needle pops out.  I see the blood filled plastic tubing, and I know I will lose a lot of blood if they don't get it going again, so, I offer my left arm.

  Oddly, blood isn't spewing out of my right arm like I would have thought.  I begin to reach over to plug it, but I realize they are trying to put in another needle into my left arm!  So I try to get my husband to put his finger there.  He can't figure where to put his finger.  I remember feeling some frustration that he can't.

  I am now with both arms held out ...a needle in each arm.   The end.

  Same morning, I have a vision of something dark trying to get us.  We all ran into the place of safety, but Scarlet had not done so.  I saw her as a little girl.  Playfully, ignorant of the danger.  I am telling her to hurry to the place of safety.  She laughingly moves towards the darkness.  Right before I woke, she turned and began hurrying to that place of safety.  I am not sure if she made it or not before I woke up.

Monday, December 11, 2023

Wolves (Evil Men) Coming Against His Children? Road Disturbances To Abduct His Children? BEWARE!


      At 1am this morning, Dec. 11th, I had to be awakened by my husband.   I was having a nightmare, and crying out for help in my sleep!

     I was in a dark place with a house behind me.  I saw no lights in the windows.  The house was dark.   I had a gun.   I heard howling, and then I saw a wolf coming towards me, then another and another!   I could not aim the gun and shoot.  

     I was stepping back towards the door of the house.  I knew I couldn't fight a pack of wolves.  I began crying out for help because I could not get to the house in time.  At that moment, a male lion came up between me and the wolves.   My perception at this moment was wolves and a lion were coming against me, but when I think about it, the lion was not aiming at me.

     I think if my husband had not heard my vocal cries and woke me up, I might have seen the lion protect me!   Was the lion,  The Lion of Judah?   The Lord Jesus coming to protect me?  I am sure He heard my cries too!

    8am,  Dec 11th, I had another powerful, scary dream!  

    I was driving down my normal driveway.  I got to the bottom of it, and noticed a car angled sideways, blocking the way.   Their trunk opened up and stuff fell out.   A car behind me came up very eager to get by, so I felt led to get out and help the car in front of me put their stuff back in.  The third car finally squeezed through and went on their way.

    Next thing I know is I am being kidnapped!  Not sure exactly how, but they took me to a house literally next to my home.  I saw my husband out, and I tried to scream to him to help me before they shoved me into the car, but he didn't hear.   The crazy thing is I was being held right near my own home, and no one knew where to look for me!  Honestly, I don't remember how it ended, but I do believe I got away somehow. 


    Translation?   I do believe we need to pray for protection for people, esp. His children, when they find themselves in these situations.   

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

"Who Will Join Me and Ready Themselves For August?"


   I haven't had a moving dream in awhile!  I can still visualize it, so I it was pretty powerful!  I totally knew when I woke it was from the Lord.

  A Man was standing up on an elevated stage in the middle of a huge crowd, and I mean HUGE!  As far as my eye could see... unending people!  This Man was playing a beautiful guitar ...looked like an electric one, but the sound was soothing, and not rasty in nature.

  He called out, "Who will join Me, and ready themselves for August?"  That month AUGUST stood out to me, because we had just entered this month.  I recognized this fact during this dream.

   A couple of men came forward and played a tune on the guitar without taking it from this Man.  I knew they were complying to this Man's request.

   I just stood and watched. 

   Then the dream ended.

   What do you all think this means?  Is Jesus calling us all to ready ourselves to follow Him and fulfill the final move of God?  Is the worst coming along with a revival?   Is Jesus calling all the workers into the Harvest?  I believe so!

Saturday, April 29, 2023

"All We Can Do Now Is Wait For The Nukes!"

      I had either a dream or a flash vision after waking.   I was seeing military and politician men sitting around apparently giving up and depressed.   One of them said to me, "All we can do now is wait for the nukes."

      I was going to each of them with a matching color coded was the kind of pin you find on a grenade.  I was pulling them off and putting a matching color one to whatever color of grenade they were holding.  I wasn't paying too much attention to what these pins were on....I just assumed it was their water bottle ...till now.